Flair's - Cho Hwayoung (BFlow)

Cho hwayoung

username — Pinkbunii

nickname — Yun/Gaby

activity rate — 10/10


name — Cho Hwayoung
other NAMEs — Jamie Cho ( English)

nicknames — Jay (nickname for her english name), Youngjjang (from the sport and musical competitions she has participated and won at least top 10 in)

birthdate — February  12,1993

birthplace — Chicago, Illinois

hometown — Gangnam-gu, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean-American 
Height/weight — 168cm 52kg

languages — English & Korean

How do I look?

face claim — Jin Jaeyoung

gallery — 

backup face claim — Baek Jaeah

gallery —


appearance — N/A

fashion style — Around the dorm she would be casual probably wearing shorts or sweats and a cartoon tee with some fluffy socks. () To practice it would be fairly simialr except that she would be wearing a sweater and underneath would be a plain tank top or t-shirt, while for the bottom she would use track pants instead of shorts and sweatpants. () () Airport she would be a little more fancier with her clothing choice, fancy by adding more professional-ism (is that even a word...lol..) or just fancy by having more weird and cute themed clothing. () () When she goes outside for runs, it would be like a uniform/she would use something like that everytime but casually going outside would be different from her original relaxed clothing choice. ()() Lastly, fancy days like award shows would be dresses or something classy. () -Links are examples, and they're all in order :)- 

i am who i am

traits — Quiet, cute, low-tolerance + & Can be violent if tolerance level goes too high, two-faced (it's actually her blood type), can be rude to people she just met -


personality — Generally since Hwayoung is an AB blood type, she would seem like she is two-faced when actually she can't really do anything about it. Along with her AB blood type they can give her a cold-quiet person, since she can be rude when you just met her since that would mean she isn't feeling comfortable around that person yet, but once she seems like she has trusted you, she'll be a little more nicer as time goes by.

Around her members and long time friends, she would often show her aegyo and her childish-like clothing style. Low-tolerance, everyone has a certain degree, even though she does have a low tolerance doesn't mean she wouldn't do anything about it once she snaps. This would barely happen, but when it does, she would probably be mad for a long time and ignore everyone that's around her, like she has her own world or she would be violent first trying to show that person a lesson then ignore everyone around her. Although a few certain people may be exceptions, depending on how bad it was.


background — Her parents names were, Cho Jinho and Lee Sunhwa they met in high school and met each other again at University of Notre Dame in California, they started developing feelings each other after having the same classes together, and eventually taking the same job. Which was marketing & stock markets. Once they were done university they moved to Chicago where they were going to start their jobs.


On February 12th when Sunhwa was pregnant she went into labor. That's when Hwayoung came into the world. Having to be taken care of by maids, and barely seeing her parents since they were often doing work, her childhood was basically seeing them, eating together, and then everyone would do their own thing. She didn't mind that they were doing work, so she stayed and played with her maid making her laugh, that was until at the age of 4 her maid was fired due to a small financial problem the family had.


At the age of 5, she felt lonely. A year with just going to preschooland noone to be there for her, she just kept playing around with some building blocks byherself with her creativity, creating towers, bridges, and sometimes just nothing because they end up falling down. No one approched her everyone thought she was weird since she never talked, until a boy in her class started talking to her and them getting along. His name was Peniel, Shin Peniel (not sure about his english name so i'll just use this I guess.. :P) he went up to her and gave her a block that fell from the ground but instead of giving it to her hands he put the block on top of what she was building to finish it, he started clapping and so did she, and laughters were in the room also. They shook hands and introduced themselves Peniel saying his name with a lisp while Jamie/Hwayoung just started giggling at his pronounciation of his name and continued playing with the building blocks together.


They  were friends for a long time until it was middle school, going to school competitions when there was a partner competition and win at least a good standing because of their synergy, this included a dance competition when they went as a duo and continued as a duo dance team. Until it was the last year of middle school... Peniel's dream was to become a singer and be on stage, she supported him even though he said he had to move away and go to Korea. Jamie did go to Korea a few times already, and loved it, however she never thought about actually staying there. A few weeks later he made up his mind and said that he was going. Her only friend, was going to be gone. Although before he went he gave her a necklace that had a musical note with an angel that was facing to the right while he also had another one but was facing to the left. When he was going to drive off, on his way to the airport he rolled down his windows and promised he would become a succesful singer and make everyone proud.


