Guy Bestfriend Problems

I have a new person whom I'm dating. He's a senior at my med school (he sings and plays the guitar. weeeeee :">)... Of course I shared it to my 5 years guy bff... And he won't stop teasing him! =____= Like: he's an old man trapped inside a young guy's body, and he bets my new guy still uses YM and myspace up until now. I have never teased the girl he's been dating for 5 years now. =__=

He's mean to every single guy I date. T^T

To those who are waiting for an update, I deeply apologize. I've just been very busy with med school. Please forgive me. m(_ _)m


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taedaebae unni and I share the same feelings. whyyyyyyyy TT
WHY AM I NOT TOLD ABT THIS NEW GUY? I'M MAD. How could you unnie. /cries/ i'll get back to you soon :( i'm missing the gossips