❝ ◜ solar. ◞ : Jo Rae Jin : Lead Dancer & Sub-Rapper .




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❝ company profile. ❞

Birth Name — Jo Rae Jin
Nicknames — 
— Most people call her this out of her own prefernece.
Ji-ji — Only a few select members of the group and close friends or relatives call her this. it was given to her by your now deceased grandmother whom she'd do anything for.

Age & Birthday — 20 & 01/14/1994 (16-21)
Birthplace & Hometown — Seoul, South Korea
Blood Type — A-
Nationality — Korean
Languages — Korean & English

❝ all about you. ❞

Training Period — Rae is fairly new to the trainee process. She's almost been at it for a year while most of her friends she's made have been at it for serveral years.
How Did You Get In? — Rae auditioned. Her friends made a pact to audition to get in and whoever got in would promise to keep in contact, send money, and gifts, and often invite them to meet celebrities. The ironic part of it all, Rae didn't even care to get in, she just auditioned to kill time.
Singing Twin — Park Bom
Dance Twin — Minzy
Rapping Twin — Miryo
Back Up Position — I'm not picky, so you can pick what you think suits her better. But If I must pick:
Lead Rapper / Subvocal.

❝ all eyes on you.❞





Face ClaimJo Eun Hee
Back Up — Hae In
Whoever's face claim you like best, feel free to use it. I had a hard time chosing OTL

Description — 
— 5'1"
Weight — 115 lbs
Tattoo — Thigh tattoo.

  • Position Picture 
  • What it says : "What a wonderful thing it is to be anything at all" 
  • What it means : to never take advantage of what you have because you are exsiting for a reason.

Piercings — Ear piercings, and thats all.
Hair Color — Rae's hair color is white. She thinks it makes her features stand out, however, out of all the bandmates, she can probably say she would be happy to be the one to go all out with crazy haircoloring or styles. From purple highlights, to a bright orange, or a dark brown with white tips; she doesn't care.

Style — Her style is more punk rock meets grunge then hop hip and comfy when she is with her friends or bandmates.
01. 02. 03.
Dorm — 01. 02. 03. 04.
Goin Out —






❝ even when i hide, i twinkle.❞


charisma hog — meet Rae on the stage. Rae on the stage has charisma, cheer, and brings excitement to her bandmates and the crowd. She will be running around and striking poses when they aren't dancing. She feels alive on the stage. It's an experience she never thought she could ever get to know. However, because of her sudden excitment and inexperience to performing with others and in front of others, she is the one who messes up the most. Whether it be with lyrics or a dance move. It all can be quite frustrating for her and her bandmates that she might have let down. She is one to put herself down and apologize a hundred times til she feels better about the situation.

just another plain jane — when it comes to performing, Rae can put on a show, which is ironic because the second its all said and done, her true dull colors show. While her skills are decent, her personality isn't so much. When she meets new people she becomes resigned and lets her bandmates speak for her. She'll only speaks when spoken to. She doesn't like to interupt or correct people even if they are wrong. She'd rather get to know the person while being quiet then decided if they are approachable. Most people forget her name just because she is quiet. She just another plain jane. Because of her troubles in finding words, her weakness is defiantly variety shows. She blushes, gets embarrassed and hides behind the maknae or the face of the group just to take the attention off her.

the tomboy — however, there are two sides to rae. While her shy stage appears during meeting new people, her charisma side takes place on stage and in the dorm room. She'll be caught running around in just underwear and t-shirts to make the girls laugh. She will out-eat any of her bandmates with ease, and she isn't picky with what she eats either. Rae is basically the jokester of the house, however it did take her a long time to show her true colors to her bandmates and friends. If any one is upset she'll make them laugh. If any one is bored, she'll come up with a weird new game. She farts out loud, burps out loud, and likes to make people laugh; she's a tomboy.

your pain is my pain — lastly, when rae finally warms up to people, thanks to her long 'observing them before i get to know them' plan, it makes it easier for Rae to tell when someone is upset. Rae will happily listen to any one's sob story just to see if she can help in any way possible. She will put your worries first before her own just to make sure they are happy!

