ϟ : IGNITE ;; Jeon Rina

  Jeon ri na
   KENLEE  ♡ HYEONQ ♡ 4.5 OUT OF 5
NICKNAMES list each on a new line and explain who calls them it and how they got it. copy and paste the format below for as many as you need. no hyunnie or eunminnie plz
riri / she calls herself riri when she messes up. If she messes up she'll curse herself, "dammit riri what the hell is wrong with you!?" the person who gave her the "adorable" nickname is all thanks to her 13 year old sister.
rinnie unnie / well tbh i thought rinnie unnie flowed together well and maybe rhymed but ... no. Anyway, basically rinnie is her nickname for any one who like to tease or mock her. When she's in a bad mood, calling her rinnie is a good way just to piss her off more then make her laugh.
 / whether it be her bandmates, close friends, or love interest who call her this, they do it for a perfectly annoying reason. You know that grandma or mom or even aunt that always nags you? Yeah, nana is meant to address Rina as a form of gma, mom, or nagging aunt. It's basically saying, hey, Rina you're nagging too much! so they call her nana and boy will it piss her off. You'll see why later ~

AGE 20
BIRTHDAY March 31st

BIRTH PLACE Icheon, South Korea
HOMETOWN Seoul, South Korea

ETHNICITY Korean bby.
— Korean : 
    fluency /  native tongue.
    explanation /  she was born and raised on it.
— English : 
    fluency /  fluent enough.
    explanation /  she only knows what shes told or learned from highschool.
"be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ♡

  im y and i knows it!
    thank you dr. kim



1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / gallery

(drastic difference, right? I explained in the comment section )
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / gallery


— hair color & length / actually pretty satisfied with her hair; the hazel nut brown and then a white tip. The only requst i have is make the hair a little longer, like an inch past her shoulders. 

— eye color / brown, as usual

height / 5'0". Theres a lot of bark coming out of someone so short, however.

— tattoos / i'd actually like to keep the tattoo hae in has on her stomach. however.. I have not come up with an excuse for it yet.. so....... you don't have to keep it haha

— piercings / belly button and ears.

— weight / healty normal size for her height, 115lbs.

body type / she does work out when she isn't feeling lazy or eating.


STYLE meet miss fashionista. being poor she always wanted more, not in a greedy way but more of a "i want to fit in" way. so in an aspect, yes, okay, it was greedy. She just doesn't like to admit it. Any who, she loves fashion. Now that she can make money, she likes to spend it. Not on make-up, food, or whatever else there is she could need, she spends it on fashion.

— home/dorm attire / 01. 02. 03. 04. 05.

— practice attire /

— airport attire /

— dressy attire /

— daily attire / listed in pictures below. click to enlarge!


  i'm so hot, hot!
— naggy. self-righteous. confident. passive-aggressive. good natured. mama bear.

Okay let's get one thing straight, she is right and always right. Even when she knows she's wrong, her pride refuses to give in, so she'll give some crazy excuse or change subjects and try to link the changed subject to her current subject to prove a point, when in reality she is just manipulating the situation so the other person gets confused and gives up. Phew. Now that, that is out of the way, meet miss without realizing she's a . See, Rina was raised with a cotton mouthed father who spat out how he felt no matter what and a mother who never backed down. In other words, Rina has a back bone. Shocker! Not really. She doesn't want to be one of those girls who sits all meek and quiet in the background and doesn't let her opinon be heard. She realized this by two simple quotes:

"be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." 
"In order for someone to insult you, you must first value their opinion."

The truth these two quotes spoke to her opened up a new door of confidence and also, parenting skills gained from her own parents. Because she is so confident in herself, however, makes her feel more powerful than others, I suppose spiritually. She feels the need to step up and give out her ideas when no one else will. She feels the need to nag people to do this or that because if she doesn't, who will? But dn't get her self-righteousness as her not being good natured. She cares for everyone. As she sees it, everyone is her enemy until they become her friend. When they are her friend she will love, care, and comfrt them as much as possible. She's very good at sensing when someone is down.

Although, as her enemy, she won't speak or introduce herself until you do it first. Call her shy or call her a who just wants people to man up, either way she keeps to herself unless she finds an appriopiate time to speak. That being said, just because she is self righteous and confident, doesn't mean she likes conflict. Infact, she hates it. If someone invokes it, then, duh, she'll defend herself or her friends or family(hence mama bear) even if it's not her fight. But when it comes to her actual feelings, she balls them inside of her - which is no beuno. The longer she holds it in, the more time it lets her get angery over the situation until she explodes and lets you have a piece of her mind from years ago to today's current situation ; passive-agressive.

her aura she gives off makes her hard to approach but her skills and protective genes make her a good friend to want and to have.

  you don't know me!
   well tell me then, damn
PAST Rina the oldest and only daughter and basically was the care-taker over her three younger brothers. Her father worked on a farm and her mother taught at a high school, and high school hours can range any where from 10-15 hours a day. Crazy, right? Well because of the absence of their mother, Rina took on the role when it was necassary. If she wasn't in the fields helping her father and brothers on the farm, she was at home helping them with homework or video games. Her family weren't rich, but they weren't too poor either. She was raised to never let someone step all over her just because of her families life style or even social class. She was told to be proud and cherish what she has now because if she makes a name for herself, he doesn't want his daughter to be lost in the greed and life style that she wishes for. 
Although she lived throw hardships and got bullied because of her poor clothes or smell from the farm, she always, always stood up for herself proudly and for her younger brothers who she basically spoiled. Do note, though, she didn't make many friends all throughout her  school days. She worked more on her studies than trying to understand human interactions.

