The Start of Slower Updates + Other Important Stuff (My Readers, Please Read!)

Firstly, a Happy New Year to you guys! :D I hoped you guys have enjoyed your christmas and New Year! ^^ 

However, as much as a new year is a happy news, I'm sorry to say that this isn't good news. On the contary, this blog post carries bad news. 

I mentioned in a blog a few weeks back that I would be having slower updates and yes, as the title states, this is the start of it. 

If you haven't read my previous blog post, it's fine, I'm going to re-explain the whole thing again.

I'll be having a major exam at the end of this year and I'll have to give it my all because due to some circumstances last year, let's just say, I was lucky that I didn't get retain. 

So starting from tomorrow -when school starts-, I'll be only using my laptop on Friday nights and Saturdays, which means REALLY REALLY LESS updates. Sure, that might be a suprise update sometimes but mostly, I'll be updating only once a month as compared to my previous updates, this is going to be real slow.

I'll try my best to update more, but there are no promises. You might even have to wait for 2 months for an update. 

I'm currently working on 4-5 fics now and I've TONS of ideas I want to write about, but those will have to wait till I finish my exams. 

I'm hoping you guys will stay with me and don't abandon my fics, but in the case that you don't like waiting, then I can only say, 'Goodbye' to you. 

I know I haven't thank each and everyone of you yet, I swear I'm really trying to, and I WILL do it. So, please give me sometimes. I keep my promises. 

As for the replies that I usually do at the end of the chapters, I'm afriad I won't be doing them anymore. I'm sorry for that, but I simply don't have enough time. 

Also, I would like to address another issue. 

Some of you have been asking me when I will be updating. 

My reply is, PLEASE be patient with me. I have a life that is being a to me so my updates won't be as frequent. I WON'T be giving up ANY of my fics, but the updates won't be as fast. I know you guys want to know what happen next, but please be patient alright? I'll update when I can. 

I'll still be online here on AFF to read my subscriptions, reply to wall post, etc. Just no updates. 

Thank you for taking your time to read this blog post and my fics. And, thanks for putting up with this horrible author who has so much to improve on. I know my fics aren't that great but still, thank you for reading, subscribing and commenting to them. If anyone has any suggestions on how I can improve, do tell me. 




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Cool this post was on my birthday :). Good luck with everything and you can counting on that I will be with you till the end.
All I can say is good luck to you! I wish the best to come!
sorry for the spaming
omo you are a really good author and I understand the whole update thing just do it when you can ok~ and maybe in your spare time you could check out my stories C.A.P Is A HUH?!?!( you could like since I see you're a fa of Teen Top or you can Read my original story Thank You Korea( would be helpful if you gave me some feedback on it since no one does -_- TT_TT (I really need that feedback)
DomiKitty #5
thank you so much for writing the fics up till now anyways :) you're one of the best authors i've read here so far because i usually hate the multiple group stories, but this one is just awesome
so HWAITING on your exams =^^= BEST OF LUCK <3
i feel don't worry about not updating..i'm sure our wait is all worth it..cause you are one of the best here in AFF..
i hope one day i'll be seeing your work again..keep on fighting!
Good luck and study hard! you can do it! God bless!
Kirimi #7
You don't have to force yourself to update! We can wait whenever.
I think exams are first priority and you should study hard.
I know how pressured you feel, I've been through it before.
Just try your best in everything, you have your fans here cheering you on from the sidelines.
Remember to never stress yourself out.
If you have problems, feel free to talk to me or others. ^^
And don't doubt youself, you're a great authoress.
Good luck with the exam!!!! I'll be waiting for your updates, even if it takes you 1 or 2 months ^^
It's okay.. But you know that you can have a co-author, right? It'll be easier for you and us, your readers.. just a suggestion. :)
Quackerz #10
Alright! Good luck on your exam
Thanks for the support everyone! ^^
Seaworld24 #12
I'll be patient! And Good Luck for your O's!
Good luck for ur O's. Fighting!! :D
it's ok..:)
joeybelle #15
Totally understand (: Goodluck with sch! :D