
Hey guys! I know i know. I still haven't updated the 4th chapter. I'm still working on it. Suddenly didn't know what to write.

Anyways, i want to ask you guys, did you guys have any problems with reading a fic? Because there's this fic i really want to continue reading, i was reading it and then i had to go to school. Everytime it loads, it goes to spaces.slimspots.com/mobiledirect/?uid=219&aid=18129 I don't know what that is but if i let it load, it'll ask me to open it in aptoide or play store. It's really annoying because now it happens to every fic i try to read. Sonce i'm using Google Chrome, i tried to use it in Browser but the same thing happens. Did something happen to aff? Because this had already happened to me yesterday but it suddenly starting working again and now it's like this again. I tried to use an app to scan if there is any virus or something but it said my phone is completely fine. 

Is this happening to you guys too? Or is it just my phone?



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yups it happen to me :-/
Same happened to me. Still dunno what it is for sure
It didn't happen to me.. maybe it will be okay soon. Try again some other time. :)