Appointment Update

Hello guys! Thanks for the support and comments on my blog post before this one. 


Okay so I went to my appointment I had to wait for 3 hours in the freaking waiting room (which was freezing and I had no stupid sweater ugh) then I was called and walked into an alternate Grey's Anatomy world lol The place I went to was a clinic of a medical school of the University of Puerto Rico and I was surrounded by many handsome doctors oohh lawd! 

My doctor (doctor Busquets is quite handsome himself so it's safe to say it was worth waiting lol) He was with me for over 45 mins and was very thorough. He asked lots of questions even though he had a slight history of my issues sent by my previous ENT doc.He wanted t listen to my version of how it started up to this point. He was very nice and quite funny.  He made me feel at ease and I was very comfortable in his presence. When I was done explaining my situation and he was done typing it into the system he wanted to do and endoscopy to see for himself at this point he had already accessed my CT Scan.

He then called Dr. Mendez a cute, young and shy blue eyed doctor (who is my now Allergist) to see my case. As the doctor explained to him while doing the endoscopy he explained that I had a gianormic (my terms lol) polyp in my right nasal cavity and a benign cyst in my other nasal cavity which was clear and aerated. Then he explained to me that he wanted to take a biospy of the polyp and that I shoudn't be afraid he just wanted to make sure that it was benign just as he thought. (He said he was sure it was benign) 

So when he got up ( it was dark in the room hehehe) he said he was going to get the tools to perform the biospy and said he hold this ing the endoscope cam int my hand and I took it looking at Dr. Mendez startled he was as surprised as I was he had stuck out his handto take it but you know doc gave it to me. Dr Mendez smiled shyly and after 30 seconds of awkward silence he asked my how long have I had my condition so I explained to him and he was so damn polite I wanted to squish his cheeks. SO CUTE! 

Doc came back performed the biopsy and then asked Dr. Mendez to check me out...medically lol So I have an appointmment with him on the 15 th of January because he said that if he left it to the assistant she would give me the appointment in March. So then Dr. Busquets exlained that my only option was surgery so after the biopsy and my check up with Dr. Mendez I should go see him. So I guess I will be seeing Dr. Busquets in March. 


The End lol




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LenCee23 #1
I'm glad your appointment with Dr.'s handsome and cutie went alright :D continue to keep us posted and we'll be praying for you!!!!!
I am so late! How am I supposed to be a good dongsaeng if I don't check up on you?!
I'm so glad that you have found people to actually check you out and take your health seriously. You've really been suffering for too long!
But gurl... you got hot doctors? But... I didn't think those existed outside of TV shows... Lucky~!
hmmm, i can see your eyes checking out those doctors.. so lucky.. whenever i go to the dr, it's always an old fart or a sour that probably didn't get laid for 10 years! >.< .. the only nice one is my dentist.. he makes me laugh so hard, he keeps making fun of me when my mouth is numb and i drool like crazy because of that stupid shot..
it's funny that your appointment is on Minjunie's birthday :D .. he's bday was the easiest to remember.. on that day was born our national poet ^^
i wish you good luck & take care of yourself ^^
so ok your appointment is on minjunnie's bday lol

/turns off one-track mind
BloOm21 #5
Hahaha cool!! Fighting!!
Dongsaeng-ah, HWAITING!!!
Ps... does doc have other similarly adorable friends? Kekeke
apollshinjin #7
I'm glad the results were positive. But I've got to say I was distracted by the doctors even though I've never seen them. lol
MomoSF #8
Aigoo those docs really must have been pretty for you to talk like that!
I'm glad you're finally in the hands of good doctors, you've suffered enough!
Please keep updating us about your condition unnie :)
naue523 #9
"Dr. Mendez to check me out"... and I was thinking, 'Girl, you smokin' that's why!!' P.S. I wouldn't mind waiting if only there were handsome doctors where I live....