☁ Our Heaven ↷ Jin AeRin

Jin AeRin

// you,the applicant //

Username: PIKACHUUU--
Nickname: Vii
Active Rate [1-10]: 8


// you,the human //

Full Name: Jin AeRin

☁ Aegi // It means 'baby' in korea. It's a nickname called by her family as she is the the youngest in her family and that the word has her initial 'AE'. Sometimes her closest friends also calls her 'Aegi' 
☁ Babo// known as being the idiotic one, her closest friends call her 'babo' which means 'stupid'

Other Name(s): 
☁ Jane Rynn // English name

DOB: 981125 + 16 (In the story all of the applicants are going to school so I the age range is between 15-17)

Birthplace + Hometown: Los Angelos, USA + Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

☁ English // fluent // was born and lived in the US for 9 years 
☁ Korean // fluent // taught and trained by her parents when she was still in the US 

Height + Weight: 165 cm + 48 kg 


// you are loved for who you are //

Personality Traits:
+; funny/humorous, protective, care-free
-; slow-thinker, speak without thinking, forgetful,clumsy


Aerin was born as a funny person. Whenever she does something (doing something clumsy) , it would always come out as a laugh for her friends/classmates. She is the perfect person to make her friends/people laugh when they are down. Her movements and words are the ones that make people laugh (like exaggerating her movements when making a joke and it comes out really funny for her friends). She can actually be quiet protective to people who she loves. An example is when she heard that her friend got abuse(beat up)by her parents just because she was close with a boy. She immediately go rant about it to her , like saying 'WHAT THE HECK! Imma go to your house and beat the living life out of your parents. How can they do that to you. GAH'. Another is when she see heard that someone trash her friend's locker. She immediately go on top of the school's cafeteria without thinking and shout 'WHOEVER TRASHES MY FRIEND'S LOCKER, IMMA GO AND HUNT YOU DOWN YA HEAR ME?!' but yeah she will be eventually pulled down by her friends. She is also pretty care-free. She doesn't care what people say about her. She doesn't care if people said that she is so stupid and just go die or curse at her , She just doesn't care about what people think about her, unless someone mess with her beloved ones. Aerin is also known as an easy-going person. 

Well, that's the positive side of her. Aerin can be a slow-thinker. IF someone told her a really long story, she would go all blank and was like 'what...tell me about it again'. She can't focus at something for along time and would go daydream, like studying/hearing the teacher's lecture. Aerin also likes to speak without thinking. Whenever she thought about something, she would just speak what's on her mind..and sometimes, it would come out quiet nasty or it come out as hurting the person. Not only that, Aerin can be really forgetful. Forgetting that she was holding her phone and search for it without realising it herself can be one of the example. Another example is that when she was asked by her friends to keep the project that they worked together (it was when they just knew each other) and was asked to brought it the next day, but she didn't bring it,forget where it is and it came out for them to do it again (Her friends ,then, learned to not let Aerin to keep the projects that they made). She can also be quiet clumsy. Bumping her head on a door or glass and constantly tripping on her shoelaces when she runs are two of the examples of her being clumsy. Despite this negative side of hers , her friends understand and accepts her for who she is.


Aerin was born in a small house in Los Angelos , USA at 25 March 1998. Her parents had been living there together since they knew that Aerin's mother (Shin JiNa) was pregnant with Aerin's sister (Harin), whereas they were still in college in 1994 (DRAMA AYEEEE)(Her parents and grandparents was actually born and from Korea but they moved to LA). Eventually both of the parents (Aerin's grandparents) accepted the fact that they were having a baby and should be living together for the rest of their life (getting married). Harin was then born on November 1 1994. While taking care of Aerin's sister that time , JunHyung and Jina worked hard  to graduate from their college. JunHyung is in the cooking major while Jina is in the business major. In the early 1996 , they graduated and thought of making a restaurant to provide money to raise Harin. The restaurant was a success and it grew bigger and bigger. Celebrating the success , the family (grandparents and JunHyung) was informed by JiNa that she is pregnant with her second child which is Aerin. AeRin was then born in the year 1998.As Aerin grew up in the US, her parents' business grew bigger and bigger. Eventhough they were busy, they still have time for their children. But when Aerin was 9 years old, her parents business came crushing down when they made a new partnership whereas their restaurant's partner used their money for unnecessary things and the business/restaurant went to a bankrupt.The Jin family struggled alot that time and decided to move back to Korea to start a new life and business.

