✗ X.Press - Cho Yong Hyuk (Le4f)

cho Yong Hyuk

username — --doyouhearme

nickname — 

activity rate — 7/10


name — Cho Yong Hyuk
other NAMEs — English? Japanese? Chinese? (if applicable)

Baby: His friends call him this to because of his baby face
Icon of badluck: His friends uses this to sometimes
Worthless peice of rubbish: His grandma calls him this

birthdate — 4th April 1994

birthplace — Korea, Busan

hometown — Korea, Busan

ethnicity — Korean
Height/weight — 175cm/ 57kg

languages — Korean

How do I look?

face claim — Lee Seung Ho

gallery — Link gallery to 'Gallery'.

backup face claim — Lee Do Hyeong

gallery — Same as above.


appearance — Any minor changes between your character and the face-claim.

fashion style — Dorm: 👕 👕 👕 👕 | Practice: 👕 👕 👕 👕 | Airport: 👕 👕 👕 | Casual: 👕 👕 👕 👕 | Formal: 👕 👕 👕

i am who i am

traits —
Positive: Hardworking, Listener, Innocent, Book Smart
Neutral: Quiet, Introvert
Negative: Not good at expressing himself, Doesn't show his anger/sadness, Thinks a lot

personality — He is extremely hardworking and strive to be the best in whatever he do. When he is in school, he is always the top student. He can easily memorise things and is exceptionally book smart. However, he is a total failure at hands-on. No practicals, cookings, drawings, or instruments. He loves reading and studying, which is still a puzzle to both his best friends. He is a very good listener, you can rant all you want to him and he'll be listening. He is quiet and an introvert, he's shy with strangers and doesn't like to talk much. He is also a very innocent kid, which just motivates his friends to somemore. He knows basic stuffs like where do babies come from, but he doesn't think dirty like most guys.
He doesn't know how to express himself to other people. Most of the time, nobody would know what he is feeling, because he is already silent enough originally. When something exciting happens, his friends would have to ask him, " Aren't you excited? " Because he definitely doesn't look excited, even though he is. Even worst then that, when he is angry or sad because of something that someone did, he doesn't show it. It became a habit to hide his anger and sadness. If he is extraordinary hyper or loud (which is still not that hyper and loud), his friends will know that something is wrong. He tend to pretend to be happy when he is not, which is why it is quite easy to sense something is wrong if you're close with him. 
He also thinks a lot, imagine a lot of stuffs. Sometimes he would even pretend to talk to his dead twin brother by talking to the mirrior. He often wonders what it would be like if he was still alive. When you ask him a simple question, he might link it to really far and think really deep, which is why sometimes he have to think quite long before he can provide you with an answer. Sometimes, he would also randomly ask a question that none of his friends have thought about before, but has somewhat a link to whatever he saw or heard (at least to him).


background — His parents were neighbours since young. They grew up together and ended up getting married. His father's family were poorer than his mother's, so his grandma was relunctant to let her daughter marry his father. Due to his mother's insistance, they still got married. About a year later, they were pregnant with a pair of twins. The family were really happy, except for his grandma. She was still unpleased with the marriage, she wanted her daughter to marry a rich man instead. Therefore, she didn't really like both the husband and babies at that time.
Everything was going great, the father got promoted and got a pay raise, both the babies and mother were healthy too. However, on the day of the babies birth, it came as a shocking news to the family when the doctor said that the mother and babies are in a critical condition and might lose their life. After a few hours of fighting with the grim reaper, the doctors only managed to save little Yong Hyuk out of the three patients. Yong Hyuk managed to survived, but he was born nearly blind, so he had to wear glasses since young. His grandma was extremely pissed at Yong Hyuk for taking away her daughter from her. Till today, she still believes that Yong Hyuk is the one that caused the death of the mother and his brother. 
During that very same month, his father was accused of using the company's money for personal use and was announced to be bankrupt. Things were really hard at that time, with a new born baby, no job, and his mother's and brother's funeral needed money too. They somehow managed to survived, but his grandma would continue to blame him for every single bad thing that hapened to the family.
His grandma never called him by his name before, she would use any other word to describe and call him. She would also keep reminding him that he cause badluck to everyone around him, the one that killed his mother and brother, and one day she would die because of him too. His father hated to hear that, and they would always get into arguements because of the very same matter. Their relationship wasn't very good to begin with, but it just gets worser and worser. The grandma would blame Yong Hyuk for the strained relationship between them. She sincerely believe that he brought bad luck to everyone around him.
Due to his good results and glasses, he was often teased as a nerd in school. He don't really mind, since he's already used to it, but when his father found out, he wasn't very happy with it. He didn't want his son to be bullied in school, therefore he brought him contact lens and made him wear them when he goes to school.
His father love him, he is the only one he have left, and he fully support his son no matter what he want to do. Yong Hyuk love music ever since he was a baby, he would dance and move around automatically whenever there's music, so his father took great pains just to provide him with enough money to study in a music school. He didn't let his father down and worked extremely hard in school, trying to get the scholaship so that he can lessen his father's work load.

