▐ ❀ iris — jade hwang.

 jade hwang

name — jade hwang

nickname(s) — 
❀ ⋮library shelf. mostly used by the members of iris, especially referring back to their days as trainees where jade would be seen taking lessons with a shelf full of advanced level textbooks in her arms.
❀ ⋮queen of hair. used by fans, because jade's hair is so thick and perfect that it's not even funny 
❀ ⋮diva jade. used by fans because she's so sassy and absolutely fabulous.
❀ ⋮chaebol. used disdainfully by antis and tabloids, because the hwang family owns a prestigious electronices company
❀ ⋮style icon jade. used by fans because jade dresses so stunningly its like everywhere she walks is a run way
❀ ⋮billion dollar smile. her teeth are so perfect every time she smiles, angels are born. and she's a chaebol so she has a lot of money
❀ ⋮princess. used mostly by han jiwon, both sincerely and sarcastically because jade is basically a disney princess
❀ ⋮bagel girl. used by gross male emcess & allkpop like literally nothing else makes jade feel more uncomfortable than being called bagel girl it sends a shiver down her spine
persona — mother's friend's daughter

birthdate — 03/06/90 ; 24 years old

birthplace — taipei, taiwan

hometown — gangnam-gu, seoul

ethnicity — chinese-korean

language — 
❀ ⋮korean. native
❀ ⋮chinese. fluent
❀ ⋮english. semi-fluent
❀ ⋮french. proficient

fresh off of a magazine

face claim — girls day's sojin

gallery — my queen

backup face claim — girls day's yura

gallery — other queen


appearance — 
❀ ⋮i wake up flawlessjade's hygiene is impeccable, you'll never see any flaw anywhere on her body. her skin is clear and radiant, as if it was smooched by angels. her teeth are straight and so shiny that she puts chip skylark and his shiny teeth to shame. and her hair ugh. it was like she was blessed by the hair gods and given thick, strong, shiny hair. jade is a bit on the shorter side, 158cm, but she has a banging body. she is so curvy jeez, not curvy as in kim k curvy, but she's not stick thin either. she has a really cute , not too big and not too flat, and a rather small waist. and she's pretty well endowed in the chest area, which because it is really hard to find cute bras for c cups in korea.

fashion style — 
❀ ⋮fetch me my jimmy choo flip flops, where is my pink prada tote?if jade dressed like all the other girls, very casual and laid back or very girly and cute, her mother would smack the living out of her. jade dresses very classily and very sophisticatedly and very elegantly. and even when she's at home and in her sweats you should know that they cost more than your entire wardrobe.
❀ ⋮casual & airport.
2014-spring-and-autumn-the-European-stat Kim-Kardashian-Tumblr-Tuesday-Dashing-4. Fanbingbing7.jpg cute-dress-fashion-kim-kardashian-Favim. o-FAN-BINGBING-570.jpg?2
fan-bingbing-louis-vuitton-fall-2014-sho ttakcz6.jpg Fan-Bing-Bing-in-Conscious-Exclusive-Bla Celebrity-Dress-Fan-bing-bing-Luxury-Dia 1.0x0.jpg
❀ ⋮formal.
tumblr_m0l0rjSu761r2p7yko1_1280.jpg tumblr_mi1bsngtXZ1qa8g22o4_500.jpg 9hmgw0.jpg Fan+Bingbing+Rust+Bone+Premieres+Cannes+ 04331df93caefd073885a85ff6f740b4.jpg
❀ ⋮dorm & training.
tumblr_m0l0rjSu761r2p7yko1_1280.jpg tumblr_mi1bsngtXZ1qa8g22o4_500.jpg 9hmgw0.jpg Fan+Bingbing+Rust+Bone+Premieres+Cannes+ 04331df93caefd073885a85ff6f740b4.jpg
❀ ⋮accessories.
tumblr_m0l0rjSu761r2p7yko1_1280.jpg tumblr_mi1bsngtXZ1qa8g22o4_500.jpg 9hmgw0.jpg Fan+Bingbing+Rust+Bone+Premieres+Cannes+ 04331df93caefd073885a85ff6f740b4.jpg
tumblr_m0l0rjSu761r2p7yko1_1280.jpg tumblr_mi1bsngtXZ1qa8g22o4_500.jpg 9hmgw0.jpg Fan+Bingbing+Rust+Bone+Premieres+Cannes+ 04331df93caefd073885a85ff6f740b4.jpg

