Flying, Deep in Night

does the iframe come out? kkk

i was in the middle of listening all kyuhyun's new songs, and i was jsafjsfhlkj interested by the nice ballads

(oh and especially My Thoughts, Your Memories and Moment of Farewell)

but this pop-happy song successfully distracted me from my ballad-ish mood and-- this is so nice!

the fantasy feels from the english translation is so wow i cannot

but im between two titles; the youtube vid tells me flying deep in the sky but the kakaotalk vers tells me flying deep in night? ha


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Jeeeee tbh gw addicted sama At Gwanghwamun
Kyk waktu lw kecanduan sama eyes nose lips lol gw mainin at gwanghwamun terus"an
Btw lagunya enak
MyeolchiHyuk #2
True2.. this song is just so wonderful.. just too perfect...