PRESENT Now, when she isn't training, she tries to visit her family who really only lives a few miles outside of Seoul. If she isn't visiting family, she is shopping online, playing video games, or cleaning/rearranging things. She likes to keep things in specfic order because she has bad memory. If even ONE thing is moved, she will realize it, whether its clothes or shoes or even a pencil. She's OCD about things, thats how she manages to catch if any one borrows anything without asking. Thats a big no-no. She doesn't like people taking things she's worked hard for without letting her no first, that way she knows no one stole it or she misplaced it.
Although, as much as she likes shopping, she does have a stash of money put away for her family to buy them a better home and so her father can retire without working himself to the bone. So if she locks herself up in her room and says she is shopping, she's really shopping for nice and cosy homes - or maybe she is shopping, who knows.

 — likes / 
  • shopping; its something she was never able to do.
  • animals except snakes, no.
  • video games. you can thank her brothers.
  • she actually really enjoys eating too.
  • working out.
  • she likes to keep busy, helps pass time.
  • her favorite color is maroon.
  • she likes learning about new things or new people.
  • loves sweet things.
  • chai tea or really sweet coffee she loves.
— dislikes / 
  • dislikes difficult people. for example "hey my steak is suppose to be rare but its med rare." so then you fix their steak but then they are all yellin at you like "well i'm not paying for this cause i had to wait 58902 for my food!" just no.
  • people who want to one - up you. "i got my nails done, look!" oh yeah, well "I got my nails AND toes down! look at mine!"
  • People who don't like  changes or dont try to make changes
  • shy people actually irritate her.
  • people who wear bright colors; she will send you home and ask what you were thinking.
  • snakes and spiders, she's a girl too, ok.
  • spicey things. she can handle some, but not all spicey things.
— hobbies /
  • vidoe games.
  • working out.
  • baking sweets. she has a very specific sweet tooth.
  • rearranging her or other peoples things.
  • nagging.
  • fashion, its a hobby, ok.
— habits /
  • Chews on her lip when stressed.
  • purses her lips andstares off into space when bored.
  • tends to give off a aura around people she doesnt know, trust, or like.
— trivia / 
  • she has terrible memory and isn't good with names, just faces.
  • she likes to smell things, is that so wrong?
  • she has a bad habit of posting her feelings online, which is no beuno in the idol life.
  • She tends to be more rude than she realizes. For example, if someone asks how the dress looks she'll tell them bluntly "you look fat" when she realizes she upset the person she'll curse herself and figure out a way she couldve said it nicer. "it looks unflattering."
  • if she is upset with you and doesnt tell you, the best way to notice is through her actions. She'll give you the cold shoulder and if her arms are crossed, beware. thats no good.
  • while she will gladly listen to any one spill the beans to her, you will hardly hear her tell you a secret. such as who she likes, what she does on her spare tim,e etc, unless she really likes you.
  • She ihas a gummy smile and often is called Hyosung's twin.
  • She's confident with her body but doesn't flaunt it cause she knows others have insecurities. However, she would like to model.
  • She wants hyosung s tho.
  • She actually really wants to be on variety shows.
  we are family!
Father / Jeon Jin Wook / 53 / boastrous, loud, blunt, and forgiving.
They are two peas in a pod. She's always helping him out and always looks for him to guide her in a tough situation. She respects him the most out of her parents, probably because she never saw much of her mom except on the weekends.
— Mother / Jeon Tae Hee / 50 / caring, distant, straight-forward, and strong.
They get along but most times they are arguing. Rina will bring up how she was never there for them while her mother says she was working hard to keep a roof over their heads. Honestly, Rina wants a close relationship with her mother, she wanted one while growing up, now that she is older, she simply is too stubborn to admit and forgive her mother and realize she was working for their well being.
— First Younger Brother / Jeon Jin Tae / 18 / quiet, smart, blunt
These two get along fine, they both have a lot to talk about and relate to. thats about it.
— Second Youngest Brother / Jeon Jae Yoon / 17 / flirtasous, blunt, and funny
he's the one who gets everyone to laugh. Rina always says she hates him cause he can get her to laugh hard(but she doesnt really hate him)
— Youngest Brother / Jaeon Jae Ryong / 15 / bubbly, spoiled, and shy
He is the most babied by Rina. She fights his own battles and because of that, he's kinda sheltered and shy.