They would talk once every 5 weeks, since he was busy practicing for his auditions and later on his trainee days. Even when he looked tired he would atleast talk to her for a few minutes before later on she would realize that he had fallen asleep from the fatigue. She would always smile knowing that one day her best friend was going to be a succesful star. This inspired her to also follow his path and see him on stage also maybe performing with each other. Luckily her parents also wanted to move to Korea, because it looks like they wanted to do something with the musical stock markets there.




likes — 

  • Pandas
  • The cold
  • Being artistic
  • Going shopping and finding some clothes
  • Dance
  • Any type of music
  • Sweet foods
  • Electronics
  • Eating
  • Horror movies
  • Bunnies

dislikes — 

  • Being harassed or bullied -any kind-
  • Getting mad
  • People being mad at her
  • People that get on her nerves
  • Broken Glass
  • Losing anything
  • Having a terribad memory
  • Carrots
  • Any kind of insect
  • The heat
  • Rain -not the person-
  • Singing high notes

hobbies — 

  • Shopping
  • Dancing
  • Decorating

habits — 

  • When she gets nervous her cheeks would get redder and she'll be sweating
  • Washing her face everytime she goes to the bathroom
  • Stay still when she gets scared

trivias — 

  • She's AB blood type
  • Can get attracted to people easily
  • Style of clothes changes when she's serious
  • Skinship is okay for her
  • Does not like any other skinship other than a hug
  • Still wonders about her bestfriend
  • She doesn't mind what food she eats
  • Fan of Teen Top
  • She's strong and will not give up easily
  • "May the best thrive, while the rest will fall."

stage name —BFlow- since B stands for blooming as in she's growing/training and flow shortened from flower
persona — AegiDC - Aegi like Aegyo , and DC as in dancing champion
Position — Main rapper, Lead dancer
back-up POSITION — Main Dancer, Lead vocalist
Talent twins — (Put twins for backup position in parenthesis)

     Singing Twin  Sulli - F(x) (Sojin - Girl's Day)
     Dancing Twin
 Min - Miss A (Sooyoung - SNSD)

     Rapping Twin — LE - Exid (N/A)
     Talking Twin — Krystal - F(x)

Fanclub name — Bloomers
Fanclub color — #ff0099

Entertainment Background — SM Entertainment was her former industry - I'm not hating :x -she was accepted there after a auditions back to back, some were private while some were also in public, to be also rated and graded by some of the public also. Once she was accepted, she has trained hard to achieve her goal. Although it wouldn't be life if it wasn't fair. She was treated unfailry because she was known as a foreigner.


Training for 1 and 1/2 years she was then bullied and harrased by other trainees and staff members because she wasn't actually from Korea. By staff, they gave her disadvantages, and gave her more harder training thatn the rest of the other trainees. While the other trainees treated her like garbage, because she had an accent everytime she spoke korean. Another thing they called her was mute because she didn't talk to anyone and did not talk back to anyone either. Until she couldn't take it anymore and snapped.


She then went on a rampage fighting with other trainees, SM ent. itself needed to get securtiy so they can kick her out of the building. She was then known as a weirdo, and assaulter. They were going to charge her also if she didn;t leave the premesis. After that day she was on her msi laptop checking what was on the news, since she didn't watch TV. She then noticed that she was known as a crazy trainee. Comments flooding with hate, when these keyboard warriors didn't know anything.


She then discovered another entertainment that was willing to give out second chances and therefore auditioned in SC entertainment. She was not accepted immedealty and needed to wait a while for the next audition when she had improved on her dancing. When she had succeded she made sure she was going to try hard again and never giving up.

family ties

family — 

— Cho Jinho | Dad | 52 | Works with stock markets | Serious, angered easily, focused on work

— Lee Sunghwa | Mom | 47 | In the markets and sales part | calm, quiet, neat
(press shift+enter to add more)

my best forever friend

friends/rival — 

— Best Friends | Shin Donggeun/Peniel | 21 | Now in Cube's BTOB | Caring, lively, creative


Our love story


love interest —Shin Peniel/Shin Donggeun, Peniel, 21, Btob

backup love interest — Aiden


personality — Peniel even since their chilhood days he was always a creativ person, and one that never gave up especially if it was something he wanted. Most people would be like this but not all, and what makes him special in Hwayoung/Jamie's heart is that he was the only person that tried to get her attention if she was not in the mood to be near or talking to anyone. Now he's a grown up who's on his way to stardom.


Even thought these are his good traits, he has negative ones also, since everyone has a flaw. His jokes and or ideas can also get overboard which hurts peoples feelings also. Other than that, he talks really slowly considering that he's not a really native korean speaker. Lastly, he can't really choose things so if he does have to he would take a very long time choosing.
First meeting — When they were little in Chicago, until end of middle school, but then they lost contact after a few moths of talking to him due to practice, and fatigue.

relationship/interactions — They were best of friends, and they only needed each other and no one else, but since life doesn't always go the way you want it to, sometimes they were seperated to different classes and not seeing each other, but that doesn't mean that they would never talk to each other during lunch/recess. Their interactions are like sister and brother and they take care of each other.


Not only do they treat each other like brother and sister, but they act really natural and different than what people would actually think of them, but society is society no different. Although he would act somewhat the same to the public, she would only show him her cuter side -other than other people she knew like family at that time-. To other people these 2 would think like they have their own world, therefore not caring what other people think.
Ending —Cont. dating or rejection (any will do ^^ ) 

Famous last words

comments/suggestions — Im sorry if somethings were too short or too long >< I hope you like it though ! Also poor grammar i'm sorry u n u

scene requests — Seeing Peniel again, and them doing a duo.

turn in — back to the story



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