Yay!!! I'm not bored anymore!! I'm writing my story!! XD



Hey!!! So, I'm not a lazy anymore. Lol I'm actually making good time on the latest chapter of Shinee. Innocent? I Think Not. So I'm gonna drop you a few spoilers for you. Here we go!!! Noelle and Taemin go at it again!! *wink wink* Anger will explode from one of the Shinee members!! Find out who?!! Noelle will give the guys a huge surprise!! That's all I'm saying!!

I'm writing it up right now as we speak. So be very excited!! I will probably be done late tonite or early tomorrow, who knows. I will post the chapter this week. I hope I will get some more subcribers also. Please be on the lookout for this next chapter and be sure to recommend my story to other AFFers!!!   Please tell what you think my hints mean. I will send you all my personal response. Comment below!!!


P.S. Pleeeeeaaaaaassssseeee!!!! Recommend me!!!!! I want my story to be feature on the AFF homepage!!! Bye!!! :D






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whatever could you be planning? lol I wont cheat and read it haha I'll wait ^O^
Kianna #2