Trivia — sky's the limit. feel free to include likes, dislikes, hobbies, habits, etc. bullet form please.


  • Cats. They are her virtue.
  • Changes. To herself or her enviornment. she likes exploring.
  • Laughing and making others laug.
  • food. She will eat anything!
  • Bright colors even though she only wears dull ones.
  • Making others happy.
  • Dancing.
  • The less clothes the better ; when she's in the dorm that is.
  • Catch her watching horror flicks by herself, then not being able to sleep that night.
  • Video games. I cannot stress. She will have a new computer game or hand held console just to play to kill time. 
  • She will listen to any type of music however her favorite is alternative or hip hip/rap. Her favorite current artist is Nell.
  • Manga & anime & kdrama & jdrama ; managa is the only thing she'll read and anime, and dramas are the only thing she'll watch besides a good scary movie.

dislikes —

  • Meeting new people without a heads up; it throws her off guard.
  • Long trips in the car. it'll make her sick.
  • Reading. She hates reading because she feels she's so slow at it.
  • People assuming she's younger than she is. She's 20! not 16!
  • People who take advantage of what they have; she was gifted with so little, she is blessed to have made it to where she is now.

hobbies —

  • Dancing is a major hobby.
  • Video games is a major hobby.
  • reading manga is a mjor hobby.
  • shopping online but never buying anything.
  • Eating.

habits —

  • Chews on her nails when she's stressed.
  • Smells things. She loves smelling things.

Career — 

Music videos 

  • Was the main girl in Got7's debut Mv : Girls Girls Girls
  • As a soloist I'd like her to do this song ; I feel it suits her personality.

Family —

Jo Jung Jin

relation : father
occupation : construction worker
personality : tough, loud, straight forward, honest.
relationship : they are two peas in a pod.

Jo Ki Rae

relation : mother
occupation : teacher
personality : sweet but blunt, wears her heart on her shoulder
relationship : they look much a like but have plenty of differences, however they still get along.


Friends —


relation : good friends
occupation : Miss A
personality traits : loud, giggly, funny, strong willed.
relationship : they met during trainee days and they clicked quickly thanks to their sense of fashion and personality traits as well as their likes and dislikes of things.


relation : friends
occupation : Got7
personality : bubbly, shy, laughs a lot
relationship : they are just friends who can relate with being older than they look.









❝ everytime i come close to you.❞

Partner — Wang Jackson (20) (JYP)
Back Up — 
Zhang Yixing (22) (SMnet)
Jay Park (25) (JYP)

Personality — 

Hello mister Wang. Meet the cockiest and funniest guy you will meet. He prides himself with his arms and legs being strong but also is basically the jelly to Got7 peanut butter. He will make any one life while not even trying to. Most of the time he has to be taught how to do something several times because of his poor knowledge of korean culture. Basically, I'd like to keep Jackson's personality the same as it is in RL. He's shy around pretty girls, then shows off and embarrasses himself. He's super flirtations and he does embarrassing t hings to get peoples attention.

Relationship — 

While Rae is super shy around Jackson, Jackson will approach her and and show her his muscles. She flirts back but she feels like he just sees her as a good "dancing pal" and not as a woman!

Their Story— 

Rae and Jackson met in trainee days when Rae was having enough of the back-up adancers bullying or making fun of the other trainees who couldn't dance too well. She made a bet if she could out dance their best dancer, they'd leave all the trainees alone. (she loves bets) of course she won and the crowd she had brought on shocked her and ultimately she ran out in embarrassment. It was her first time performing in front of people she didn't know, so it came as a shock. Jackson however, chased her down and was boasting on and on at how cool she was. To have someone boast about herself and be impressed by her moves, only made Rae fall hard for Jackson. She hardly approaches him, but the moment he sees her he'll come running to check up on her.