The family moved in a normal house with a nice environment and resident. They are pretty flexible as they can deal with the change of environment. Aerin's parents then thought of starting another restaurant. Eventhough they were quiet worried of being bankrupt again , they give it a shot and thank God that the business went well. (the restaurant is quiet near to the resident and in the present time , the business grew bigger and that they even start a cafe business which is managed by Jina which will be given to Harin when she finishes college). The family also met some neighbours that are kind and nice enough to take care of Aerin and Harin from time to time. One of the closest family/neighbour that took care of Aerin and Harin the most is the Kim's family. The Kim's family has one child (but when the first child is 14, they had their second child , a girl,which is hanbyul) where the oldest is a boy and is the same age as Aerin, his name is Kim Hanbin. Aerin, Hanbin and Harin is in the same school, so when it is time to go , Hanbin's mom would pick them up and go to their house to take care of them as hanbin's mother (NaYoung, just making things up) doesn't work (his father is the one working). Aerin and Hanbin grew well together and became really close. They also have the same preference or things at that time and eventually it came out as kid love. They would play and take care of each other, even the parents thought that they could a be cute couple. But eventually , as Aerin and Hanbin became 14 years old and Nayoung found out that she was pregnant with another child and that she could not take care of the girls again, Aerin and Hanbin grew apart (it is also the fault of puberty). They rarely meet and talk again,but the parents still keep in contact with each other and they would sometimes meet without their children.

As Aerin grew up , Aerin grew fond of listening to music and playing instruments. Eventhough she could not really focus much on listening to someone, she can actually focus on listening to music and playing instruments. As she studied more of alot of music genres, she started trying on singing, rapping, dancing and making music with instruments. She became really interested in rapping,dancing and composing. Her favourite genre is hip hop now. Let's just say that she is a music prodigy, while she in studying or making good grades in school subjects.


// Things i hate and love //

☁ Ice cream // for her , ice cream is life.
☁ pikachu // She loves to play pokemon when she was little and her favourite character is pikachu as it is really cute and powerful.
☁ music (listening to songs, singing , dancing,etc)
☁ hanging out with her friends
☁snapbacks and beanies (SWAG XD)
☁ sports (particularly basketball,badminton and swimming)
☁ Dogs//she loves dogs and wanted to have one (particularly cute puppies)
☁ Meat
☁ little kids // Aerin has a soft spot with kids, she finds them cute and would usually play with them.

☁ fashion // Eventhough her friends and family like it if she take her time to pull of a nice shirt/costume when going out, she would still go out with her comfortable clothes and snapbacks (but from time to time, she would be forced by her friends and family to use dress/other nice clothes, cute clothes, elegant clothes,etc)
☁ Bullies/Abuse
☁ Playboys/Cheaters (boy who cheats their own girlfriend)
☁ People who hurts her friends, family (her beloved ones)
☁ back-stabbers
☁ vegetables

☁ Rap
☁ Compose
☁ Sports (basket, badminton and swimming)
☁ Singing
☁ Playing instruments

☁ Twirling pencils/pens when bored in class
☁ daydream 
☁ bites her lower lips and her lips unintentionally when nervous
☁ mess her hair up when frustrated

☁ the Dark
☁ Ghost
☁ Being alone
☁ Insects (cockroach,etc)

☁ has anaemia, so she has her limits when dancing/doing sports/running
☁ For her, ice cream is life
☁ Eversince she was a child, she is inlove with dogs and would always want to have them, but her mother doesn't allow.
☁ Sometimes inside the school, she would usually go to the library to sleep and that her friends would wake her up when they don't find her in the cafeteria
☁ Known as the clown between her friends
☁ The only time where she can concentrate or focuses is when she is composing/doing something related to music.
☁ Has a dream of being an idol or a song producer, but she would always thought that it would never happen
☁ is actually a YG stan
☁ Her role model is GDragon and CL
☁ She loves to eat meat (like grilling meat , gogi ,etc) but hates eating vegetables except lettuce (lettuce is used to wrap the meat :D)☁
☁ loves to use snapbacks and beanies
☁ likes the colour black , white and
☁ likes to use this kind of shoes☁
☁ (well this is an additional information for when she gets mad) When she is really mad/angry (which is really rare to see), she can really speak without thinking at all, words will fill her mind and that she couldn't control her words and movements. But the weird thing is that , when she is mad, she would cry because of anger (....do you understand,author-nim? hehe). She will make a fist with her hands and that she dug her nails into her skin (in that fist). She will also shake alot.


// the beautiful you //

Faceclaim: Jo GaEun

Backup Faceclaim: Kang HyeYeon

Appearance: her eye colour is much more darker than others. She usually uses glasses as she is near-sighted. But at certain times, she would actually use clear contact lenses. her ears are pierced like this.

