Shoutout to my Readers

I just have to say that the past 24 hours have been overwhelming in the types of fun responses I've been getting on my stories in terms of comments.


So, I just want to say that while many of you may never see this blog post.... 


My readers have been amazing lately.


And while I, myself, am a silent reader from time to time... please feel free to speak up on any of my stories even if it's the most ridiculous comment.


I love it all.




(I recently rehurt my shoulder so my fanart is going through a hiatus, and while I probably shouldn't be sitting in front of a computer... I have to do SOMETHING - though I am working on another video tutorial).


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Hope your shoulder feels better, and you can get back to doing what you love, The FanArt :-)
I am very honored to read any an all stories here on, I've discovered such a depth of untapped written talent, it's amazing. While in my most erted state, lol, I do search out and read mostly , lol, but there are some amazing stories (some involved, makes me happy) here with varying degree of character development, storyline, etc. It's the highlight of my day when I see that a story's been updated or an author I've subscribed to, has written another story. I enjoy adding my 2 cents, lol. I think it's only right as you, as the author has written something we enjoy, the least we can do is let you know it.