Back to music?

I used to play violin when I was younger but then little by little, my interests in violin faded away. Sometimes I try to play it but I just get pissed off since the size of the violin is too small for me already. I told my mom to buy me a new violin and I promised to make it serious this time in studying violin. That was about two years ago. But I got tired of waiting for that new violin. And just a few days ao, I saw my schoolmate holding a violin and I asked if I can try it so I played it. But I got so depressed since I can't play already! It's like hearing a beginner playing for the first time. I really felt bad. I don't know how to have the skills I used to have and I don't even have a violin. 

I told my mom don't buy a violin anymore because I can't really play already. I also decided that since my mom's words are just empty words. But they scolded me saying that I just wasted money for the years I was studying violin so now, I need to study it again. They said that all I do is sit infront of the computer and surf the net. They don't even know that I'm busy because of editing? fk. I really don't have any hope anymore. I haven't played for three years and they think I can easily refresh? I also got tired of waiting for that damn violin. Sorrynotsorry.


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Quitted* damn this autocorrect
I know how u feel, I play the piano but I'm not allowed to quit (only reason why I still play is so i can play kpop songs) my brother plays the violin and he quoted for a year and really couldn't play, but he improved after a lot of practice. I'm sure u'll be fine :)
Aw. gift gusto mo? :)