Excusee meee?!!

This might get a bit spiteful. You have been warned.

So just a few days ago; not specifying what day it was, I had lent out a helping hand to someone because they needed help. As I have a natural helping nature instilled in me, I really offerred them advice and aid with their problem. I even neglected my own essay that I had to write. I could've finished my essay or finished writing a new chapter for my fanfic, but no! I helped this person out. After helping them, they just leave me hanging. HANGING! No thanks, no comments, nothing! That's really annoying. You disrespectful specimen, you should thank someone after they help you out. Didn't your parents teach you simple etiquette?? Well if they haven't, shouldn't your school teach you it anyways??? Well, you useless specimen, you just directly insulted me and that's not cool.

And guys, if you are feeling insulted with reading this blog; it's because YOU are at fault. So fellow authors, readers, silent readers and bloggers, use your manners please. It really upsets someone's day just because you haven't said "please" or "thank you" or "sorry". You just look like a fool if you don't use general etiquette.


Thank you for reading, if you got up to here and have a great day.  


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You go girl!! Tell them what u think is correct!!
omgsoawesome #2
Im wif ya on dis one! H8 it wen ppl dont evn say thanks wen ya offer them a hand! Psh, rude ppl are overwhelming the planet!