Angelz || Melissa Autumn

Autumn Melissa
Cinemom || Cin || activity rate: 9

Fairy Angel Name: Jasmine

— baby blue eye ( she has blue eyes )
— Dark chocolate ( she has tan skin )
( add more if needed, use shift+enter )

birthday & age: 21st April 1997.  17 years old internationally 18 in Korea.
birthplace & hometown: Bristol, United Kingdom 
height & weight: 169cm.    48kg
blood type: o+

— English  ( fluent - native )
— ​Korean ( fluent - native )
— ​German  ( semi fluent - Studied it at school, also did a GCSE on it and got an A )
faceclaim: Suzy (but with blue eyes and tanned skin-if that makes sense- sorry don't know a blue-eyed tanned skin kpop idol)
back-up face claim: Bora

+ Melissa is a very outgoing person meaning that she is willing to take risks and likes to try out many new things. She is also very social and comfortable to talk to and is the type of person to break an awkward silence. She is independent and doesn't like depending on people for things weather it is food or help if she fell down. This makes her seem very mature and confident. She hates swearing and loves to bring a smile to people's faces and is also very lively. She is also very athletic and runs like the wind. Her stamina is amazing and she can do many sports which includes: running(she's better at long distance), netball, basketball, cricket, tennis(she was in the school team for these sports) and gymnastics(she represented England with a lot of other junior gymnasts in a competition against Scotland, Wales and Northan Ireland and came first in tumbling but fifth overall).
-Being from a very rich family, she is very spoilt and stubborn. If she wants something, she will get it no matter what. She is also very cunning in a sense that she will do anything to get what she wants. However, she isn't very bright in the sense that she has no common sense meaning that she will have a lot of dumb and blonde moments where she doesn't get a joke and then after ten minutes she's like "oooohhh I get it now!" Her ignorance takes the better of her aswell since she hasn't experience much in her lifetime-if you know what I mean. When everyone else talked about , she would understand what they were saying but could never say anything about it herself wheather if it was an opinion or experiences. When she first meets someone, she would be nice and friendly and won't be afraid to show her true self, most people however would take it as cockiness or fake. It's only if they met her more often that they would realize that it wasn't fake and that despite the fact that she has a lot of confidence in herself and she doesn't like getting any favour and being ordered around, she isn't cocky at all.

— Green tea ( her secret to a good night's sleep )
— ​dark chocolate( addicted to it )
— ​Animals ( who doesn't? )
— ​Cake especially Black Forest cake ( Her favourite food )
— ​Sports ( keeps her fit )


— insect ( who doesn't? )
— clowns ( bad birthday party )
— ​books ( she's dyslexic )
— meat ( she's a vegetarian and loves animals )
— jam ( disgusting gooey stuff...eww! )


— running
— tennis

has to fiddle with everything
—when she laughs, she starts slapping the people around her
— Frezzes when she doesn't know what to do 
tapping her fingers when listening to music
— pretending to whistle since she really can't 

she's dyslexic
she is a vegetarian
she loves sport
she is a huge directioner
She looks mature but is actually quite dumb and childlike
She was born in Bristol, Enland in a very rich family. Her father is British whilst her mother is Korean. Her world revolved around money and therefore got very spoilt and stubborn. As a child she was one of those popular girls who were mean and bully the unpopulars. She also did like taking a lot if risks and loved going on rides and skydiving and she loved to travel. She also had a twin brother who's personality was completely different to hers; he was nice, she was mean. But one thing they had in common was that they were both quite myschevious therefore got the title double trouble in school. She also then developed a liking for dance felt like that was the only thing in life that she needed, not wanted. She went to dance battles where she would just have fun. There she discovered that she wanted to be an idol.
After puberty, she suddenly had a personality change as she got more mature,and started being lively around everyone. No one would believe that she was the mean Melissa when she was younger. She started smiling more rather than frowning. However, something's like her stubbornness and spoiltness didn't change since her life still revolved around money. When she turned 16, she decided to take a trip Korea where she discovered K-pop. She then took a video of herself dancing and sent it to YG. When she was back in England, she got an email saying that they have accepted her therefore, she left England and moved to Korea to become a YG trainee.

father | Adrian Autumn | 52 | Bussiness man | personality* | interactions*

mother | Minah Kim | 50 | Graphic designer| personality* | interactions*
Twin brother | Stefan Autumn | 17 | Student-media | personality* | interactions*

best friend | Keira Rose | 17 | student-fashion | personality* | interactions*

friend | Joy | 18 | idol-red velvet | personality* | interactions*
friend | Bobby | 19 | idol-ikon | personality* | interactions*


replace the gifs with your face-claim
stage name: Melissa
persona: British beauty
position: main dancer, vocalist, lead rapper
back-up position: main rapper, lead dancer, vocalist
fanclub name: Beauticians 
fanclub colour: Turqouise (don't know how to put the hex code)
singing twin: Victoria 
dancing twin: Hyoyeon
rapping twin: Cl
talking twin: Suzy-Korean, Zoella-English

trainee years

— YG  ( 1 and a half  )

trainee life
Training for YG wasn't easy for her at all since she is foreign. She couldn't communicate with other trainees and also didn't understand a lot of things eg rules. However, her talent made the instructors impressed and got a lot of compliment for her dancing and since she had a lot of stamina, she didn't really get tired much. She also got mean comments form girls because of her skin colour but she didn't care about them and instead complained about them to the instructors who gave them punishments.

pre-debut experiences
— background dancer for 2ne1 and Bigbang
— Modeled for vouge


replace left pic with your love interest and right pic with your backup
love interest: Kim Hanbin , BI
back-up love interest: Oh Sehun, Sehun
group: Ikon.      exo
birthday & age: 22nd October, 1996
 He is very hard working and always strives to be the best. He has a lot of confidence which can even make him sound cocky. He has amazing leader skills as he is very responsible and reliable. He is independent and doesn't like to be treated like a child even though he is only 18. He can be blunt and eats like an elephant. He is a father figure who protects and cares for his friends and family.
interactions: When they first met each other, they both saw each other troublesome. B.I thought like any other person, that she was fake and vain. Melissa saw his confidence and bluntness and thought that he was very cocky and self centered. When ever they see each other, they would ignore each other but try and be better than each other especially in rapping and dancing since they were in the same class. This only made them closer in a sense that they would talk to each other more and they always played betting games with each other about who was going to be better and get better compliments. They would always have these sarcastic arguments which only made them closer. Soon their rivary turned to friendship and even more but they believed that they were still rivals and hated each other.
how you meet/met
They met in school as they were similar age. They had the same music class as They would both show their rapping and dancing skills. Melissa's first impressing of him is that he was cocky and over confident. B.I's first impression of her is that she is fake and bitter.
relationship: enemies but soon to be lovers
comments/suggestions?: Anglez Showtime
scene requests: use shift+enter, add more if needed




password: Jasmine


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