children of the night :: character name, the plotline

charactername alias nickname

the plotline

username - no need to hyperlink | What can I call you? - author is Eunji or Lin | Activeness - /10

(replace all pictures with your ulzzang's unless specified)

(delete all these notes and everything behind the '-')

(have fun and good luck!)

once upon a time, there was a girl wolf...


Birthname - asian name, please! lastname firstname
Alias(es) - other names besides your birthname, either from other languages, etc.
Nicknames - reason + who calls her that (bullet form)
Birthday + Age - follow the ages in your plotline
Birthplace - anywhere in the world
Hometown - anywhere in the world
Bloodtype - a, b, o, ab (be realistic, doesn't have to match your personality)
Height - in centimeters, height limit 165-175cm
Weight - in kilograms, be realistic. we want healthy wolves here
Ethinicity - at least half-asian
Languages - i don't care how many you give me, just make sure it does not exceed 14 and that she isn't fluent in all. remember to state fluency

..who loved to do things..


Personality - quantity over quality. give me a long- essay, I'll love you but make sure she's a realistic character. if she's a marysue, I'll kick you out. please follow the description we have given you in your plotline!

Likes -
min 6, start here in bullet form

Dislikes -
min 6, start here in bullet form

Hobbies -
min 4, start here in bullet form

Habits -
min 4, start here in bullet form

Trivia -
GO CRAZY, start here in bullet form

...she was a flower on the outside...


Ulzzang Name - read the cheatsheet. Lee Dasom is taken.
Links -  min. 5 links or a gallery
Back-up Ulzzang Name -  same as above
Links - min. 3 links or a gallery
Extras - tattoos? birthmarks? piercings? scars? hair color? everything!

Style - clothing style aka fashion. describe everything here: from casual to formal

...yet she had a beast inside her...


(change the pic into your wolf form!)

Wolf Type - pure-wolf / half-breed / changeling (bold and underline your wolf type, cross out the others.)

For pure wolves: Which pack did you belong to? - before you were discovered by Lindsay (delete if half-breed/changeling)

For half-breeds: Which form do you prefer to be in - human or wolf? - self-explanatory (delete if pure-wolf/changeling)

For changelings: When, how, and where were you changed into a wolf? - explain in details. it must occur in the night of the full moon. (delete if pure-wolf/half-breed)

Rank your skills! - (remember: NO MARY SUES)
Combat (__/10)
Agility (__/10)
Speed (__/10)
Strength (__/10)
Teamwork (__/10)
Communication (__/10)
Strategy (__/10)
Intelligence (__/10)
Relationship with the other wolves (__/10)

...her loved ones...


Background - tell us how she spent her life before she was discovered by Lindsay. refer to your plotline for more info!

Family - add/delete if needed
Father | name | age | occupation | personality traits | interactions
Mother | name | age | occupation | personality traits | interactions
Brother/Sister | name | age | occupation | personality traits | interactions

Best Friends - max 3
name | age | occupation | how you met | interaction

Friends -
name | age | occupation | how you met | interaction

...and the key to her heart...

(Replace luhan's gif with your love interest!)
Love Interest - must be from EXO
Personality - we have some info on the plotline too
How you meet/met - try not to be too cliche dears
Interactions - please be detailed!
Relationship - crushing? friends? one-sided love (/gasp/)? no dating!

Back-up Love Interest - same as above
Personality - same as above
How you meet/met - same as above
Interactions - same as above
Relationship - same as above

Love Story - cinderella? red string of fate? peter pan? up to you! note: romeo and juliet is taken.
Details - explain your character's love story! does your love rival have anything to do with the story?
How do you want your story to end? - explain, don't just write happy/sad ending

...and her black knight..

(Replace kai's gif with your love rival!)
Love Rival - Optional so please use the beloved abc button to cancel this section out!
Group - preferably not from EXO
Personality - we have some info on the plotline too
How you meet/met - try not to be too cliche dears
Interactions - please be detailed!
Relationship - crushing? friends? one-sided love (/gasp/)? no dating!

Back-up Love Rival - same as above
Group - same as above
Personality - same as above
How you meet/met - same as above
Interactions - same as above
Relationship - same as above

..but then the hunters found her...

(do NOT change this picture!)

Specialties - what you're good at (combat/sneak attacks/strategies/etc.) max 3
Chosen Weapon - when you're fighting in human form
Plotline - ...
Back-up Plotline - ...

(please answer the following questions in 1st Person aka your character's POV. explain details: you may use action (*smiles*, /blushes/, etc.) have fun!)
Hey, I'm Luhan, here to ask you a few questions. Since none of my Alphas are here, then I'll take first charge. First, how were you discovered by my sister, Lindsay? 
answer here.

How did you feel when Lindsay told you we were going to train you?
answer here

Thanks, Lu. I'll take it from here. Hey, I'm Junmyun, Alpha of EXO. Do you know of us, EXO?
answer here

Are you looking forward to our training? 
answer here

How do you feel and act around the other wolves? How would you rank your relationship with them?
answer here

How do you feel about the hunters? Do you most likely want to kill them? 
answer here

Last question: What do you think you have or can do that Lindsay was able to choose you? 
answer here

to be continued...

Comments/Suggestions - we'd love to hear your comments!

Scene Requests - optional

Password - check the cheatsheet(?)

" Plotline, charactername reporting! Back to the den!"


© exo_lover66 & luminous_star



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