Tips how to save money? ^^

I'm not giving tips about the topic but I'm asking if you can give me your simple tips? haha I'm saving money if ever my idols wil have a concert next year in our country. But if you can give me your thoughts on how to save and spend money wisely, that would be great. Heheh ty~ ^^


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if you go out shopping with ur friends make sure ti bring only just enough for food and thats it (so ur friends cant tempt u to buy some other stuff and they cant "borrow" off u either XP)
u can also get this app on ur phone that helps you to budget and plan ur spending for u making sure u dont go over the limit.
or u can simply ask ur mom to keep some money for u until u seriously need it.
hope this helps :)
QuinaCapane #2
Chant a silent mantra while eyeing lots of K-Merchandise. HaHa.:)) This has always been a problem to me! So Self-Control is the only thing I can advice. ^^
Hmm restrict yourself to a budget every week or month or something.
Open a bank account...