The only sad thing is, Jackson is a flirt and him learning the customs of overseas contact, Rae will catch him hugging other girls or touching their shoulders and such, and its very discouraging, because he doesnt do it to her! And, if Rae is in the middle of talking to Jackson and an older noona or pretty staff worker walk by he'll put Rae on hold just to go talk to them, and sometimes he never returns. He's a very confusing person.

❝ rise to the top.❞

Out of all the girls you'll be debuting with, whom do you feel closest to and why? 
The Maknae or the face of the group. Typically, my chubby cheeks gets me confused with the maknae. So me and her like to joke around about the age difference. The face of the group is so beautiful! Even in her worst moments she's still very pretty so I feel like if I befriend her more, some of that beauty will rub off on me!

Whom do you feel least closest to? 
Ironicly, the leader. While I do respect her, I feel like she is more of a mother or guardian to me than an actual friend. But I hope to change that soon.

How is dorm life? Do you have a certain role (ie cooking, cleaning, etc) or do you usually just linger around the couch and pester the unnies?

— I'm the jokseter. While I cause messes and sit in only undies and a t-shirt and play video games, I try to pick up after myself while also making up fun games or make the rest of the bandmates smiles.

Why do you think you should debut?

— I've progressed a lot! although I didn't plan on becoming famous as a dream, it is a dream now. I want to show my friend and family who are cheering me on my true potiental and how far i've developed myself as a whole.

Do you sneak out alot? If so, what do you usually do? Is there a member/friend/labelmate you usually go with? What do you usually do?
— I sneak out a lot. Just don't tell the leader. I only sneak out to eat some food though, espically if theres nothing in the house to eat! And sometimes I'll go next door to the Got7 house to borrow some video games or even play some with any one willing.

What is your preferred style? Cute, y, hiphop, etc.? Why?
— My style is my own style. I guess its a mix of grunge hiphop and comfty clothes. I have to set an example when I go out, but I have to stay comfy when I'm feeling lazy!

What sets you apart from your members? Do you have a trait/charm/etc that they don't possess? Elaborate on it.

— My charisma and joking ability. I can make them laugh but I can (or like to think i can) out shine them on stage when i'm really in the moment.





❝ the hardships i endure for you.❞

Training life — 

She typically trained every day. Her training experience however, was rough. While being the shy girl who didn't even want to be famous, it was a hard thing for the other trainees to swallow. They all worked hard to get were they are and Rae is there on a bet and got in somehow. She didn't mean to spill the beans, but when people pressured her how she got to be a trainee and what she wants to do, all she could do is say "I don't know". She got bullied; most days people called her chubby because of her cheeks and would take her food for the day. She lost quite a lot of weight.

She had enough of it and finally stood up forherself saying, she is here now, and she will continue to prove herself worthy of a JYP trainee. She was one of the fast growing in knowledge trainee. She caught on quickly to things. She had two friends during her trainee year, Bambam and Jia. Rae learned rap and how to sing during her trainee days, seeing as she use to think she never could do either.  It was a long process to getting her  to were she is now, but she is proud to be here and to prover herself to the others who just laughed at her inexperience.

❝ close the curtains.❞

Anything Else? — i don't know much about girl groups, honestly so sorry if its cliche or the twin raps/dance/voice are mary sues i really just searched "kpop girl rappers and chose the best voice i saw fit with my character OTL

Scene Requests — 

  • Jackson flirting with Jia
  • Jackson teaching Rae new dance moves (or vice versa)
  • Maybe the shooting of "girls girls girls" and how Rae is the main
  • Maybe a scandal can pursue about Rae getting caught sneaking out and into the got7 apartment.
  • Maybe a scandal can pursue and people call Rae a pig after catching her eatting a mouth full rather messily (idk? i'm not good at this xD)
  • Jackson getting mad at Rae because she was caught hugging Bambam or smth.
  • .... thats all i have rn otl



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