beauty is only skin deep

traits — snobby, dedicated, intelligent, cheeky, intimidating, indecisive, lovely

personality — 

jade... how do i explain jade hwang? jade is flawless. i heard her hair's insured for $10,000. i heard she does car commercials. in japan. her favorite movie is from up on poppy hill. one day she met 2ne1's cl, and she told her she was pretty. one time she punched me in the face. and it was awesome. jade on the outside is a bit cold and standoff-ish. she doesn't talk that much and it takes a bit to bring her out of her shell. to those who don't know her, they'd sum her up as that brainiac kid who raises her hand to answer every question and up to the teacher and reminds the teachers to collect homework. and whenever someone complains about it she says, "its not my fault you're irresponsible and slack off instead of doing your homework". not many people actually do try and peel back jade's layers, because she's a bit intimidating. they see her in all her flawless beauty, her success, her perfect life, her amazing wardrobe, but they don't see her as a person. to most, she's just an unobtainable image of perfection, but jade is an actual person too! not some abstract idea to be fantasized about.

jade really is brainy, she knows a whole bunch of stuff. she can recite the first 400 digits of pi, she solves problems using math formulas that aren't even in the textbooks, she reads classic prose and heavily analyzes everything down to the simplest themes. she solves chemical equations to start her day and the only way to turn off her alarm clock is to solve a problem using only long division. jade spends most of her time with her nose in an above-level textbook or some archaic piece of literature that not even the english teachers have heard about. why does jade know all this stuff? because she literally spent days at a time studying non-stop, surviving off of arabic tea and adderall. she knows how to persevere through things, and doesn't let herself be distracted by silly things when she's on a deadline. she's always setting goals for herself like "if i finish this entire unit by 8pm, then i can have the rest of the weekend to go to the yacht club" or "if i study and get a perfect score on this test, mother and i will go on a shopping spree" and "if i study ahead, i won't have to carry books around the trainee building!". jade invests 200% into everything she does, be it studying or rapping or just about anything. jade rapped her heart out until her voice went, practicing the same technique and notes over and over until she had the perfected. she made endless songs for her classroom materials so she wouldn't fall behind in her studies nor her training.

but looking past her brains, jade is totally cheeky, in the cutest way possible. she's brash with a smile on her face, she's honest but not too hurtful, she's confident without coming off as cocky. she's sassy and vivacious. her responses are always sharp and on point. she will not hesitate to on someone's life. jade can command a room when she wants to, with strong hidden charisma. if someone tries to come at her reckless, she'll quickly shut them down with a cute and witty smartmouthed comeback. and she'll say it all with a smile on her face. you better let jade talk when she has something to say, otherwise she'll coyly smile at you and say, "are you kanye west? no? then stop interrupting me". jade's also very confident and walks like a total queen and can command the room whenever she wants to. and she's funny to top it off. not in a mean way or a self depreciating way but in a kinda lame and nerdy way actually. she loves animals and will discuss mathematical equations with them, she'll sing to her sushi as she eats it, she'll ask her phone to recite shakespearian soliloquies. a lot her humor also has to do with body gags and the way she says things and her overall body language. like she'll say, "nice hat.......,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, dork" and then she'll start laughing at herself because it was so funny. jade is just a lil bit odd, and most people don't expect it, but that adds to her charm.

jade is a very lovely woman, the kind your mother would be happy if you brought home and the kind your granny would invite for tea. despite her slight sassy streak, she's thoughtful for the most part. very sincere and genuinely cares about people and what may be going on in there lives. she's very elegant as well with proper grammer and and a broad vocab and avoiding contractions and speaking clearly and loudly. jade's outer demeaner is very composed, and she doesn't really show if she is like sobbing or fuming with rage unless she is at her boiling point. jade can keep her confidence in check. yeah, she's really awesome and a queen, but she knows that everyone else is on her level too!

