❝kindle `` Kaye

Park Hyukkyu

// you - the applicant //

Username: JunglePoppy
Nickname: Trist
Active Rate: 8


// you - the human //

Full Name: Park Hyukkyu

→ Kyu: called so by friends and pretty much anyone who doesn't want to deal with his full name
→ Kate: his brother misheard his stagename when Hyukkyu called, went "they're calling you kate?!" and then proceeded to mock him mercilessly no matter how much hyukkyu protested that it was "kaye, not kate"

Other Name(s):
→ nick park (english)

Date of Birth: March 02, 1994 + 20

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

→ Korean (fluent; native language)
→ Japanese (basic; took as an elective in school + as a trainee)
→ English (conversational; spent two years in Australia as part of a study program)


Height: 173 cm

Weight: 55 kg


// you are, who you are //

Personality Traits:
+; responsible, sensitive, level-headed, generous, dependable
-; private, self-sacrificing, critical, reserved, cautious, uptight

Personality: Hyukkyu is the kind of person who will voluntarily sit there and listen to you complain or cry or whatever for hours. Even if he was in the  middle of getting something to eat. Even if he's completely exhausted. Even if his grandfather just died and he wants to do nothing but hide in the bathroom and wait for the world to settle down around him. All he knows is that there is a person who needs help and he has the time to help that person. His instinctive response is to try and keep peace in the environment around him, so he's always trying to clear up disputes and help others feel better about things.

He's very aware of his responsibilities and puts them in front of all other priorities, which sometimes includes his own wellbeing.  If he promises to do something, he's going to do everything he can to fulfill that promise, even if it means he has to skip sleep or food for a bit. Hyukkyu also has a horrible habit of promising to do to many things -- he tends to volunteer for tasks when no one else is willing, and small things add up all too quickly. As a trainee, he always showed up to practices on time, he always followed company instructions whether it was about diets or curfew or something else entirely, and he always kept up with his studies as well. That was probably one of the reasons he was chosen as a leader, even though there were other trainees who were probably better rappers and singers than him.

Whether due to his responsibleness or something else entirely, Hyukkyu is something of a stickler to rules. He's not very adventurous and he's always got the worst-case-scenario playing in the back of his mind, which makes him a giant killjoy at times. He'll be okay with things like pillow fights and only shake his head at the cinnamon challenge, but once people start lighting things on fire, he'll be all over them going "NO ARSON IS NOT GOOD" and hiding all flammable materials and whatnot. If people decide they want to have a video game marathon, he'll either (if they have a schedule/classes/other commitments) unplug the TV and wifi router and tell everyone to go to sleep or (if they don't have a schedule/classes/other commitments)  shake his head and let people do their thing while he goes to bed like a good little child.

Even though Hyukkyu is great at listening to other people and dealing with their problems, he never lets anyone hear his problems. He doesn't share much about himself, actually -- a lot of his friends don't even know that he has a brother or that his parents are divorced. He doesn't like to complain and pushes all of his grievances aside because he thinks he can handle it and doesn't want anyone else to know. When asked personal questions, he always tries to divert or distract, talking about other things that relate to the band or to the world but not to him. He doesn't like talking about himself -- he'll always describe himself as "boring" and "normal" and kind of just shrugs uncomfortable when anyone tries to attribute any other charateristic to him. 

In shows or interviews, he doesn't like showing off his talent -- that's one of the few things he won't volunteer for. Instead, he'll subtly try and push the other members into the spotlight, saying things like "x member has really improved their singing recently" or "x and x choreographed a dance together and it looks really cool". He's not at all a moodmaker, but he's good at reading the atmosphere on set and usually tries to steer things away from becoming too awkward. With fans, he always tries to do the best he can, which means he'll smile and laugh and do aegyo if they want it and draw hearts if they want him to. He always says that he treats their fans with "as much respect as I treat my grandparents". He's deferential to their manager, but Hyukkyu doesn't like disciplining much -- when someone in the group screws up, he usually does everything he can to take the fall, and then talk to that person later in private. He takes his role as a leader very seriously and always tries to keep the members orderly and informed about what they have to do the next day. There are definitely times when he's not above it all -- get him strung up on enough caffeine and sugar and he'll be bouncing off the walls as much as the next guy -- but he always tries to keep it together and keep the rest of the group together, too. 

Background: Hyukkyu's father is a music major turned accountant and his mother is a self-titled "new age model businesswoman" who always said that only good people led fulfilling lives. He grew up comfortably upper-middle class, surrounded by the most eclectic selection of music (his father approved of every genre ever and his mother had a surprisingly large collection of hiphop tracks). As a child, he had a lot of opportunities -- studying abroad was one of them. He rapped and sang as hobbies, but always thought that he would follow in his mother's footsteps and become a businessman until it became obvious that he couldn't stand business.

