

Username: LoveDonghae

Name: Panda/Author/whatever

Activity: 10 out of 10

Face Claim: Lee Seung Jun x
Back-Up Face Claim: N/A



Name: Lim Kaerim
(Gary Lim) || (English name)
(Lin Kei'im) || (Chinese name)
(Imai Kaemin) || (Japanese name)

(Rim) || (aquaintences/friends; shorter)

Aliases: Kirin, Gary, Kai, Kim, Kari, Kei'im, Kaemin, Aiden, Erin, Rin, Mae, Mark, etc.

Birthday & Age: Jan. 16; 22 yo

Birthplace & Hometown: Gangnam

Ethnicity: half Japanese, half Korean

English || conversational
Korean || fluent
Japanese || fluent
Chinese || conversational verging on fluent

Height & Weight: 6ft, 170lbs

Appearance: tattoos- collar bone-words; right arm- shoulder & forearm-winged creature; left arm- sleeve- lotus, demon

Style: (same as ulzzang) x x x


Personality Summary: cunning, rebellious, smart, cynnical, alert

 • He's got an IQ over 200 and he uses his wits daily. Whether it's for dealing with clients or going about his own business, he always makes sure everything is in its right place. He has slight OCD and some germophobic tendancies which actually help him work. He often finds himself arranging and organizing his personal belongings. Everything that's his has to be clean and he is slightly a germaphobe so he washes his hands 5+ times a day when he isn't working. Although he isn't ashamed about his habits, he tries to hide them just to avoid being called out. He has a cynnical outlook on life which makes him more introverted and angry at the world. He catches details really easily and is really alert to movement and color. Kaerim is extremely smart and calculating. He quit med school as the top student because it was "too easy" and he wasn't learning anything new. Even though he's smart, he's somewhat of an outcast due to his young age and his status. His clever and meticulous attitude sometimes offend criminals. Outside of his job he's more "free." He gets more talkative, snarkier, and more stubborn. Despite his cynnical and generally negative outlook on life, he's very loyal and compassionate towards those he loves and will do practically anything for them.

He was born into a wealthy family 
goes rogue/rebells bc of the corruption
starts small: ear piercing, collarbone tattoo, tongue piercing, shoulder tattoo
knows how to hide tattoo's bc forced by parents to hide when go out in public/school (makeup)
older brother dies and he flees bc upset
medical school/csi
dislikes K-gov bc mother works there
mother made him leave 1st gf
plays around with men/women bc mad at mother


• Foods: mint, coffee, tea, mochi, boba, pocky, bao, sushi, octopus, steak, potatoes, lollipops, sour gummi worms, tomato
 • Colors: black, blue, mint green, white
 • Ocean, sea life, animals
 • men with deep voices and muscles
 • tall independant women 

 • Foods: celery, pork, onion
 • naive people
 • country music
 • sand and sweat
 • large gatherings/celebrations (reminds him of his childhood)

 • washing his hands, using hand sanitizer, constantly
 • his collar bone tattoo when he's nervous
 • the tops of his hands (knuckles) when they start getting dry

 • surfing the web to further his knowledge of human life/dig up dirt on the gov and other criminals
 • motorcycling
 • Pokemon, video games, anime

 • mint is one of his turn-ons
 • can't stand smell of other people swetting
 • can number crunch in his head up to 12 digits
 • biual but leans towards male
 • he has an intense love for sweats and is almost always carrying either gummy worms or lollipops
 • he prefers lollipops with plastic stics so he can keep them in his mouth afterwards
 • Because he washes his hands constantly, uses hand sanitizer, and showers multiple times a day, his hands are often cracked and dry to the point where they bleed when he doesn't pay attention
 • He wears anti-viral facemasks when in heavily populated areas such as train stations
 • the drier his hands are the more stressed he is, the more work he has, and/or the closer it is to winter
 • he drives a motorcycle; always wears black helmet with tips like cat ears or facemask x x x
 • he can rap and tends to sing in the shower



 • mother || Uchida Kiri (58) politician || sadistic, cruel, materialistic, flambouyant || beat Kaerim with a belt when he disobeyed orders; blames Kaerim for Shinra's death; Kaerim would ignore her when he could; only acted nice to her when they had some kind of important event going on; she hated how much Shinra loved Kaerim
•  father || Lim Jonghae (55) stock broker || submissive, naive, quiet || didn't agree with Kiri and the beatings but didn't stop her; was never there to protect Kaerim; Kaerim was disgusted about how all he did was hang around his mother
 • older brother || Lim Shinra (21 deceased, 26) lawyer || compassionate, loving, respectful || he was the only one in Kirim's family who truely cared about his wellbeing; tried to protect Kaerim from parents; mother's favorite; Shinra was the only family member Kirim could bear to be around


 • relation || name (age) occupation || personality || interaction (enter and copy & paste)


 • relation || name (age) occupation || personality || interaction (enter and copy & paste)


 • 1st girlfriend || Sun Miji (15) student || past || sweet, innocent, humble, lower class || Miji and Kaerim were a thing in highschool; they were super cutesy together and Kaerim would do literally anything for her; he was attracted by her innocence and cute behavior; she moved away (Kaerim's mother paid her parent's off to get her out of his life)
 • 1st boyfriend || Lee Kangdae (20-22) student || past || smart, athletic, rough || Kaerim brought Kangdae home partially to spite his mother; their relationship was solely physical; Kangdae even had a girlfriend while they were "together"; they split up when Kangdae proposed to his girlfriend (Kaerim (17-19)  said he didn't want to be the mistress to a marriage)
 • current boyfriend/friend-with-benefits || Go Sanggil (25) drug dealer || current || party boy, loud, smart, creative || they are seen together often; Sanggil supplies Kaerim with drugs, cigarrettes, etc.; they are friends with benefits but generally try to stay exclusive despite any real commitment; Sometimes Kaerim brings Sanggil on jobs; the Criminal Mastermind gets jealous when (s)he sees the two together || Go Sang Gil x



Love Interest: The Criminal Mastermind

 Kaerim admires the C.M. but not in a showy way
 • Kaerim is the submissive in the relationship but he isn't afraid to speak his mind and show his opinions
 • C.M. calls Kaerim to clean up after his messes (killings) and sometimes for his Obsession too; also gets info for the C.M.
 • Kaerim isn't bothered by C.M.s corruption
 • Kaerim is generally very alert but being around C.M. (when he has feelings for C.M.) he gets thrown off his game slightly

Anything Else: I'm ok with if ok with applicant


Comments/Suggestions: N/A

Scene Requests:
 • applicants request scenes with Kaerim in it :D
 • the Criminal Mastermind meets Sanggil when Kaerim takes him on a job for C.M.; tension between the two 
 • C.M. saves Kaerim from an abduction after the two fought
 • Kaerim and the Techie having a sort of competition of numbers


Thank you for applying.


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