being a rich girl, it's kinda hard to not be a snob. she always presents herself as more mature and sophisticated than everyone else, no mattter what the situation is. at this point, jade doesn't even realize she's doing this because it has been conditioned in her brain to act this way and hold her head that way and walk with her shoulders back. jade is very priviledge and is able to visit the places she wants, and as such she is very cultured and ripe with experiences. she casually uses ostentaious words in her daily vocabulary, and always speaks formally, even to her fans. jade, sadly, cannot even begin to imagine life with no money. like if her life was like 2 broke girls, she would probably hate herself and her life. she always has an eye for the refined and more expensive things in life, especially after growing up in an environment where money was never an obstacle. jade is very used to getting everything she craves because the help around her estate would always go and get it for her. she isn't very money concious and isn't worried about how much she spends or where they spend it, but she is very hard working because she has been indoctrined with the idea that working hard will lead to success and everything you want, and so far it has held true.

sad as it is, jade has the hardest time making decisions for herself. the most dreaded question of her childhood was when she went to someone's house and they were like "so what do you want to do?" that made jade want to scream. jade is literally the worst at making decisions because it will be 99.9999% of jade freaking out because she's never had this much control over anything and 0.00000001% actual decision making. choices just make jade really anxious and she just can't handle it. jade really likes people who can decide everything for her, because that makes her life so much easier, as she grew up with everyone making her decisions for her. now if its a decision between dragging a hoe and staying quiet, she's obviously gonna choose to drag a hoe. but if it's like decided who to pursue romantically, deciding what to wear, deciding what to eat, even going shopping is too much decision making for jade but thank god she's rich so she doesn't have to worry about that stuff and can just buy everything.



background — 
" what do you get the girl who has everything? " jade was born the only child to mr and mrs hwang. she was their angel, their princess, the apple of their eye. like every only child in a well-off family, jade got just about everything she wanted under one condition: get perfect grades.

please bring honor to us all " jade was expected to take over her father's electronic's enterprise. she's been drilled in business, management, computer science, basic cc, mathematics, science, all along with the normal work load school brings. she felt conflicted about her family life because on one hand, her parents love her. on the other hand they only love her as long as she's cooperative and bends to their every whim. they nagged her constantly about every little thing and insist on choosing everything out for her, from where she lives to where she dies and who she dates and what she learns and what college she will go to. jade has never been in charge of her own life.

primped and polished 'till you glow with pride " when she was growing up her mom would tell her, "jade darling you can't go out looking so plain and frumpy!! we need to give you life!!" her mom would give her mountains upon mountains of clothes and as jade got older, she learned to love it because her closet was huuuuge. at the same time her dad would tell her, "jade you focus too much on outer appearances and not on your mind!!" and he would sign her up for all these extra classes and extracurricular activities that would look impressive on her college application. jade was practically pushed to the edge of sanity because of school and her grades and all these projects that she had to do, and in order to assist her with the heavy workload and being able to meet tight deadlines, her mother was able to smuggle some adderall for jade. her mother chose adderall, because she felt like it would work better and would be stronger than other psychostimulant drugs.

am i nothing but a puppet? " when she gathered up enough courage to tell her parents that she wanted to be an idol, they flipped their . to say the least. they grounded jade and took away every priviledge she had for about an entire month. then one day, they gave jade everything back and called her into the family den for a nice discussion by the fireplace. they decided they'd agree to let jade become an idol and jade was so estatic. she went to the audition with her dad by her side and she was so excited she was gonna give them everything she had!! but then the audition went terrible and jade went home in tears because she was so nervous and ended up . only to her initial delight a week later when they called her back for the solo auditions and she screamed so loudly! but then she at the solos too, but she was still accepted and jade confronted her father about this and he simply said, "with you as an idol, you can endorse our products and bring us even more money!" and on top of that, jade still had to keep up her studies and grades, so she'd be often seen around the trainee building with so many books and she'd be studying while she sang and danced and rapped. and thanks to the extra workload and the even tighter schedule and long training hours followed by longer schooling hours, jade became more and more dependent on adderall and eventually became addicted.

but for the first time in forever " jade's life after debut was pretty much the same, only with more attention, really. only, for the first time in forever, she didn't have to follow the every whim on her parents. she didn't have to live with them or see them all that often. for the first time in forever, jade hwang was free. and she got to read letters and tweets about how cute she was, or how she made someone feel special at there, and jade fell in love with it all.

