Pokemon ORAS


So Nanowrimo forme was a bit of a flop. hahaha. only 12k? so far with barely 4 days left.Oops. 

Anyways, been playing Pokemon Alpha Sapphire! I'm seriously addicted to pokemon games OTL. I should really go look for a part-time job gyahhh

Anyone else play ORAS? Friend code: 3840-6232-2698 (though it's my sister's 3DS... haha)

Bye for now~


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MINE IS: 3411-2029-6077
lol my friends and i quit at around half of the second way into nano tbh lol. i seriously am starting to doubt i'll ever be able to "win" nano otl.

but the new pokemon gaaaameeee /foams at mouth. i need to go buy a 3ds first otl. i was gonna buy it on my japan trip coming jan but stupid region lock. sob. i want it so bad though.