Style: (her sense of fashion, links are needed)
☁ Home- one two three (without the hat) four (without the glasses)
☁ School- one two three four
Casual/Special- one two three four
☁ Regular Basis- one two three four five


// your story of love //

Plotline: One of a Kind

Back Up Plotline: Candy Addiction

Why this plotline?: One of a Kind...yeah... When i read your plotlines, this one catches my eyes and ideas just literally came up to my mind. To be really honest , the plotline really reflects my personality. Yes, being called having ADHD, the funny and idiotic one inside the group and having my heads up in the cloud at times, my personality matches the plotline. Well, I don't know what would you think after you read this but while writing this application, i based the character on my own self. SOME.. just some of them. hehehe 


// loving u //

Love Interest: Kim Hanbin/B.I (iKon)

Status:  Childhood Sweetheart couple (her friends would always say Hanbin as the 'Childhood Bae' of Aerin)

Backup: Jeon JungKook (BTS)


Hanbin is one of the boys that is pretty quiet. He has this cool and charming aura around him that makes girls swoon over him. When he is not with his friends, he will have a poker face and be the cool person he is. When he is with his friends , he would actually joke around and laugh along with them. He can be really cold with someone he doesn't like or doesn't know. He is actually known (his image) as being really cold(but he has his manners when he is with older people), but when you get to know him and , he is actually really fun and nice. He can actually be really awkward with girls as he had never have a girlfriend before (just...childhood love with Aerin). He really loves Hanbyul (his little sister), he would usually go to the park with her. Hanbyul is one of the soft spot he has, he can be really soft and kind hearted with her. He would actually do anything for Hanbyul. Just like Aerin, Hanbin is really into music. Eventhough he does focus on his studies and get good scores in all of the subjects, he really likes to do music especially rapping, dancing and composing , and he is good at doing music. When he likes something, he would never let it go.

Meeting: When Aerin move to Korea and her parents started a business, her parents grew really busy and that no one can take care of Aerin and Harin. Her parents decided to find for help and was lucky to have good neighbours that wanted to take care of Aerin and Harin. Hanbin's parents is one of the neighbours that wanted to take care of the girls. So when Aerin and Harin went home from school and was brought by their mother to Hanbin's house, that's when they first met. They eventually grew close together and grew some crushes towards each other, but eventually grew apart when they were 14 years old when Hanbin's mother was pregnant with Hanbyul. Going back to the present time, Aerin and Hanbin finally met again when they were classmates in class(well, they do meet eachother from time to time, but it's just like passing each other in the hallway). Whereas Hanbin sit 2 seats away (to the right) from Aerin.

Interaction(s): The first time they finally meet again since the childhood sweetheart era is when they were seated near each other. Aerin actually doesn't realise that Hanbin was in the same class and was seated near her. More likely, she totally forget what his name is (until she saw his name when she asked him why he was looking at her) while he still remembers every single thing about her and what happened to them when they were still small (the cute little things they did when they were still having crushes on eachother). Hanbin felt something tug on his heart when he knew that he was seated and was in the same class as Aerin, but he still keep on a straight face and keep his cool. From time to time, Hanbin would actually take a glance of her , but was caught. When Aerin caught her glancing/looking at her, she wanted to asked him why he was looking at her after class, but when she saw his name tag, she felt a tug in her heart , remembered that he was a childhood crush but eventually ignored it. But when he asnwered her the question, she then felt this tingling in her heart. That's when all the interactions started. After what had happened, Aerin would always feel her heart flutter when she saw him and Hanbin would also feel that way when he saw her, but it is not that obvious to people(Aerin's friend know about what she felt and Hanbin's friends know what she felt). Both of them would actually still keep their cool and just be themselves, despite what their heart feel. Luck are usually on their side when choosing a partner for a project as they would usually be partnered up and from that , they can interact and talk more with each other. When they became really close with each other, they would tease each other and more dramas happened , like having Hanbin's fans attacking her but she doesn't care and ,etc. (TO BE REALLY HONEST, I don't know if this is called interactions.... more likely... I don't know what I'm typing about)


// me - the author © //

Comment/Concern/Question(s): I'm sorry if you find the application uninteresting. And i'm sorry if the story doesn't make sense. I'm currently not on my mind. I'm sorry. Well, I just hope my character is chosen and good luck with your story *insert hearts* hehehe
Scene Suggestion(s):
☁ Family dinner together with the Kim's family and the parents eventually said that they look good with each other or think that they may be forced to get married (WHAT IS THIS EVEN ?! I'M NOT ON MY RIGHT MIND..I'm sorry.. you can make anything happen in that family dinner hehe)
☁ Dance Party ? Prom? 
☁ Vacation together with the group and love interest. Like going to the beach , out of the country,etc.

☁ Well, you can do anything you want with my character if it gets chosen ^^ I'm just looking forward to this



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