the hiatus — 
jade did a lot of traveling during the hiatus, especially to paris and new york during fashion week, and stayed in seoul during seoul fashion week. she also traveled back and forth between china and korea to help with promotions for her family's company. jade starred in most of the cfs in 2011 to 2014 and is known as the posterchild of the enterprise.

in 2013, an announcement was made that jade was dating fa dingxiang, new ceo of the fa car enterprise. they made this announcement in a public press conference about what each side was going to do to improve cars and technologies. many fans noted that, in a picture in which dingxiang places his hand over jade's, that jade's smile looks forced and uncomfortable and that its like she's screaming internally. jade had to clear this up on twitter (thanks to her family practically threatening her to) saying "ah i am very sorry if i worried anyone! i am just not the best when it comes to press conferences and talking about my love life!"

in 2013, someone leaked the fact that jade's parents bribed a higher up at sunset entertainment to let jade in even though she wasn't as great as the other trainees. and this caused a lot of uproar, especially with anti-fans. they said "waah that unnie couldn't even get in on her own!" and "daddy's little girl... i wonder what else daddy has bought for you? your s maybe?" jade was actually really surprised that people found out about this and said in an interview, "i cannot be held responsible for what my parents do. i was aware, but i assure you they didn't bribe anyone to get me to debut. i worked as hard as i could to show myself and sunset that i had more talent than just my money"

in 2014, while returning to south korea from china, jade was caught with 84 adderall pills and was detained, as adderall is illegal is south korea. the scandal could've been a lot bigger than it was, as jade's parents paid the best lawyers and managed to pay off the judge to strike this from jade's record. however, not everyone forgot about it and later in 2014, rookie rapper kemy (of a.kor) made a diss track about jade called "do the right rap". fans were outraged and many expected and encouraged jade to respond with her own diss track, but jade refused to.

jade does however, get to appear in many music videos with akdong, toppdogg, uniq as well as playing a small role in the greatest marriage


likes — 
❀ ⋮diamonds. they are literally a girl's best friend and she loves them
❀ ⋮people who are in control of their own life. it honestly amazes her and she wants to be like them but she can't
❀ ⋮sushi and sashimi. ugh it is so yummy its like love in your mouth
❀ ⋮hair products. she has to keep that hair under control somehow
❀ ⋮name brands. they are just so... much better than the offbrand stuff
❀ ⋮frank sinatra. he is bae jade loves him with all her heart 
❀ ⋮minimalist things. jade just loves simple things, they're so aesthetically pleasing
❀ ⋮aquariums. they are her like most favorite place in the world because aquatic animals are so cute and precious
❀ ⋮green tea. green tea practically replaces all the blood in her body
❀ ⋮jade. jade is her life it is so beautiful just like her
❀ ⋮arpakasso. theya re so cute jade loves them all so much!!

dislikes — 
❀ ⋮when people call her perfect. honestly guys please, she's not perfect. she's close, but she's not perfect 
❀ ⋮decisions. there is just so much to choose from and that is too much 
❀ ⋮gas station sushi. enough said
❀ ⋮knockoffs. they're ugly plus they were probably made in sweatshops
❀ ⋮clothes with gaudy designs on them. she refuses to wear them, its so tacky
❀ ⋮classical music. her parents forced that down , and she just kinda resents it is all
❀ ⋮any movie longer than 2 hours & any youtube video longer than 3 mins. like who do you think you are
❀ ⋮bagel girl. hey can you please not objectify her body more than it already is? also can you not be so gross about it?? also can you stop breathing if you call her this thank you!!!

hobbies — 
❀ ⋮traveling. being rich, jade can afford to indulge in a lot of traveling, especially coach traveling
❀ ⋮horse riding. horses are so cute and riding them is  so relaxing
❀ ⋮watching cute animal videos on youtube. they make her scream and cry
❀ ⋮cooking. especially cute and healthy and yummy things. she loves finding recepies online
❀ ⋮collects arkapasso plushes. especially if fans send them to her 

