X.Press - Maeng Soon Ji (Sun-J)

Maeng Soon Ji

username — Kill_LaKill

nickname — Kir

activity rate — 7/10


name — Maeng Soon Ji
other NAMEs — N/A

nicknames — Chocola (A playful nickname made by Hoya), Riddlehead (Made because of her confusing personality and fondness for riddles), Maeng#2 (Because she's the 2nd oldest out of the Maeng Sisters)

birthdate — 26th March 1991

birthplace — Suwon, Gyeonggi-Do, South Korea

hometown — Suwon, Gyeonggi-Do, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean
Height/weight — 168 cm / 51 kg

languages — Korean (Native), English (Conversational) & Mandarin (Basics)

How do I look?

face claim — T-Ara Hyomin

gallery — Gallery

backup face claim — SNSD Jessica

gallery — Gallery


appearance — She has a long hair that reaches to her back with the colour of caramel golden brown. She has one tattoo on her collarbone and a belly button ring

fashion style — Soonji will dress normally at casual times. She will wear a simple shirt and jeans along with a blazer. She wears something that makes her comfortable off-stage and comfortable means safe. She doesn't show skin often even when she's on-cam (But she always manage to look y anyway). Soonji likes to wear bikinis with a simple colour on the beach, especially the colour black. If she doesn't went to the water, she'll wear it with shorts and a thin shirt. Formal, simple but stylish. Something that will hug her curves perfectly and gives her the charismatic aura around her. She doesn't like being too showy but she herself has already took all the people's attention just by walking

i am who i am

traits — Confusing, Mysterious, Friendly, Secretive & Caring


Soonji is a mysterious and tricky set of puzzle that almost half of the humanity ever encountered. She is confusing as she is for her mind cannot be readen by a mere person. She is friendly and gives off a calming aura yet there's something about her sweet smile that makes people shiver out of her existence, as if she's an imp. Although she seems harmless at first, some people always get the feeling that she's a dangerous one, a catastrophe waiting to happen. Some of the people, most of the men doesn't. Her bewitching looks of a seductive queen can make man to their knees, blinded and spellbounded. She was never interested in being active on engaging a ual activities but hey, women can have their own fun in their own ways. She loves to feel helpless under a man yet she's the one who wrapped them up under her pretty little fingers if it's not related to anything ual. Soonji is secretive, she's open about anything necessary to be talked about but protect what she must protect. Sometimes she gives them a hint by giving them a confusing riddle, a code word or says something related to the topic, ending it with an impish grin and a wink- before flying away from the scene. As I say, she is confusing. Yet she also has an evil side of her. 'Humiliate' is her speciality, 'Blackmailing' is her everyday work, 'Negotiating' is her second job. She is a true devil when it's about humiliating other people. From something innocent like a harmless prank to the most evil ways that will make you cry and never want to see her face again. Her ways are different, it's either action or words. She's extremely good in handling words that are hurtful it will scar your heart yet she's also careful to not use childish or bad remarks nor raising her voice when it's not necessary. The moment she lets temper to her tongue, she loses. And there are times when she uses her tongue skill to comfort the people that she cares. Her soothing words, her soft eyes and her sincere smile will make you feel peace. She'll envelope you around her warm embrace and make you feel safe. She has soft spot on a person that are younger and innocent. Childrens to be exact, she founds peace around them. She's always willing to take care of them and will always cherish them

If she could be evil, sometimes around the men that she categorised as the men that could hurt Flair or herself in the future. The men that she says as 'Disappointing' ones. Soonji is shown to be manipulative and calculating. Her goal through most of her encounter with guys like that and her evil times is to dominate men by using power that backfires. She often uses people to achieve her goals, such as women that wanted revenge to the guy she targets at. She's like a mafia boss when it comes to this. She would learn his 'habits' and starts on her planning, playing the sweet innocent women. She is unbelieveably evil, humiliation is not only her specialty. Exile and removing people from her 'system', the system that keeps her alive. If only men could be more kind to women and not use them, her system might be as fine as it should be

Dance is her passion, she is a different person when she dances. On top of the stage, she is well known for their iness. Soonji is also a symbol of iness through movement. No need no words, just need to watch her sway her body elegantly but also strong. She is a true performer for Flair and for the SC Ent.


background — Maeng Tae Hyung and Lee Jae Rim met when they're at the university years, he's a sophomore and she's a freshman. And as how love story begins, it begins with a friendship. Not long after, they started dating. And before they knew it, Taehyung had put a ring in Jaerim's small finger. They were married under the sun of the warm autumn breeze. Their first child is a daughter that they named Maeng Soon Young (Representating the 'Mature' and 'Kind' of the Maeng Sisters). Soonyoung is a kind and good-willed girl that grows up into an independent and responsible daughter. Then after 6 years of Soonyoung's birth, came the second one. Our main character, Maeng Soon Ji has born to the world. Since a child, there's 2 things that Soonji is fond of. Puzzles and ballet, the hobby of almost all children and young girls. But her parents never knew that it will take such a great impact of her (not the puzzle part mind you). Dance becomes her main point of life and puzzle become her, as if it's just into one of her personality. She becomes who she is now, the puzzling and evil Maeng Soon Ji. Just after 3 years, came the twins, Maeng Soon Min and Maeng Soon Hyun (Representating the 'Yin and Yang' of the Maeng Sisters) who grew up with different personalities but cannot be seperate. Back to Soonji, she becomes who she is now, but not before she got into the night life. One day, she got invited into a dance club by her friend. But of course, once a club stays a club. There's still the flashing lights, the booming sounds of music and the bodies of hundreds people dancing and drinking. Although it's so much of chaos, she fell in love with it. Even though she could not dance freely, she's still in love with it. Dancing under the blinding light, she was truly a surprising individual