He spent a while just going through the motions -- going to school, hanging out with friends, doing work, rest, rinse, repeat. During that time, the only thing he really had a passion for was rapping and singing. His friend asked him if he was uploading covers or anything, because he seemed to be doing so much of it and enjoyed it. Hyukkyu was like "no, why should I?" His friend was like "dude. you could get noticed." And Hyukkyu hadn't ever thought about actually working in music before (hadn't his father ended up going into a completely different field?) but now that someone had brought it up, he couldn't stop thinking about it.

A Tea Ent. representative talked at his high school as part of an "arts enrichment" presentation. He decided to audition at a couple different places, but wasn't accepted to any of them. He was discouraged, but his friends told him to try again. He did indeed try again a year later at a few more places. He wasn't accepted to most of them, but Tea Ent. accepted him and he latched on to the chance.

He wasn't the most talented. He wasn't even in the top half of trainees when he first got in. He couldn't dance, he could barely sing, and his rapping, which served him well in school, turned out to be a disappointment in the face of trained performers. He wasn't even good-looking enough to save him from those failings. Hyukkyu was well-aware of that, however, and so he made every effort to train and overcome those shortcomings.

→ Friend | Lee Byungjoon | Student | 21 | high-strung, excitable, ambitious | They were inseperable in middle school, but they've drifted apart ever since. Hyukkyu still credits Byungjoon as the person who actually got him to audition and gave him the chance to do what he wanted to do.
Friend | Moon Sungjin | Student/Trainee | 19 | hard-working, pessimistic, self-absorbed | No one really knows why Sungjin and Hyukkyu are friends -- they have completely different temperaments -- but Hyukkyu found Sungjin having an emotional breakdown after practice one day and somehow, they ended up becoming weird pillars of support for each other.
→ Mentor | Choi Yeongok | Rapper, Writer | 39 | laid-back, sharp, idealistic | He was a man who lived down the street, one of Hyukkyu's father's acquaintances, who smoked and had a never-empty basket of candy for whoever happened to visit. He's the one who really sparked Hyukkyu's interest in rapping, who taught him about rhythm and wordplay and poetry-not-poetry, who showed him how to talk about things without naming them outright and spin pictures out of sounds.

→ Father | Lee Joonhyuk | Accountant | 53 | creative, supportive, practical | He's always encouraged Hyukkyu to do what he wanted to do -- "even though I may not have succeeded as an artist, there's nothing stopping you from succeeding."

→ Mother | Hwang Jungha | Market Research Analyst | 52 | driven, charismatic, headstrong | Hyukkyu isn't exactly close to his mother, but she's always been a kind of role model, the kind of person he should have been but never quite was. She's the one who instilled most of his ethics in him.
→ Brother | Lee Joonhee | Student | 19 | intuitive, indecisive, complacent | They used to be close, but he resented Hyukkyu for a while because he hadn't been there when their parents divorced and the family fractured. Now, they're back on speaking terms and Hyukyu calls once in a while but they're still not nearly as close as they were as children.


// yay or nay //

→ when it snows, because it almost muffles the sounds of the world and makes everything calm and peaceful and tranquil
→ neutral colors. He's not one for neon and shocking prints.
→ patbingsoo, which is pretty much his go-to summer dessert/snack
→ rock/funk/screamo remixes of pop songs. He likes how you can take something of one genre (e.g. bubblegum pop) and change it into something completely different while still retaining the original melodies/chords/etc.
→ Superhero movies. It's a bit of an idealistic thing, a bit of an "inner child" thing, and a lot of a "pretty CGI" thing.
→ Red bean paste and red bean flavored things
→ Scalp massages. It's one of the best ways to get him to relax, really.


→ alcohol. He doesn't like the taste of it and he doesn't like the implications of getting drunk.
→ being seen on camera/in public without makeup. He always wants to put his "best face" forward and doesn't see himself as attractive without makeup
→ horoscopes. He insists that he isn't one for superstition and one friend who wouldn't shut up about horoscopes deterred him from them forever.
→ being kept in the dark. He's not at all fond of secret cameras or surprise parties. If someone pulls one over him, he won't throw a fit or anything, but he'll be kind of tense and standoffish for a while.
→ anything deep-fried
→ haunted houses. He's not very fond of darkness or jumpscares and thinks there are way better things to do at night.
→ going on variety shows. He'll never tell anyone this, because he knows it's part of the job description and one of the requirements of being an idol singer. Even so, he's not very good on variety shows and feels kind of like he just lets their fans down whenever he appears.
→ clubbing. He can see how others like it, but close quarters + loud music + sweaty people + too much alcohol and smoke = not fun
→ skinship. He's doesn't mind a hug, especially to comfort others, but he's usually not too receptive to personal contact


→ soccer. He's complete rubbish at it, but it's always fun to play.
→ chess. Another thing he's complete rubbish at, but he likes doing.
→ DJing
→ writing lyrics. He also does a bit of spoken-word poetry, but it's mainly just lyrics.
→ playing drums
→ reading. He has a special fondness for historical fiction.