habits — 
❀ ⋮calling out people who have knockoffs. they just bother her so much she can't help it. like she doesn't mean to be rude about it, but no matter how big her smile is or how gentle her voice is, whenever she asks, "can i buy you the real thing?" people get offended
❀ ⋮wearing jade. no matter what, you can always expect jade to be wearing some sort of jade jewelry
❀ ⋮drinking nothing but green tea and water. jade should be a super human at this point with all the water and green tea she consumes
❀ ⋮if she goes shopping with a friend, she ends up buying them a lot of stuff. like jade literally insists on buying them stuff
❀ ⋮like tina from bob's burgers. whenever jade has to make an decision, she'll stand there going "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" for an undetermined amount of time

trivias — 
❀ ⋮the only boys i need. when people ask her for her ideal type she says: "the only boys i need in my life are michael kors, christian dior/louboutin, jimmy choo, lous vouitton, tommy hilfiger, yves saint-laurent, giorgio armani, and louis-francois cartier" the joke is that they're all names of high fashion brands
❀ ⋮don't be a leader. originally, they threw around the idea of jade being the leader since she was the oldest, but the soon scrapped that when they saw how terrible she was with decisions 
❀ ⋮my other home sweet home. has a summer home in the coutryside of france
❀ ⋮two different worlds. culturally, jade feels more connected to her chinese heritage, which is why she has a slight bias towards chinese things like qipaos and jade
❀ ⋮like a . dingxiang is jade's first boyfriend and that's kinda sad
❀ ⋮smuggle-dol. jade is still recovering from her adderall addiction
❀ ⋮school's out. is set to graduate from seoul u in 2015
❀ ⋮poster child. basically all the electronics she uses are from her family's company
❀ ⋮i don't like him much either. fans don't like dingxiang very much
❀ ⋮better than bach. jade plays the violin, piano, flute, and harp. but she literally hates all these instruments
❀ ⋮comfort food. jade's ultimate comfort food are steamed dumplings and whenever she's had a stressful day, mama will make a bunch of steamed dumplings just for her
❀ ⋮this is my JAM. her fav song is bigbang's ego
❀ ⋮the ship that sales itself. byeol nan and jade's ship (if they're both chosen weeps), known as the royalty ship (because byeol nan is such a princess and jade is such a queen) is they most popular iris ship because in the eyes of fans, there is so much between them. like byeol nan is so open about how everything about jade is ethereal and y, and she casually flirts and thirsts over jade so much. jade loves teasing byeol nan so much because byeol nan is just so cute when she pouts and whines, jade has admitted that byeol nan is the member she is closest to, and she is very protective of byeol nan because in jade's eyes, i byeol nan respresents strength and warmth and love and being able to stand up and make your own decisions. when asked what their favorite features about each other are jade would say, "i byeol nan is perfect. to choose just one thing to like about her would be like saying you like only one beyonce song" byeol nan says, "oOh unnie's s and her and her face and her everything and how she is absolutely queen bee and is very cool and mature!! unnie is so ethereal i don't deserve to exist in the same universe as her!"

the nation's sweetheatrts; iris!


position — lead rapper, vocalist, face of the group

vocal twin — akmu's suhyun 1
dancing twin — 2ne1's park bom 1 
rapping twin — snsd's tiffany 1

strengths — 
❀ ⋮freestyling. jade's talent for rapping is most often displayed when she's freestyling. she has fresh and cheeky lyrics as well as a seemingly mystical flow due to her large vocabulary
❀ ⋮variety. jade is great at variety, especially since she can play many instruments
❀ ⋮modelesque. she's great at modeling and has no problem with having photos taken of her
❀ ⋮photogenic. there is not one picture of jade where she looks bad, even when she's derping she looks good
❀ ⋮professional. jade knows what to say, when to say it, and how to say it
weaknesses — 
❀ ⋮dancing. jade is the worst and most awkward dancer ever
❀ ⋮too stiff. jade, even around fans, is very stuffy and polite 
❀ ⋮decisions. the worst thing an emcee or manager could do is say "lets let jade decide!"
❀ ⋮prima donna girl. especially when it comes to the coordi unnies. jade will throw a fit if they choose something that she deems too guady
❀ ⋮a bit unrelateable. everyone loves when idols can share stories they can relate to, that's a bit hard with jade

