「 mix & match: kim saehyun 」

USERNAME. thief-
CHARACTER NAME. Kim Saehyun (김현)
— n/a.
— Sae: For a name in Korean, Sae means 'bird' and Saehyun's chirpiness has often been described to resemble that of a bird's. Those close to her call her this.
BIRTHDATE. 26 June 1999
BIRTHPLACE. Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN. Seoul, South Korea
— Korean - Native.
TALENT TWIN. Apink's Namjoo
stop saying that i fell from heaven.
GALLERY. klunk!
HEIGHT. 169cm 
WEIGHT. 55kg
APPEARANCE. Saehyun can be spotted with a constant smile on her face. She's a bright girl and her features don't betray her. They've got 'radiant' written all over them. She has an open and trusting look in her eyes, which is probably why people always tend to know her secrets before she does. With two deep dimples in either sides of her cheeks, she's got a really cute and contagious grin that can get you smiling from ear-to-ear too.
deep in my heart, a naughty wind blows.
        (  +  )  chirpy, obedient, loyal, friendly
        (  ー  )  talkative, gullible, ignorant, disorganised
> chirpy; cheerful and lively <
i've been told that i'm like a vitamin. sure, i have my tiresome moments, but i'm usually the most energetic one so you can always rely on me to raise your spirits and give you energy. "
Saehyun is most definitely chirpy. In fact, that is her defining trait. She's a chirpy little bird and loves to just squawk endlessly. She's a bubbly person who loves to have company surrounding her at every waking moment of the day. She's not exactly one to like being left alone, seeing as she needs to give people a bit of her energy or else it'll just keep building up and make her hyperactive for a long time. With an optomistic mind, she isn't one to have pessimistic thoughts and she'll always try to keep the good side of things around longer than needs be. Saehyun is a happy and smiley person who is more than often in a good mood. She's quite simply chirpy.
> obedient; complying or willing to comply with an order or request; submissive to another's authority <
" yes, m'am. anything else? you need that done? sure. i don't mind. i'll do it all very willingly. you want my help? sure, i'll help! just tell me what you'd like to be done and i'll be a genie, granting your wishes. "
Though she can't exactly help it all that much, being obedient is in Saehyun's nature. She'll do anything willingly and even when she's tired, she'll do what you'd like her to do. She has a great sense of authority. Oh wait, let me clarify. She's not the authorative one, but she does indeed know when somebody has a leader-like feel and knows when she needs to be submissive and do as they see fit. She has a great sense of authority, in the way that she can tell when somebody would like something done and do so quickly. Saehyun is the type who'll just go along with what somebody says very easily.
> loyal; giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution <
" well, i don't know what you guys are doing, but i know that she strongly believed that we'd follow her, that we'd be right behind her, that we'd stick up for her. so, i don't care what you guys wanna do, but i'm going to do exactly what she put her faith in. "
Saehyun is categorised as showing great commitment to whoever she pledges her heart to. She's a determined girl and she lets people know it when her inner fiestiness comes out and she blows everyone away with her unconditional loyalty. Not a moment will go by when Saehyun will constantly show that she's there for you and always will be, no matter what wrong you did. She's got a brave heart and, despite having her own definite dreams that she yearns to fulfil, she'll put her friendships or relationships with others above it no matter what and will always let you go ahead of her in whatever the situation is.
> friendly; kind and pleasant <
" that person looks like they want someone to talk to... should i go and talk to them? i'll be right back. don't give me that condescending look. fineee. you know me too well. i'll try to be back in ten minutes. emphasis on tryyyy. "
It's honestly easy to lose Saehyun in a crowd since she'll just stop halfway to talk to some random person. What ever happened to that saying 'don't talk to strangers', you know what I mean? She does not have any clue as to what that actually hints towards. Or maybe she does, but simply chooses to ignore it in favour of her friendliness. That being said, it's also because of her tendency to just stop and talk to someone for hours on end, that she quite quickly gets lost in a sea of unfamiliar faces and completely loses her compass bearings as quick as the burning sun dries up a little wet patch in the ground.
> talkative; fond of or given to talking <
" oh, did i ever tell you about the time that i went on my brother's skateboard and nearly broke my skull? it was quite funny, actually. so what happened was, he gave me his board and i just hopped on and it slipped under me so i just went flying. "
