Appointment with the Doctor today

So today in about an hour I will be at Dr. Busquets office for my appointment. Hopefully today I will be told something can be done with this thing in my sinuses. I just wanted to let you guys know so Wish me luck and pray something will be done. Thanks in advance. 


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apollshinjin #1
I don't know if your doctor's appointment is over or not. But in any case, hope everything turns out fine for you.
Fithing God Will Help U
Good luck.sis I really do.hope u get well and hope everything goes as wht I think it goes
LenCee23 #4
Praying everything will turn out well.......HWAITING!!!!!!
hei!!.. i hope everything went well.. i want to hear good news .. fighting!! love ya <3
Good luck!
I hope everything goes well at the doctors.
Good luck Viv. Hopefully things would work out.
Figthing!! *crosses fingers*
MissKimYus #10
I hope you'll be alright
Good luck! I hope everything will be treatable and quick! xoxoxo
MissKimH #12
Good luck to you!