My Chinese exam


Today I had an examination, the final one. 

As I grabbed the paper, I had no ideas what the answers are! 

Nothing popped up, no miracles happened. 

At least I could copy from others. Kekeke..... 

I don't like cheating, but cheating just come to me. 

Most of the questions asked about biology, and hell Chinese is one of toughest, hardest language to learn! 

I shouldn't give up, should I ? 


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december12 #1
谢 谢, 很 多 谢 ! ^^
bananahere #2
加油, 不要放弃!
december12 #3
xie xie ni men <3
Wo ai ne sis lolz..xD dont give up ok?? First is hard then u'll see it later :D
novelle_freak #5
Good luck :D and no don't give up, even though chinese is a very hard language. Hmm..I've heard that it takes about 7 years...
Ehh forget the last part I said
1ll1ll9oo #6
I'm learning Chinese now too xP
Hard xD
But i can relate it to Korean, so at least half of it I know :P