So What Will It Take For My Stories To Get Featured Here?

Kekeke~ Sorry, just kidding. Getting featured isn't really a priority for me as of now. I'm just blowing off steam. I'm at work and my brain's getting stuffy. Hul~ 

Anyways, I've been reading TSoJ. Maaaan, this story's gotten heavy only after a few chapters. Hahaha~ Why did I write such a dramatic story? I can hardly recognize myself in this. 

I wanna go back to writing. I realized that however hectic my schedule is, I should find time to indulge in my things I really love to do. Soon...definitely very soon. I'm not saying this as a promise to you. More like a challenge to myself. I need to push myself a little harder now or else I end up hating myself for procrastinating again. 

Send me some energy my friends!


Much love



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Even though it isn't your priority, I still hope you will reach it one day ;)
Your fic must have the highest number of upvotes in that week, to be featured. So for example, a fic with 200 upvotes won't automatically get featured, the fic must get that much in a week. Just FYI.

Set a deadline. And stick to it. Tell yourself that you will allot an hour each night for writing. Do that. Or you will write a thousand words a day. Hehe.
weerainbow #3
You know, if it was up to me I'd have your stories featured all over the place cos they're awesome!!! ^___^
*sends hearts and energy and cake and hugs your way*
I hope you manage to fit in a bit of writing to your schedule and that you really enjoy it, that's what's most important. The way you're looking at this is good. If you wanted to do it just to finish something it would be different, but knowing you love writing and that's why you want it makes me feel happy because I want you to be happy :)
Love you lots my lovely Charlie xx
I'll wire a solar panel to you'll have all the energy!