As described by dictionary.com, being talkative is a neutral or mildly unfavorable word applied to a person who is inclined to talk a great deal, sometimes without significance. In Saehyun's case, lets go with the mildly unfavorable side. Sure, Saehyun's a friendly soul who'll talk to anybody at all, but once she does talk, she won't stop. The thing with this girl, is that she also tends to exaggerate her little conversations, too, so you'd be thinking at times 'did that really happen?'. And you may be about to put your own point or opinion forward, but a quick glance from Saehyun can easily tell you that she isn't quite finished talking yet. 
> gullible; easily persuaded to believe something; credulous <
" oh... is that so? so korea wasn't actually divided into north korea and south korea, but it's the teachers that have been teaching me wrong? well, why wasn't she ever fired, then? and how come i got the answers to those questions correct on the test? "
She's quite a naive girl who believes anything anyone tells her instantly. The non-stop flow of curious questions soon follows, of course, but you need to understand the fact that she'll believe absolutely anything. She's too gullible, is what I'm saying, and no one likes someone who causes you to facepalm every time they just agree to you without fail, am I right? Sometimes a mere challenge would be nice. A challenge in which you want her to take her time in agreeing, but nope. Saehyun will just agree. It also goes without saying that you want to strangle yourself when you try to teach Saehyun that she needs to learn how to tell when sombody's lying.
> ignorant; lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated <
" huh? wait a minute. explain again, please? so which country is the sydney harbour bridge in? unnie told me it was paris, but a different unnie told me it was japan. "
Yes, being ignorant can have two different meanings. One; rude, or two, as used in this case, simply stupid. In a sense, with this trait, Saehyun could be described as the female version of Winner's Jinwoo. It's fun to play around with her ignorance, but there are times when you wish she simply grew up and was finally able to tell right from left. Ladies love to pride themselves on their intelligence and beauty, do they not? Well, Saehyun's got the beauty, but she would definitely love to be a smartie if given the chance. Yes, she did indeed get a good education, but she definitely envies the brains that other people got in full throttle.
disorganised; not properly planned and controlled <
what are you talking about? i'm neat and tidy. oh... that sock? that's meant to go there? w-what do you mean 'where's the other one'? mis-matching socks are in fashion right now since this show is called mix and match. yes, that book is meant to be there. "
Saehyun's not one to plan things through. Or rather, she's too lazy to keep her belongings and whatnot under control. Instead, she prefers to live freely and, as she explains it, throw things here and there to gather random inspiration for drawing and other visual arts. And, just to tell you, she's the world's worst drawer. Possibly even worse than Kriscasso. It's pretty much just her own little coverup for her messy room and all that. For the sole reason that she lives quite messily, people prefer not to room with Saehyun. She'll get her stuff mixed up with yours and you'll be left wondering what happened to those pretty blue socks you so dearly love. 
— Birds
— Potatoes
— The colour orange
— Sauce
— Koalas
— Chicken
— Pizza
— Mushrooms
— Onions
— Vegetables
— Monkeys
— Spicy food
— Chilli
— Sugar
— Playing guitar
— Composing
— Running
— Reading
— Hiccuping when she's nervous
— Puffing out her cheeks when she's distressed
— Poking the spots where her dimples are
— Scrunching up her nose when she really dislikes something
— Not accomplishing her dreams
— Insects
— Arachnids
— Freefalling from high above the ground.
— She honestly cannot handle anything spicier than a little seasoning in noodles
— Her instrument is the guitar
— Left handed. Even her guitar is left-handed, though she can also play right-handed a bit
— Saehyun's bloodtype is B+
— She is quite literally addicted to candy
— Loves accoustic guitar
— Drawing is the thing that she's absolutely crap at
— She's good at composing and writing songs
— Saehyun is considered the 'kawaii' one of the group
— She's not exactly one to raise her voice

Father : Kim Seokbin : 49 : Chef : Creative, high-spirited : Alive
Mother : Lee Seungyoo : 48 : Chef : Relaxed, compassionate : Alive
Brother : Kim Hyukmin : 17 : Passionate, stubborn : Alive
Best friend : Lee Soohyun : 15 : Member of Akmu + Hi Suhyun : Joyful, fun-loving : Alive
Best friend : Kang Eunmi : 15 : Trainee : Diva-like, sassy : Alive                     < OC >
Best Friend : Jo Hanae : 15 : Trainee : Affectionate, flirty : Alive                     < OC >
i want to act like a fox.
TRAINING. your character's trainee life. include how long she's been a trainee for and anything else that's relevant.
i'm the only fool that gets butterflies.


PERSONALITY. Sweet, naive, innocent, gullible, obedient, trusting, trustworthy
i'm not an angel anymore.


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