rubric; squarebot request shop

Title: -/10

The first factor that draws people to your story. Be rational, logic, relevant.

Foreword and Description: -/10

An insight of your piece. Something that pulls reader to click the next button.

Plot: -/20

This is the main reason why you wrote the story in the first place. Show it off, put everything in place, write it down!

Flow: -/20

The pace of your story; are you taking it nice and slow, or you expect readers to inhale at lightning speed?

Characterization: -/20

How well are your characters portrayed? Do they fit each of their roles?

Mechanics: -/15

This is where your grammar, punctuation, syntax and everything along the line goes. Don’t worry, I’m not as strict; English ain’t my mother-tongue but I studied it fairly well.

Presentation: -/5

Was I distracted throughout reading?


--happy requesting! xx_aejin


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