A Must read fic-2

Alryt so last time i suggested "THE SHADOW GAMES" as a must read fic coz it simply was gr8 and Now iv found an equally gr8 fiction and here r z rsns i loved this particular fiction. 1.the way it is written is sooo awesome 2.it made me feel like im watching a real drama as everything is so beautifully done 3.i just loved it ryt from the FORWARD 4.the author is so sweet and she just writes her heart out 5.it deserves all z upvotes [FYI iv nvr upvoted a story bt i did for that;-)] okay this is taking long lol. Ryt so U MuST REad it oR ELse YoU'LL regRET IT. If i waste all z time in z world to read this perfection, i wudnt mind! Its just that gr8! So wud u plzzz have a look at it??:-);-) tITLE= HOME Author= Loviet http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/733168


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