FRIENDS  like i said, her only friends are her brothers.

Rival / Basically Everyone / N/a/ / N/a
Honestly, no one really likes Rina until they get to know her. And, Rina doesn't like any one until she gets to know themm. She loves competition so that being said, she is always trying to out due her rivals. People are her enemy until they become her friend.
  bright lights and screaming fans
   finally reached fame
PERSONA  Chasrismatic Mama
STAGE NAME  Rina or Rin
POSITION  Subrapper & vocalist

YEARS TRAINED  2 years and four months.
Training life went smoothely. There isn't much to say. She stayed active, showeed up on time and made no friends because she's a person who likes to focus on the goal ahead instead of making friends. She was the talk of the traineeing rooms but she'd always ignore it because it wasn't of an issue for her. If people wanted to talk, she'd talk, but most days she kept together; and don't get me wrong, she was very very lonely.
FUTURE EXPERIENCES  since ignite came in like a wrecking ball unexpectedly, none was ever given any predebut experiences so don't feel bad okay? on the upside all of yall have a chance to do other things like dramas, plays, radio stations, and mcing!
modeling gig / its actually thanks to her social networks and her constantly saying she wants to do some modeling. + Ceci
Roommate / Through other variety shows with her bandmates


— twitter / rignitena

— instagram / rinanaoffical


— 2015 / Jeon Rina, the abusive rapper?  / while on a play date with one of the bandmates, she and her are seceretly being recordedthrough a window. It looks like Rina hits her bandmate several times, but it was a miss understanding. The two were reinacting a scene from a play the other bandmate is auditioning for.

— 2015-2016 / Jeaon Rina & Kim Woo Bin, dating? / the two are caught jogging together serveral mornings then getting cofffee. They are just friends but Rina does secretly have feelings for him.
Let's just say, she is smitten by him. He is a man upon mans. She likes a guy with power. If you want to see Rina get all shy and out of character, put Mr. CEO up next to her and talking to her and she'll go all mushy like they do in cartoons. Although all they are are friends, she will defend him if she ever hears ill will about him.
  da bae ;; kim woo bin!
   Jackson Wang, Zhang Yixing,  Jay Park.
— Poo Bin / if you say it really fast it sounds like "poopin". Yeah. She calls ihm that when he throws her off guard, makes fun of her, or just pisses her off.

SUMMARY Woobin is cocky, goffy, and flirtasous boy. He is shy around girls until he gets to know them, then shows off in front of them when he thinks they are pretty. He likes to tease girls and show how tall her is compared to how short they are. He also likes skinship. He'll touch someone on the arm, hand, shoulder, even hug them if they'd like. He likes to work out and then take selfies of his progress to show off. Lets just say he is the king of getting women to worship him. He will ignore Rina just to go and talk to another women. He'll cut Rina off if he sees a prettier girl; he's cocky and rude. The two are like yin & yang, honestly.
"i am the sea, and nobody owns me "

  searching 4 bae!
   cos erry1's got a bae
FIRST MEETING  it was love at first sigh for Rina. Woobin was tall and shirtless when the two were in the Ceci modeling agencies photography room. She was getting dresssed up but she couldn't stop staring at his body. She wanted to lic- well any way.  Woobin saw her as a touch person to crack; she was interestingg and he likes to prod and poke at things until he can figure them out. Like a puzzle he has vowed to unravel her 
RELATIONSHIP they act like best friends. They call each other every name in the book then forgive each other. They push and shove each other and they make bets and competitions to see whos better at what. Most times Woobin lets Rina win. When she doesn't she gets all pissed off and to sum it up - a sore loser.

CONCLUSION I have two conclusions ; you can either make them together or you can break them apart. Rina is her own worst enemy so maybe he is fed up with it? Or maybe he enjoys her tough exterior and wants to keep softening her up.
  last call!
   state your presence
​ For the face claims, Well I couldn't figure out whether I wanted a pretty girl who looks like a , and is a , or a baddass girl who in fact is a badass idk man you can chose your favorite face claim i'm not picky.
For the pictures; did i go to far? i just love pictures. makes the application more lively in my opinion.
Also, nearly half-way done with my application, sometihng happened(not sure what) but msot of my trivia infomation got deleted. I had a TON and now i'm like really pissed/annoyed so i'll try my best to remember it all but whateverr.
I hope my fanclub name is clever enough? I had a hard time trying to appeal to all groups. I figured the "nana's" was easier since people call her the nagger and call her nana to make fun of when she is nagging idk orz if i need to come up with a new one let me know.

SCENE SUGGESTIONS there's no guarantee that they will all be used, if any at all, but they do help inspire other ideas so go crazy. you never know what might be used or what might help!

PASSWORD fire up
co-ed school - too late or b1a4, girls day, miss a, teen top, 4 minute, secret - again kpop
exid - up & down


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