Although she often goes to the club (her parents know), she rarely drinks any alcohol nor engage any ual activity like most common teenager who goes to the club would do. She sometimes does it of course, but not much to make her addicted to it. She still love to dance and it's still a main point of her life. And one of the options to make dancing a career and job is to be an idol. She started taking small vocal lessons as if it's her back-up plan. Then, her bigger sister auditioned herself into Starship Ent. to become a singer. She found an inspiration from her and follows her footstep. She succesfully auditioned and debuted with a group called 'Happy Three' under the stage name Chelly with the other two members, Remi and Dee. They debuted smoothly and won 1 award at MBC Music Core. But it all went down when Remi left to pursue her acting career at Europe and Dee left because of the scandal involving their manager. Thus, Happy Three officially disbanded and Soonji left Starship. Just when she thought everything is bad, she found another light in SC Ent. She auditioned with her dancing skills and vocal skills, successfully got inside SC Ent. Of course, some of them know her as Chelly, the dancing charisma of Happy Three. But she pays that no more attention. Her future is taking her on different path, on SC Ent.

likes — 


Cropped tops


Collars / chokers


CSJH and Shinhwa

People being confused by her


Humiliating other people

dislikes — 

Oblivious people

Idols that tries too hard to be cute

People who calls y concept girlgroups as a 'bunch of '

People who doesn't appreciate hardwork

Judgemental people


Party poopers

Cancer (The disease)

People who claimed they can dance when all they can do is just swaying and booty poppin'

Plastic (Yes she calls them that)

The fact she has a high alcohol tolerance (she thinks it's a curse, she wants to feel high at least once)

hobbies — 


Humiliating people

Blackmailing almost everybody

Going to the gym


Giving that 'sweet and scary' smile to anyone who greets her

Raises her eyebrows when she's confused

Closes her eyes and bites her lips when she's in a deep thought

Chuckles mockingly when she hears someone saying something really stupid and doesn't make sense

Clenches her jaws when people starts calling y concept groups or s all over again

trivias — 

She's biual and had been rumoured that she has an ex-girlfriend

Occasionally goes to a club

She got a minor experience in choreographing for Starship Ent.'s artists

She loves the colour black, she thinks it's the iest colour ever

She is not a

She has her own dance crew inside SC Ent. but it belongs to her, it was named 'The Nouveau Crew'

She believes in CL's term of 'Not bad meaning bad but bad meaning good'

She always laugh when someone tries to put her on a WGM

She had once said "I could bring SC Family into a club I always play at but I do not know what Mistress Kwon would say about that"

Here is a fun fact; she reads all your fanfics and tumblr post. She founds it amusing when she reads a rated M fanfic about her and (one of the member's name)

Her first time was with her first boyfriend (Typical)

Sometimes she models for clothing brands and does a runway

Her goal: 'Flair will leap over the borderline and receive the honour that we deserve' 

special skill: Making people extremely scared of her just by staring at them

stage name — Sun-J
persona — Flair's Girl on Fire
Position — Main Dancer & Lead Vocalist
back-up POSITION — Main Rapper & Lead Dancer
Talent twins — (Put twins for backup position in parenthesis)

     Singing Twin — Maki Goto [Rainbow Noeul]
     Dancing Twin — Koharu Sugawara [Ufa Sofura]

     Rapping Twin — N/A [Miss Monday]
     Talking Twin —Girl's Day Sojin

Fanclub name — Flames
Fanclub color #ff0000

Entertainment Background — 

Starship Ent -> Happy Three (Remi, Dee and Chelly); A group that holds a success only for a year until main vocalist Dee got into strings of scandal with their own manager. She left the group without any notice and only an apology letter adressed to Remi and Chelly. It is presumed that Dee and the manager ran away from all the controversies and scandals. Not long then Remi announced that she will be leaving Happy Three and Starship Ent for her acting career in Europe, leaving Chelly. Then Chelly left and got in SC Ent (More information is in the background)


family ties

family — 

— Father | Maeng Tae Hyung | 60 | Physics Doctor | Strict, Serious & Charismatic

— Mother| Maeng Jae Rim | 58 | Housewife | Wise, Calm & Caring

— Bigger Sister | Maeng Soon Young | 27 | Soloist under Starship | Kind, Mature & Independent

