New year's resolutions ツ

Hi! I know it's no longer new year,but better late than never,right? ;D These are just some of my New year's resoultions. Lol, i know not all them are definitely gonna happen,but still. :]]] 






  1. Save More, Spend Less - Don’t spend money on useless things but things I really need. Need > Want.
  2. Get Organized - Use my Planner till the end of the year. Organize plans, my desk, my files, and just everything.
  3. Get out more - Quit the couch potato habit, go out and do something productive. Perhaps a nice long walk.
  4. Help Others - Dot ignore those in need, we wouldn’t want someone to ignore us when we are in need, right?
  5. Make New Friends - Stop being shy, get out and meet new people!
  6. Stop Cursing - Quit the habit of saying the eff word in every sentence, or any bad word for that matter! It wont do you nor anyone any good.
  7. Anger & Angst out the Door - I have this problem where i sound angry all the time, but i dont mean to. Smile More, it could change your day.
  8. Think Positively - Channeling positive energy will give you positive outcomes!
  9. Pray More - Prayer always works! When everything is going bad, pray. When everything is going good, Pray.
  10. Enjoy Life - Don’t forget to enjoy Life. Bad days, Good Days, its what life has to offer and its up to you and me how we will let it affect us!



Have a great day ahead of you!

                                                                                                                                                           Always, Ninjaaa 


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Good going! ^_^ May you have a wonderful year ahead of you. Gambatte kudasai ne!