I got a new phone!!!

Hey, well I used to have the iPhone4 but I was due an upgrade and I thought I would get the iPhone5 or 5's... But nope my mum came home with my new phone... And it was..

The IPhone 6!!! In Crystal Grey!!! 

I have been so used to using my iPhone4 and that is rather small but omg the iPhone6 is massive I had to spend last night trying to get used to the whole size difference and it's so weird hehe but it even has a fingerprint thing so I am the only one who is able to unlock it arhh xx


sorry hehe I am just really happy to have a knew phone my old one was so slow and I couldn't do anything in it... 


I am sad though because on Monday I have my English Literrature exam that is 4 hours long...on an essay about the relationships between Juliet and her parents, then talk about poems that link into the theme and also write about Romeo and his parents... I hate Romeo and Juliet with a passion it's so boring *cries* and I don't even know what to write.....

And what's worse is I actually tried to get more time with my teacher but everytime I went to go my friend decided she was queen of all and wouldn't let me leave....I ended up having a massive Argument with her yesterday just going to get her lunch she said when she turned up 15 minutes late for duty leaving her stuff with me and going to the canteen to then not return till the bell went off signalling end of lunch and normally I would have held my tongue but I went on and said 'only going to get my lunch Ming, where the hell were you' she said to me that she refused to eat her food sitting on the floor there was no seats.... I was fuming 'I stood up the whole of lunch not sitting once and there was a seat next to (a girl)' she turned it all on me and blamed me! Why am I still ing friends with her, like I know she's a kpop fan and she introduced me to EXO but she just does not care about me and my emotions... The people she left me with were people I never speak to, never hang round with, aren't in any classes with, and actually didn't even know they were my year till this year...


anyway I am going to update a chapter today then revise all this weekend!


Bye bye  


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