— Little Sister | Maeng Soon Min | 19 | Student and Trainee under YG Ent | Lovely, Quiet & Reserved

— Little Sister| Maeng Soon Hyun | 19 | Student and Trainee under YG Ent | Bratty, Loud & Naughty

my best forever friend

friends/rival — 

— Best Friend | Park Mi Yoon aka Remi | 22 | Actress | Pleasant, Friendly & Extremely Caring

— Best Friend | Lee Howon | 23 | Idol (Infinite) | Playful, A bit flirty & Jokester

— Friend? Rival? | Park Eun Mi aka Dee | 20 | ??? | Obnoxious, y & Flirty

Our love story

love interest — Park Se Hyuk, P-Goon, 23, and Topp Dogg.

backup love interest — Lee Min Hyuk, 23 and BTOB


personality — Behind his all brusque and indifferent image, he’s actually a laid back and easy going person. He’s the typical guy who would make the tension in the room dissipate and that one person who would joke around at the wrong time. He can manage to make a few people to laugh at his joke but he’s not a total jokester, just a really friendly person. He’s really caring to , a true leader. Although the members always joke around by calling him a scary leader and he response with a fake sobbing and says ‘How ungrateful!’ When it comes to ladies, he’s a gentleman. Woman is God’s masterpiece and he will treat them just like it. Except if he took special interest in them, he will flirt her and have her in his way. Like Charlotte, he’s good with words, especially at pick up lines and cheesy words. The kind of girl that he wants is a grown and mature woman because he cannot stand a girl who’s all aegyo and cutesy
First meeting — They met at a club when Soojin (Chelly) just had finished her promotions, her girls are not too far away from her but also scattered on the dance floor. As she dances, she felt a hand on her waist. Feeling another companion behind her, she turns to meet the owner of the hand. She was greeted with a man with handsome features, thick eyebrows and a cute nose. He flashed a toothy grin as if it’s an innocent smile and continue to sway his body with her. She was surprised that he shows no signs of lust in his eyes or his expression. So she plays it with his way, she continues to dance with him by her side. Once a while he will look at her and grins again which she gladly return with her own smile. As one upbeat song ended, it turned into a sensual song with a nice beat to it. The atmosphere on the club starts to heat as the bodies collided in a dirty dancing. She turns to him, which only grins at her, not doing anything besides holding her arm. She raised her brow in questions and he just shrugs, indicating that he’s not interested on doing that. She smiles again, backing away to disappear and wait for him to chase her again. But he suddenly pulls her to him, their bodies hitting each other but he steadies her by wrapping an arm around her waist. His gaze burns into her own surprised orbs. He chuckles and leans in to kiss her forehead quickly, slipping something inside her hand before pulling away and blends in with the crowd. She blinked for a second before opening her palm, a wrapped paper. She unwraps it ‘I’m a fan c;’ with a number on it. She chuckled, then giggled, then laughed gleefully, clapping her hands. She’s positive that he can hear her applauding for the amusement he gave to her, because she knows that he’s near


Before relationship; Both of them are the best of the friends. After their encounter on the club, out of curiosity she had texted him and they ended up on a long conversation (Which resulting of the member’s teasing her that she got a new ‘boyfriend’). Having a cousin that has a past connection with Stardom, she had met him almost everyday if she doesn’t have any schedule going. They became very close to each other and he runs to her when he needs help about his future idol life. They also flirt with each other, but mostly Sehyuk is the one that engages the flirting first or he would be the one that keeps on flirting her just to try and annoy her (In which he failed). They never engage in a ual activity before, maybe teasing with light touches and ing but they never take it to the next level like how she does with another man. No this man is different, he amuse her and he doesn’t even try to get into her pants nor does he give a damn about her being rich and such. She’s his friend, they will share some pecks on the forehead or cheek when they need it or a simple hug. It is unbelievable that he’s younger than him when it looks like he’s the one who takes care of him


After Relationship; Now that she’s his woman, he won’t hesitate to pamper her with his love. He’ll be more touchy and intimate to her, looking for a chance to kiss her and tells her how much he loves him. Usually, since Topp Dogg is still fresh new it will take time until they can go public. But he’s always worried about her, especially on how the fans will treat her. Sehyuk doesn’t want anything bad happened to her, he knew the risk and consequences but he doesn’t want to break it off with her. The same goes to Soonji. It was a quite bitter memory to remember and she doesn’t want to happen the second time she committed into a real relationship. Yet they know the risk and consequences, they walk hand in hand as one while moving forward on what future has to offer them

Ending — Of course it will be a rocky relationship between the two of them, since Soonji is that kind of person. But I hope for a stable happy ending for the both of them, like how her parents does

Famous last words

comments/suggestions — Good day author and I hope you find my character up to your standard. I am still a newbie at this so please bear with me if I have many mistakes and I'll appreciate if you point it out for me. Thank you for your convenience and I hope you'll consider her

scene requests

- Sehyuk and Soonji making it official

- Soonji's mother got diagnosed of cancer and she postponed from Flair for a while

- Soonji reading hate mails out loud and making fun of it at their reality show

turn in — back to the story


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