My story FTFT sorta happened in real life

Last night my best friend from college, who is also taking up medicine in another school, messaged me saying that she was having troubles with her boyfriend. They've been together for a year and a half I think. Now my bestfriend and I are in our first year in med school, and her boyfriend is still in college, crawling to graduate. 


They started fighting 2 months after we started med school. Her boyfriend kept on bugging her to be with him but she can't 'cause she needs to study. Seriously, med school eats a big chunk of your time to the point that sometimes you won't even have time to feed yourself and bathe. He has been complaining that she's too busy to be with him anymore and when she does have the free time, she'd rather spent it with her medschool friends than him. She tried adjusting despite the fact that she's so tired with school and all; before it came to a point that she felt so constricted, like she was on a leash. So she decided to give her boyfriend a piece of her mind and they took some time off, or what we call as 'cool off' in our culture.


2 days after she sees a comment on her bf's instagram from another girl, and she says "Honey, call me again." And of course as a person who is in a committted relationship, who wouldn't get paranoid?! So she messaged her bf asking who she was, and he said that it was only a close friend from highschool. She asks why didn't he tell her about that higschool friend, and he goes like, "What do you mean? Why does it bother you? She normally calls me that way." So my friend goes, "Why didn't you tell me?" 


Then here it goes... Her bf replies, "Well you never paid attention to me anyway. You never gave time for me."


And I got so pissed... Because from what I remember, during college he was with her for loike 24/7 because he kept demanding her time. She gives it to him despite wanting to spend more time with us because we were about to graduate... He was like glue stucked to her so I got really mad when he said that she didn't make time for her. And the reason why she hasn't been giving him time is because she needs to study. She wants to become a doctor and save lives for pete's sake!! What he said was such a low blow. =___=


And so now my friend is considering breaking up with him... I think she should do it. There are still a lot more factors and problems that they've been encountering and what I shared is just one of them... Gosh, their relationship is so unhealthy.


Somewhat I find the situation funny... Because taking up medicine is actually being in a commited relationship. Seniors have been warning us before we even had our first day that if we are in a commited relationship with someone during our college days, it's best for us to break up with them, 'cause things will get worse... And it's true... A lot of my friends who didn't listen to them eventually broke up with their college lovers... 


Should I be happy about being single for the longest time?? HAHAHA.


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Wow he's a like seriously.
wow! This guy seems like a hypocrite /no offence/ i've only had a real relatinship once and that was 6 years ago! Lol