What do you think?

Okay so u guys know how If somebody says anything offensive to a fat person everyone goes crazy but you say something to a skinny girl and everyone agrees.Well a couple of days ago at school a bigger girl came up to me and told me to eat and it wouldn't have been so bad if she didn't keep going on she said men don't want anerexic es they want girls with meat and nobody wants to see all those bones you are what society Dosent want gain some damn muscle.I yelled at her look I don't think you should be telling me about my weight and to let you know I'm perfectly healthy for my weight so shut the up.Guess what happend I got a detention and she didn't get in trouble.Do you think that's fair and do I deserve this detetion and this is me?


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Wow. You look perfectly fine. Thats not fair
a_brooks_m #2
Well yes and no to is it fair. Yes because you called her fat. No because she should get detention too. Oh and you're really pretty