Please Help Me Decide!!

So,guys.I know i've been a bad author lately.I don't have any ideas with my stories so i just stop updating them all for god knows how long.My mind is going break-down with many ideas of each of my story so i decided to rest for awhile.I wanted your help to help me to decide whether i should still continue with my story or delete them.But for now,I'll just need your help with my first ever story on aff,"Who Should I Choose To Be My Boyfriend"

Seriously,the title is too long and it's kind of hard to pronouce quickly but anyway,I don't think the chapters of the stories are well-written.The poster made for my story that i request is nice and i don't have the heart to delete the story.My conclusion is,delete all the chps in that story and write them back all again so the previous ideas will be deleted and replace by my new ones.Do you all agreed?

For those who doesn't know about my stories and about my blabbering here,i advise you all to go and read first if you feel like it.Well the story is mostly about Donghae so all the couples are partner with him.Thank you for your cooperations and thank you for bearing for my never-ending speech.I'm so dead tired now.Anyway,i sincerely thank you once again.^^


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I do the same thing with my stories. I have plenty of ideas for then when I start writing them but as I go through writing the story, I let the story go where it takes me. So in the end I still have all these idea's and don't know where to put them. Then there are times where things come up in real life and I have to deal with that and I lose my train of thought for my stories so I stop updating them. Sometimes for months on end.

My suggestion to you is to not force it. It's isn't like you choose to have this form of writers block. Just be honest with your subbies, let them know you are have a little trouble getting the words on your page.

As for your story, "Who Should I Choose To Be My Boyfriend" I would just put the story in draft mode, change the title, and edit the story, then do a re-release of it. I agree the title should be shorter. Maybe something like "My Choice" or "I Chose him". It says the same thing that your current title but shorter. As for the editing of the story, I can help you with it. I find that if you have someone there to help you and lighten the load of work as well as be there to motivate you, things tend to get done not only quicker, but then you have some one there to give you opinions and advice on how to insert things into the story that wasn't there before.
MyeolchiHyuk #2
Heyy dear..

I am not a writer but do what make euu comfortable. Dun force urself okies.. If euu r confident sure euu will be alright my dear.

I also often experience this (it's why I did not update my FF), if you want to rewrite/delete, you can add a vote of the story you want to rewrite/delete, whether it should be/not, but I think it is (ur story) good, then for the title I thought it was also fine^^ , I'm sure it not just ,.. I'm sure there are other reasons you have ^^, I could feel that since I also write stories T3T
Marshmallow_Princess #4
I think you should just rewrite it in another 'story' and provide a link to your new version at the bottom of every chapter in your old version. That way old readers will be able to enjoy what they originally read and liked but also have the chance to read your new version and maybe see how you have improved :)

Also, if you think the name is too long you could always give it a new name on your new version. I've had a look at the poster and the words for the title isnt too big so I'm sure no one would mind if you changed the name.

Best of luck, as a writer myself I feel your pain. I am currently drowning in too many ideas yet not enough writing skills >.<
Hav any prob, dear?