After being clean for so long the demons returned

After being 3 weeks clean I finally broke...

My family don't realise how much their actions cause me to do stupid things... I am constantly treated like a piece of that people can just kick about, my brother treats me as if I'm a slave... Today he told me I had to the dirt off his shoe as it's my fault it got dirty... My mum blames me for everything that goes wrong...

I honestly think they don't want me here.... I'm sat here looking at my freshly cut wrist with 16 new marks scaring my skin.... Thinking about how refreshed I feel now but I want to add more.... 

I have these voices... And I was fighting it off earlier guess he won.. It doesn't hurt but I am sat here crying all alone like usual... 

I'm so ing depressed that I want to ing die... I have school tomorrow and I honestly can't face the people in my classes I will end up crying or something because that's how my mental state is right now... I'm broken from stress and anxiety I keep having silent panic attacks during classes but can't tell anyone.... Do you know how painful it is to suppress the cries of a panic attack I get chest pain and say how I'm just feeling sick nothing serious because I know they will tell my mum.... 

My attendance at school is 86% so I can't have another day of for months as I'm on a level 2 warning..... I can't talk to anyone at school because all they do is tell you that you're fine... I get treated like a doll or something my friends don't actually help as they just make the stress even higher... I am probably going to cry tomorrow... I just want someone to ing hug me and tell me I'm alright take care of me be there for me when the demons take over my head..


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This life line is your only chance. So have courage be brave, fight while you still can, do what you wanna do and have no regrets.
Fight till you survive.
In this world no one is alone. NO ONE.
I am here, houseofcards she is here. We all on aff are here. Why should you give up?
I wish I could give you a hug and comfort you, I wish I can tell you I will take care of you but I am in London and I don't know where you are. Stay strong, keep hope and find that one person you think you can trust. Do whatever it takes you to survive.
I wish I could hug you and life definitely sometimes, but without darkness we wouldn't appreciate the happiness given to us. Just remember that we all live in the same hell, fighting the same demons only the level separates us.
I'd give you a hug if I could. I understand how it feels to be depressed and think no one is there for you that really cares. You're a strong amazing person and never forget that. *hugs*