likes — Music, Singing, Studying, Books, Learning something new, Asking questions, Daydreaming

dislikes — Hands-on, Contacts (he find them very troublesome but he didn't want to let his father worry), Not being able to see, Disappointing his father, Being forced to talk about himself in public

hobbies — Reading, Studying, Singing

habits — Singalong, Can't stay still when there's music (might not have to dance, he just have to move around or tap his fingers along to the beat), Cutely smilng when he don't know the answer

trivias — He speaks in dialect, He can't balance well so he can't cycle/skate, He is extremely flexible for some reason, He started wearing contacts at 10, He can't whistle, He can't snap his fingers, He have no sense of direction
QUOTES —❝Some people are worth melting for - Olaf❞, ❝If you have a little problem, I could try to help, if you're feeling sad, just tell me and I'll try to understand - Piglet❞, ❝All you need is faith, trust and a little pixie dust! - Peter Pan❞

stage name — Le4f (because 4 leaf clovers are a sign of goodluck)
persona — The Stupid Genius (because he is book smart, but stupid in other ways)
Position — Lead Vocalist, Sub Dancer
back-up POSITION — Triple Threat
Talent twins — (Put twins for backup position in parenthesis)

     Singing Twin JungKook (Yoseob)
     Dancing Twin
 JungKook (JungKook)

     Rapping Twin  Yoseob (JungKook)
     Talking Twin  Yoseob (Yoseob)
Fanclub name — Clovers
Fanclub color  #66cc66 

Entertainment Background — Yong Hyuk first joined a company when he was 12. After a month he got accepted into the company as a trainee, the small company was forced to close doors due to insufficient resources and money. He didn't give up, he continued on to another company and trained for a total of 7 years. During his 7 years stay in that company, not a single group they debutted made it big. They were all struggling to just keep themselves alive in the kpop industry. Yong Hyuk finally decided to leave the company at 19, he thought that the company might never give him a chance to debut. His final stop was at SM. Because of his baby face, long trainee years, and good skills, he was accepted as a trainee.
However, once he joined the company, Kris left the company, followed by the LuHan and Sulli incident. As always, his grandma is at his side nagging that he caused all that. After years of hearing the same thing, he started to believe it himself too. He quit SM, and s
ince he was once in the SM rookies, netizens was shocked to see him drop out of SM. Bad rumors about him began to spread around, because of his grandma who was telling their neightbours and friends that Yong Hyuk was the one who caused all those trouble in SM. Bad things spread fast, and although people didn't know how or why he caused those trouble in SM, they believed that he was the one. People thought that SM kicked him out because of all the troubles he've caused SM.
He was walking on the street one day, with his ear phones plucked in, and he began to sing along subconciously. HaeMi happened to walk pass him and was impressed by his skills. She then approached him and introduced herself. After a few mintues of talking, she realised what was his problem and asked him to join their company.
He was a bit relunctant at that time, but he still love music, which is why he called back to HaeMi a few days later to tell her he wants to give it another try. When people knew that he joined SC, they believed that he must have done something really terrible to be kicked out of SM, which was why he entered SC.

family ties

family — 

Father | Cho Kang Jun | 45 | Construction Worker | Kind, Appreciative, Stubborn

— Grandma | Kim Min Hye | 77 | - | Superstitious, Straight-Forward
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my best forever friend

friends/rival — 

— Best Friend | Oh Se Hun | 20 | EXO member | Prankster, Loves to tease, Playful

— Best Friend | Kang Jin Sung | 20 | Student | Loyal, Loves to tease, Dirty-Minded
(press shift+enter to add more)

Our love story

love interest — Park Soo Young, Joy (18) from Red Velvet

backup love interest — Son Seung Wan, Wendy (20) from Red Velvet


personality — She's a cute and cheerful girl. She's sociable and is good at aygeo. She is a playful and hyper girl, which helps to bring fun to another level for Yong Hyuk. She's kind, friendly and joyful. With her around, there will always be laughter, fun and happiness.
She takes the effort to try and be friends with everyone. Like a 18 year old girl, she is very innocent and good-hearted. She gives her fullest attention when someone is speaking or performing. She likes to provide other people with encouragements to push them forward. 
First meeting — They met in SM. Yong Hyuk just joined SM and was lost in the extremely huge building. Joy happened to see him and went up to him to give him directions. They met a few more times after that, but they didn't communicate more than just a few hellos.

relationship/interactions — They didn't really interact much when he was a SM trainee. It all started when Yong Hyuk debuted, and Joy congratulated him by sending him a message. His friends saw it and made a big deal out of it, saying she likes him and stuff. His friends being excited by themselves, with the help of SeHun, they managed to get the two of them out on a date. After the date, they started to talk more and became closer friends.
Joy would be pulling him around Korea to look at different things, and to play different things. Since he didn't really have much experience in many things, he found everything interesting and amazing. Joy would tell him all her troubles and he would listen patiently. He would also slowly open up to her, by telling her more about himself.
Ending — You can decide, I don't really mind

Famous last words

comments/suggestions — I'm not sure if the entertainment background works, I hope it does!

scene requests — A douple date maybe? Like if SeHun and his X.Press love interest gets accepted, or maybe someone else with a Red Velvet love interest, or maybe just someone from X.Press and his love interest.

turn in — back to the story


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