→ If he gets really stressed or annoyed (to the point that he can't even focus anymore), he just drops everything and starts cleaning.
→ He has an odd nervous tic where he wraps his fingers around the wist of the other hand and twists
→ He always points with two fingers instead of one
→ When he's embarrassed, he ducks his head and covers his face with his hands

→ manholes. When he was younger, he saw a crime drama that involved a man who fell into a manhole and got boiled alive. Ever since then, he's given manholes a wide berth.
→ that he wouldn't be able to save the people he loves; that he would end up severely hurting or killing someone through his actions (or inactions)

→ anything involving needles and eyeballs. He's generally okay with needles, he's generally okay with eyeballs, but if you put the two together, he's out of there.
→ not quite a proper fear, but he gets lightheaded at the sight of blood

→ Was 3rd in his class in high school 
→ Is a morning person and is always one of the first to wake up
→ He's also a pretty light sleeper
→ Respects people who are older than him, but always insists on being seen as a '93 liner even though he's kind of on the '93-'94 border
→ Very concerned with images and appearances
→ He came into the company barely able to dance. He's still probably the worst dancer in the group, but he spends a lot of time practicing -- possibly more time than he spends in anything else.
→ He drinks tea but not coffee unless he's really forced to.
→ If he absolutely had to, he would shave his head, but he'd be very reluctant about it and wear beanies all the time afterwards
→ Easily surprised by loud noises
→ Follows a strict skincare regime
→ Carries a bag full of assorted amenities (vitamins, hand wipes, lotion, bb cream, emergency first aid kit, etc.)



// here i am //

Face claim: Park Jaehyun

Back-up Face claim: Jeon Kiwook

Appearance: Hyukkyu's hair is naturally black and very straight, but he changes styles and color quite often. He's not very tall, but he's pretty thin. He has a mole on his right upper arm that's only visible if he wears sleeveless tops, which he rarely does.

Style: His style is kind of preppy, peppered with button-downs and kind of understated blazers. Since he gets cold easily, he tends to layer up, and he rarely wears anything sleeveless. In the dorm, he'll usually wear a long-sleeved sweater and dark skinny jeans and occasionally glasses if he's got nothing to do and doesn't want to put his contacts in. For practice, he'll usually wear a loose t-shirt and sweatpants -- usually skinny ones, but occasionally baggy. It depends on the type of dance done as well. If it's really cold in the studio, he'll wear a thin sweatshirt over the t-shirt. His casual and airport wear is somewhat similar, although his airport style usually involves more layers as temperatures are much more variable on planes. Both usually look slightly preppy -- button-downs or blazers over dark skinnies. Shoes are usually loafers or black Converses. For formal wear, he usually just wears a tux or whatever his stylist gives him.
→ Dorm: o o o o o
→ Practice: o o o o o
→ Airport: o o o o o
→ Casual: o o o o o
→ Formal: o o o o o


// you - the idol //

Stage Name: Kaye
Stage Persona: Princely Leader
Position: Leader, "Father", Vocalist, Lead Rapper
Back-up Position: ahaha everyone else is a dancer maybe Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Visual/Face?
Fanclub Name: Okayes (ahaha i'm bad at this)
Fanclub Color: #C41E3A

Singing Twin: Lee Sungyeol (INFINITE)
Rapping Twin: Jung Heechul (ZE:A)
Dancing Twin: n/a
Talking Twin: Lee Minhyuk (BtoB)

Ideal Type: He doesn't really have one, but he always says Han Jimin (actress). He admires her talent as well as her social welfare work and general good-heartedness.
Role Model: Tiger JK for his talent, his style, his musicality, his innovation, and everything he's done for the Korean hip-hop scene
Rival: n/a (if you need more drama I'd be willing to provide one though)
Love Rival: n/a (same as above)


// loving u //

Love Interest: (please add group name also)

Status: (no dating yet!)




Interaction(s): Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


// me - the author © //

Comment/Concern/Question(s): If you'd prefer that characters have a love interest/love rival/rival, just tell me and I'll add it. I could possibly end up making an OC love interest. But tbh I don't feel like Kaye would really be happy with having a serious relationship unless he felt like his career was like set and stable, which probably wouldn't happen for another five years at least.
Scene Suggestion(s): ahaha what is creativity
i would like some band-centered things, though. like maybe arguments or tensions within the band. i also feel like reality shows are fun but hard to write in a fic -- maybe do some behind-the-scenes writing and show that a lot of things are scripted or the members don't get along as well as they appear to or something like that?
Whole group: Trouble Maker songs, Going Crazy (Jieun + Bang Yongguk -- might need more rappers idk), Goodbye Summer (f(x)), Secret Love (BAP), Hello (SHINee), Nothing's Over (INFINITE)
Female subgroup: Library (TTS), Pretty Girl (f(x)), Domino Game (Kiss&Cry), Cry Cry (T-ara), Nothing Lasts Forever (Girl's Day), Queen (Son Dambi)
Male subgroup: I'll Be There + I YAH (Boyfriend), Chaos (VIXX), Movie's Over (Block B), Walk By (Teen Top), Black Pearl (EXO), One 4 You (A-JAX)


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wow he's cute c':