Stolen from KeKeChu~

First of all, I always like her username. Don't change it haha, it's perfect :D


What is your Name? -Agnes Alice but I prefer if u call me with Alice or RaeJoon or whatever u wished for..

How old are you? -14 years old (maknae of ma class)

What is the link to your website, blog, etc.? -Omaigosh! This will be so embarrassing haha. I have FB, Twitter, Wechat, Whatsapp, Instagram, Padlet, Watttpad, AFF, and.. urm I don't remember anything then lol ut this is a link to my blog:

What is your height? -160cm (recently)

What is your weight? -52 kg and that's not good for me haha

Do you have any siblings? -Yes, five of us. One older sis and two other sister also one brother

What is your eye  colour? -Black, brownish sometimes XD

What is your hair color? -Its supposed to be black, but since holiday's I've dyed it reddish and yellowish so it became orange XD

Do you wear glasses or contacts? -Glasses, I used to.

Are you left or right handed? -Left handed

Do you have any piercings? -One at each side of ear

Do you smoke? -NO! DON'T EVER WISHED FOR!

Do you swear? -Urm what is the meaning by swear?

Do you get along with your parents? -Of course :) my dad even have his birthday today :)


Your fears? -Insects, ert people (Kai), heights

Goal you would like to aciev this year: Loss 5kg as I did last year but failed. I eat all the cakes up.

Best physical feature? -Eyes, legs and hands because they dance when they saw me watching dance video haha

Your bedtime? -12 a.m, it's supposed to be 11 a.m

What time do you arise in the morning? -7 a.m or worse, 1p.m

What are your first thoughts in the morning? -"Did I just dreamed Kai again? Oh no! He kissed me!"

Do you shower daily?: Three times a day


This Or That?

Bright or dark room? -Bright, because in dark cockroaches maybe scattering at the floor.

Chocolate or Vanilla? -Chocolate :) yumm!!

Dogs or cat? -Dogs but recently there's a cat which we called 'Ginger' and sh always came to our lawn.

Pepsi or Coke? -Pepsi

McDonalds or Burger King? -I don't eat burgers anymore since two years ago

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea? -Ice Tea

Cappuccino or Coffee? -Coffee


In the last month have you...

Drank alcohol? -Heck! of course not!

Gone to the mall? -Yes

Eaten a box of Oreos? -No

Eaten sushi? -I've never taste a sushi huhuhu T^T

Been on stage? -Yeah!!!! AND WE ROCK THE STAGE!!

Been dumped? -Nope, we love each other



Laughed for no reason? -EVERYDAY!!!!

Gone skinny dipping? -What's that?

Have been caught stealing something? -Urm stealing pictures from website and this quiz from KeKeChu (is that counts?)

Been in love? -Urm, go and ask Kai. (Kai: I'm in the bathroom!!!)

Fired a gun? -Supposed to but no.

Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? -Lol yeah

Been called a Tease? -No

Been beaten up? -Yes, but no cuts. 



What was the last....

Furry thing you touched? -Big sis's comforter.. haha

Thing you have said? -Oh, macam tu pula (Trans: Oh kind like that?)

Movie you watched? -Nope

Thing you were doing before this? -Studying

Time you cried? -Last week because I heard someone's fart

Song you have listened to -You Can Cry by BTOB

Song you have sung? -25 by Jieun

(Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone? -Sierah :)

Time you looked at the clock? -Now is 5.45 pm

Food and drink you have had? -Cakes and coffee

Flavor of gum you chewed? -Mint? I can't remember lol

Shoes you have worn? -Mini platform

Store you have been in? -Walk-in shop XD the name is just like that XD



Planet? -Earth

Season? -Spring cause it's too hot and cold for my region la..

Number? -1,2,3,8,0

TV Show? -How I've met your mother

Flower? -Roses :*


How much cash do you have on you? -RM56.75

What word rhymes with 'door'? -Roar~~

What T-Shirt are you wearing? -I wear pijamas

What brand of shoes are/were you wearing? -No, I'm on bed now.

What did your last text message say? -Hey, Chanyeol doesn't have chance to eat huhuhu

What were you doing at midnight last night? -Sleeping zzz

What's your current desktop picture? -It's my sis laptop.

What's a word that you say a lot? -"LOL XD" and "Thanks for wishing me happy birthday!"

If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? -Pink

How is the weather right now? -Light rain, my fav :)

What is the first thing you notice about the opposite ? -Eyebrows and make-ups

Are you too shy to ask someone out? -Nope, they get used on me haha

Can you do a headstand (not using a wall)? -No, still a yoga beginners :D

Who would you like to see right now? -Youtube, its loading..............................................................

How many pillows do you sleep with? 4 or as many as I can get.

Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace? -No, I don't know what MySpace are.

What do you want to be when you grow up? -I'm thinking one :D I'm still don't know

What country would you like to visit? -Philliphines, Indonesia, Japan, Australia and South Korea.

How many CDs do you own? -Urm many. I got a boy album and an INFINITIZE album

How many things, in your past, do you regret? -I cleared my data so I can save more space for the future :D

Do you think you are attractive? -Yeah, they used to stare at me bcos of my fashions.

Do you believe in yourself? -Always :D

Do you want to get married? -Urm, if I'm ready enough?


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'I heard someone's fart' LOL yu cried??!!