Headslam reading this =___=

Has anyone read this particular fic?


a lil snippets from the foreword: 

"Omma, watashi wa don't want to go to school there! It sounds awful!" Park Sakura Lopez sighs, staring longingly out of the airplane window at the grand city. She didn't ask for this. Sakura just wanted to go back to Mexico, where the deer and the antelope play. Her mother, Park Mom Lopez, shook her head and snickered. "Mija, naega don't want to hear about it. Tu will just tiene deal with it, desu ne." Sakura whined."Pero there are gangsters! Nani if ichi of them try to hurt boku?!"

Park Mom sighed and her daughter's long, pink hair. "Nobody wa going to hurt you, desu desu. Do not worry about it."

Sakura Lopez had a feeling her mother was wrong.

Somewhere deep in Seoul, seven gangsters were waiting in the trap for Sakura. She had something they needed, something that would give them power. Zico Zico Nii, the leader of the thugs, sat in his throne, at his red studded skull. "She is near, Zico Zico Nii can taste it." 




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ngakak my head off sist baca ini wkwk XD
Ohemji..manusia macem gini emg ada di semua negara ya kayanya. Mungkin kalo dia org ina bakal disebut 4L4Y?
......looooooool this legendary fic
applelays #4
jepang, inggris, korea ..... pusing
baca yang korea, inggris, indonesia juga kadang ada nih yang begini kek macem "Oppa! I LOVE YOU! jangan tinggalkan aku jebal"
nah. kan..haha
lmao. watashi wa pusing after baca forewordnya -.- #japindonglish
Ya aku abis pusing ngerevisi skripsi, baca ginian malah tambah pusing... @.@
Unik sih fanfic-nya, tapi... #tiduran
Lmaooooo this is gold tbh
Harukoo #8
hiburan setelah ujian yang menyesakkan :D
yampun, kok aku ngakak ya -___-
i haven't read this, but... i've heard this story from some discussion here. i think this is the most awful use of language. i'm just... kinda confused with this thing. -_______-
Alluring #11
LMAO MAN this is great
it properly satirizes the ty use of other romanized languages in a fic... :D