How It Feels To Be Hugged By Nam Taehyun

This is a serious question.

I dreamt of hugging the guy last night. Like air-constricting hug; face buried into his chest and everything. I can still feel that strange sense of being completely engulfed in someone's arms...

What's even stranger is that I don't even have much interest in him. 

So now I will be forever haunted by the mystery of how it actually feels to be hugged by him. Aaaah reality...why are you so cruel?



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weerainbow #1
Wow what a dream to have! Interesting that it was Taehyun you're gonna make me curious too, though I have a huge list of people I'd love to experience hugging with already.

You know what? One of those people is you! I'd love to give you a huge big bear hug right now. Sometimes the world feels so small but it's not so small when you want to hug someone far away. I need Inspector Gadget arms or something.
....oh my fangirl feelings are killing me...just imagine he would hug you after a concert or on a fansign event.../faints/