solo activities — 
seoul fashion week ; model (2012, 2014)
new york fashion week ; model (2013, 2014)
paris fashion week ; model (2012, 2013, 2014)
was the female lead in uniq's falling in love mv (2014)
appeared in akdong musician's 200% mv (2014)
appeared in toppdogg's annie (2014)
playing lee yoo ri in the greatest marriage (2014)
i believed in men cameo, episode 44 (2011)
reckless family 3 ghost and clara's friend, episode 8 and 12 (2011)
hosting mbc's idol school w/ jun hyun moo (2014)

iris family values

family — 

— hwang kyung jae | father | 2 | jade's dad is mostly at work, so they don't spend as much time together as jade and her mom do. but he sure does spend enough time at home to tell jade how to live her life and plan out everything for her for his own personal perogative. kyung jae is very very strict with jade, everything is about business and image to him. she has to be the top at school, she has to be top in the idol world, and she has to sponsor the business and then later take over the business. he basically treats jade like a machine


— zhang meihui | mother | 4 | jade and her mother are rather close, especially compared to her father. jade loves her mom because her mom is like the best. she's so nice and she stops her dad from being mean and she always tells jade that she's beautiful and loved. and it's always nice to hear that, especially when dad overworks her. meihui really just wants to see her daughter succeed and flourish into a beautiful woman, so she'll always offer jade her help and advice.

you've got a friend in me

friends — 

— fa dingxiang | 2 | the pair met through their parents, with dingxiang taking over as the ceo of fa car company and them wanting to form a strong tie with hwang electronics, it was decided by the parents that jade and dingxiang would date | dingxiang is very business oriented, much like jade's dad. he's really intelligent, even moreso than jade and he's very awkward when it comes to interacting with jade. however in china, he's seen as the ideal guy. | in public, they are very lovey dovey and romantic, any other time they barely speak. dingxiang's existance is like one big turnoff for jade, and they don't really have much in common except for overbearing parents.  

— shen chiyun | 5 | their mothers are best friends, and they were like "how cute would it be if our daughters were best friends?" so jade and chiyun have been together forever | chiyun is a very bright and vivacious girl. she's 100% more sassy and cheeky than jade is and like 80% less elegant. she's super funny and witty and cute and she always has jade in tears with laughter, but underneath that chiyun struggles with depression and has a really hard time even getting out of bed some days. | jade and chiyun are very close and have a lot in common. from their mixed heritage, to having to take over the family business. the girls like to confide in each other because there really is no one else other than each other. chiyun knows literally everything about jade, to her affair with jiwon, to her adderall addiction, to the bribing, and jade knows literally everything about chiyun to her depression, to her addiction to antidepressants, to her gross frat boy brother
— fan bingbing | 3 | they met by chance, at an event jade and her mother were attending. jade stared at her and was like "oh my god mom is that fan bingbing?" and her mom made her go over there and talk to bingbing | bingbing is literally jade's style icon, and they love talking fashion. 

we'll laugh until our ribs get tired and that will never be enough

love interest — han jiwon ( toppdogg/underdogg )

backup love interest — jay park
starting relationship — secretly having the iest affair ever
desired ending relationship — up to you

how did the two meet —
 they met while jade was filming the music video for toppdogg's annie. even though jiwon isn't an offical member of toppdogg for some really weird reason, was still doing promotions with them, as 'annie' was celebrating toppdogg's 1 year anniversary. jade was introduced to him by the members and pd-nim on set and there was immediate because jiwon had his tattoos all out and jade has never really seen anyone with sleeves of tattoos before and jade was in the bunny outfit and honestly it was like the hottest thing jiwon had seen in a while. and throughout the filming they were giving each other eyes and then one day it all kinda boiled over with a classic, "shut up" "make me" exchange.


personality — 
if there is one thing that jade cannot lie about when it comes to han jiwon, its that he likes being called daddy in bed.. people like to think of han jiwon as that totally hardcore punk rock babe who gets into mosh pits and runs from cops and to an extent, he lives up to his image. the babe with a sharp tongue and constant unamused look on his face. jiwon can be brutal as hell. if you stand in his way, he'll step on your face without a second thought. he's pro-girl, and he won't tolerate any ist bull, and he won't hesitate to say you look like a shaved cat or say you were rocking the london look before it was even cool. one of his hobbies include casually breaking social and gendered norms and making old people angry. there's a fine line between being sassy and being an , and jiwon crosses it nearly every day. a lot of people find humor in the insults he slings, although he doesn't try to be funny. his humor is dryer than a thanksgiving turkey. he's sarcastic--and no one can tell if he's ever being serious. like if he fell down a well, he'd respond with nothing but sarcasm. "of course i'm okay! nope, didn't break any bones and definitely don't need any assitance!". han jiwon could be best described as a wild card. he does his own thing and lives by his own rules. he's very unapologetic, he understands that mistakes are made and he embraces them rather than hiding them away. jiwon is free spirited and being caged totally cramps his tough guy style. he's passionate and a bit rough around the edges. jiwon is crude and blunt, and brutally honest. because he does his own thing a lot, he's a bit awkward and kind of a loner.

