People are going to kill me today *has a coughing fit*

Herro everybody! 

Sorry hehe I am going to be happy even if I haven't slept for 3 nights due to my cold that has now got me coughing on air, I have even pulled all the muscles in my stomach so ever time I cough I get a pain *cries* but some joy comes with this hehe I have school and I can now annoy everyone since I can't go 2 minutes without coughing hehehehehehehe xxx

Meh anyway I look like I've been attacked by a monster as my evil cat decided I was a scratching post those evil daggers they call claws grrrr x I have sad news though my other cat Chloe who is 20 years old is dying *pouts* she's struggling to walk now and we have to feed her by hand since she can't see any more we think she might die today or tomorrow as she is just so cold we are trying to keep her warm but she's so cold..... She lived so long though and she's a fighter xx 

However I haven't got such a bad day well apart from one lesson that is:

Period 1 - Science

Period 2 - Maths

Period 3 - English

Period 4 - Geography < kill me I hate this subject 

Last Period - Art 

^^ not to bad I don't think people will mind my dying in everything bar Geography as all the students in there are A* and I'm there who's failed every test in geography.... And I'm in a different band they are X band which is Smart A* students and I'm in Y band for people who need extra help as we are slower x

meh well I better leave now or I will be late bye bye have a nice day x



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Aaaaaaaw the cat.