Lets Vote!

Hello everyone! This is so rare for me to post a blog because I don’t usually posts blogs or anything like that. I’m more of a ‘keep that to yourself’ type of person, but this one is just really important and I was just wondering if you guys could help. Alright, I’m going to get to my point and purpose now. So, I have a friend in 7th grade and her classmates and her are creating advertisements about each of the 13 colonies and there’s 5 students out of her whole class that are in the runner up spot. Overall, the two videos with the most votes are going to be taken into a public contest or something like that and would be considered ‘the winners.’ And so with that, I was just wondering if you guys could do me a favor and maybe click ‘like’ on her video if it’s not too much to ask. I’m just really trying to help out a friend here. Thank you very much guys, I really appreciate it! :)

Video Link


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Yep done but I'll check it later
Liked it! It was cute! I remember when I had to do something similar. :3 good luck to you're friend!
Liked! Very good clip~
Lukookie #4
I liked it! XD
I'll help your friend