he puts on an apathetic front, no he doesn't really care, why should he? yeah you could totally go jump off a cliff right now and he wouldn't even bat an eye. what? y-you actually did it? b-baka why would you do something like that? "i-i'm not worried as you because i care, i'm worried because you could be really hurt! sh-shut up it isn't the same thing!" jiwon is possibly the least direct person when it comes to his feelings. feelings are for the weak and he doesn't have any. jiwon claims to be lacking a heart and while most people believe him, those who are close to him know how soft jiwon can be. he watches over everyone in his own little way, often operating behind the scenes. if someone's sad, he'll make them some dumplings and leave them in the open where they can find them. if jade is feeling lonely, he'll casually sit with a nice space under his arm for her to come snuggle. jiwon mostly expresses things through body languages and his eyes, so one has to be paying attention or else you'll miss the hidden meaning behind his words. and he is literally a secret romantic its so cute!! he has a soft spot for amor and most anything having to deal with it, and he often dreams about finding his princess. he loves hand written love confessions, romantic dates, big first kisses, they all just make him swoon.


relationship — 
when they're around other people, they act like noona and dongsaeng. they act close, but not too close as to hint to what they do behind closed doors. jade really likes how hot jiwon is for starters, but she also likes how freespirited he is, and how in control of his own life he is. and she loves how secretly sweet he his and how he's really accomodating. like he knows that jade does not wanna get it on all the time, so he'll offer cuddle sessions and chick flicks (that he totally ends up crying over). she loves how he calls her princess and she loves how he can pick her up like she weighs nothing. jiwon really likes how princess like jade is (and has affectionately dubbed her "princess"). she's cute and cool, and she's really hot, and she's super smart, and she's so cheeky and playful. he loves the way she can respond to his lil sarcastic remarks so harshly and still be absolutely adorable. h'he'd never tell her she's adorable though. jade naturally gravitates towards jiwon whenever he's around, because he's like a slice of something new and exciting and its like she's addicted to him. jiwon is the one who protects jade, cutting down anyone who tries to hurt her and makes sure her dumb boyfriend stays in line, while jade is the one who cares for jiwon, making sure he's getting enough rest and washing his face and eating healthy. whenever jade will start talking about one of her family trips or her amazing clothes or how great the minimalist movement is, jiwon will nod his head attentively with a smirk tugging at his lips because jade is so cute. jade is really cool and willing to try whatever kinda weird thing he wants to try out. in bed, whoooo, jiwon is rough and rowdy and he loves teasing and marking up his lil princess. and jade is so dirty like she honestly didn't know she could ever say those things and she suspects she's been spending too much time with byeol nan.

behind the scenes

username — -hatchin
nickname / what can i call you? — ivy
activity rating — 10/10
comments/suggestions — ooh maybe the girls could like pull a beyonce and then work on a bunch of mvs and an album during the hiatus and then just bomb the fans with them??
also weeps jade isn't as out there as byeol nan is but i hope you still like her!!
i hope you don't mind the bribing thing ; u ;
i am literally half asleep its like 4 im sorry if things stop getting coherent

scene requests — 
( if byeol nan and jade both get accepted ) a stage where they perform beyonce's flawless remix with nicki minaj
jade having an emotional breakdown thanks to her dad
jade and jiwon's affair being exposed maybe?? (maybe that's what could lead to jade's emotional breakdown)
jiwon getting jealous of the royalty ship weeps

password — dal shabet ; be ambitious
fiestar ; we don't stop
dal shabet ; mr bang bang



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hoduken #1
beyonce will be proud of you

for how many times you mentioned her

but ladies them em

we flawless