JYJ may not read this, but I am writing it for them anyway. 


When I first saw the headline of an article about you singing Begin in your concert at the Tokyo Dome, I did an overtake, and had to click it at once.  I read the article and there was a link to a video of your performance. 

As I watched you sing gave me the feels. I was teary eyed.

To had seen and heared the three of you sang your song, it was just...heart warming for may be just an ephemeral moment...but the effect lingers.

I had watched it several times, but it still had the same feels, it made me teary eyed all the time. It touched me deeply. 

It took you this long to sing it again. I am not complaining.  

You'd believe me, right, if I say I love you? And love you even more. 

There is this chance that the five of you will be in one place at one time. Just the very thought of it. My fan heart beats happily. The five of you might not even meet, greet or seat together, but...being in one place at one time...will have to do. 


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I cried so much I my mother thought I was brokenhearted. I need them together. I had been looking for videos when JYJ or TVXQ would sing songs they used to sing as 5 members but I never found one until this video came. My goodness. I hope they'd come to the event and so would TVXQ. :( And I am kind of hoping that TVXQ would sing Love in the Ice on their upcoming concert. I don't know. I love that song so much.