Pic of Me and Happy New Year Greetings :D

Well....lets see I wanna wish you all a 


And since yeaterday for me was the last year of 2011, I'ld like to tell you my achevements :)


1) I was in China for 2 weeks and a bit in Beijing with my friend alone and spent Chrsitmas alone there (aigoo~ forever alone :/ oh well, lols)

2) Got kpop stuck in my friend's mind, lol trouble maker tune was so catchy (starts humming and whistling, no i +can't whistle :/)

3) had over 200+ subscribers :) yay me:D

4) went to high school.... 0.0

.... and the rest is pretty much private and boring....so yea :p

As for coming 2011 :D :

I plan to:

1) reach more than 300 subscribers^^

2) able to pass my coming exams T^T

3) grow taller ^^

4) Get better grades and perhaps get honour roll in studies

............. (I'm so vain boohoohoo~ T^T, but I like it that way :p)

welcome 2012 :D

as i promised heres an ugly pic of myself,


asian right? yes, i am asian. Tsk tsk tsk... i have makeup on btw so you know....^^

I'll be watching you my subscribers, see you soon :)


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i like your chinky eyes and your mole, i envy your youth, i envy your freedom, i envy your attitude! lol! too much insecurities...kekeke

happy new year, be proud you are asian!!!! you are beautiful....:)