ZE:A will come to the Philippines (January 12-14~~Philippine Tour)

ZE:A is coming here in the Philippines

for their Philippine tour.

It will be held on Ayala Malls on January 12-14

waaaah. okay. I admit it. I'm not really a fan

coz' I rarely see them but I'm just glad that another Kpop group will come here

BUT even though I don't really know many of them. I LOVE KWANGHEEEEE<3

He's so funny:))



Anyone who can give me facts about ZE:A?

specifically, who is a member who can speak english?

even conversational english?:)


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Kevin speaks english really well since he lived in America before.
omg. Waaaeeeee? Where ?
I want to see them even though I'm not really a big fan ^^ But if it's too far...probably won't go. :/
And school's starting soon TT__TT