History of Houses

Famous People : Oswald Baskerville, Lacie Baskerville, Alice Baskerville
Enemies: Vensallius
Ally: None
Door: Jabberwock

Baskerville clan was once the biggest duke house before tragedy of sablier which everything and everyone in sablier to the abyss. Glen Baskerville was the leader of the duke house and everyone thinks that Glen was the one who open the abyss path. Jack Vensallius fought Oswald and the Baskerville and become the hero.
Famous people: Jack Vesalius, Oz Vensalius
Enemies: Nightray
Ally: Barma and Rainsworth
Door: Gryphon

Vessalius house is considered "the light" due to being thought of as the heroes of 100 years ago. They had the hero, Jack vensalius. Once he died, he was reborn as Oz Vensalus which is later on sent to abyss by his own dad and Gryphon. He made illegal contract to B rabbit or Alice which is the twin of will of abyss. 10 years later he is safed by raven which Gilbert has. Gilbert serves Oz even before he went to abyss. the rightful owner right now is Oscar Vensaillius as Oz's father is nowhere to be found. In order to know what happened 100 years ago, they needed Alice's memories since she is the part of it. yet it is hard to find it since she forgotten about it. This family possess a door of abyss that protected by Gryphon.
Famous people : Vincent nightray, Raymond nightray, Gilbert nightray
Enemies: Vensallius
Ally: Barma and Rainsworth
Door: Raven

Raymond Nightray was given a door to abyss guarded by the Raven, by Jack Vensallius and because he was close with Glen Baskerville, he was accused of a traitor. Since it was Jack's word, no one questioned. Since then Nightray had become Vensallius's enemies. The Nightray house is considered "dark and evil" due to their previous closeness with the Baskervilles 100 years ago. whereas the Vessalius house is considered "the light" due to being thought of as the heroes of 100 years ago. Currently, the family line is now extinct, with all those born as a Nightray deceased. The Nightray Family is the largest known family within the Four Great Dukedoms, and yet is also the only family where all legitimate members of the family are deceased. As only the adoptive children of the Nightray Dukedom remain, Gilbert is rightfully meant to be the Duke of the Nightray Family; however it is unclear if he will claim this title. Vincent is Gilbert's brother and said that opened the door 100 years ago.
Famous people: Sharon Rainsworth, Xerxes Break
Enemies: Barma and Nightray
Ally: Vensallius and Nightray
Door: Owl

Unlike the other three families, the Rainsworths had taken no part in the Tragedy, and had only been asked to join the Four Great Dukedoms. The family possesses the Door to abyss protected by owl. What sets the Rainsworths apart from their fellow Great Dukedoms is their status as a matriarchy, where the women of the family hold power rather than the men. Currently, the Rainsworth family key is in the possession of the head of the Barma dukedom, which make them ally yet enemies. they consider them more to enemies though.Sheryl Rainsworth appears to be the Head of the Rainsworths as she is one of the Four Great Dukes, whether or not the Duke of the Rainsworth has/had ruled over her is unknown as there has yet to be mention of any males within the Rainsworth Family. Sharon (granddaughter), Shelly (mother), and Sheryl (grandmother) all share striking resemblances to each other. One of the few differences is the way they tie their hair. So far, out of all the Four Dukedoms, the Rainsworth House has the least family members.
Famous people: Rufus Barma , Miranda Barma , Arthur Barma
Enemies: Vensallius and Rainsworth
Ally: Rainsworth, Vensallius and Nightray
Door: Dodo

The Barma Dukedom is the only one of the Four Great Dukedoms to be composed of individuals from a foreign country, as they were exiled from their own country prior to the Tragedy. Jack had included the Barmas in the Four Great Dukedoms because of his partnership with Miranda and because of Arthur's help leading up to and following the Tragedy. Despite not willingly providing his services to Jack, Arthur had done so because he didn't want to expose Jack as the monster he was and risk the Barmas losing their power in society, and so the Barmas have been of higher standing for 100 years because of their dark past. While their homeland is never named, the fact that an instrument from their culture is a Morin Khuur suggests that the Barma family may have originated from a country similar to Mongolia. as it is stated Barma had been and ally/enemies to Rainsworth it is unknown to them as the term always changes.


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