Build A Bear Experience

If you read my other blog about my build a bear job interview, I just wanted to sayy. 

I GOT IN!~ haha

I just wanted to type my experiences for the first three days of work. 

I guess this could be just for me for the future, to look back and be like "OHH YEAHH".

First Day: it was boring. haha. I just put in my extra information and just learned the basics of how to do everything... build a bear became so high tech so i was like clueless... but I got the hang of it after like 10 minutes. haha. Oh my gosh, but I already found a person I don't like at work. "Ray" (shortened it for "privacy reasons" ahah.) he's like this older man, maybe in his fifties or sixties, but he tries to act really "young". He keeps calling me girly, flapping his hands when he's trying to make a point, and blah blah blah.... I don't know if he's gay though... I mean not because of the way he acts, but because he flirts with the customers... including the men... I don't know if it's just him being friendly. LOL but whatever. The reason why I don't like him is because he's nice but mean at the same time. Like because I didn't remember where something was he was like "BOONNIEEE". I'm like dude... calm thy . 

Second Day: Okay this was my favorite day. One reason... Ray wasn't there. Second, ANOTHER manager was there, and he's nice, and pretty cute. He looked around my age so we were really good at becoming friendly fast. He encouraged me when I did well and corrected me when I needed it... you know.. LIKE HOW A GOOD MANAGER SHOULD'VE BEEN.... cough cough Ray cough cough. I mean I'm not the type of person that needs compliments every second and I don't expect it. There were two other managers, one being the entire store manager, and they were super nice.... except the store manager... she's the type of person who's realllyyy nice but scares me at the same time... I don't know if you guys understand what I'm talking about,,, So far I met two people like this... Her and my old Chem. Professor... 

ANYWAY the funny thing about today was that, I learned how to stuff the bear... and OHHHHH dear, the first time was terrible. I was stuffing the bear when I took off my foot from the petal and took the bear off of the pipe.... Okay what you guys need to know about Build a bear. To "properly" stop, you have to put the switch of the petal off, THEN you can take off the bear after you wait maybe for 3 seconds, I didn't realize that even if I took my foot off the petal only, the stuffing would still come out.... So yeah the stuffing machine pipe EXPLODED in my face.... I was COVERED with the bear stuffing. And so the nice guy, who's around my age, bursts out laughing and helps me take off the bear stuffing from my hair and face. I'm like laughing at myself at that point and I'm just apologizing to him like crazy. Then he told me that it happens to everyone and it took him like 5 times to get it right. 

Then after my second try, I got a LOT better at it and since there wasn't anyone at the store, I was helping the store manager stuff the bigger reindeer dolls. Okay, so I don't know if ya'll know this, but I don't have a left hand. I was born without one so my left arm stops at my wrists. And sewing the doll isn't hard, but it takes me a little more time than a normal person would. I have to tie knots 6-8 times and those strings are thin af.. As I'm trying to tie those stupid things, "K" (the store manager) is like STARING at me... Now in my head, a billion questions are shooting through, "Am I doing it wrong?" "Am I taking too long?" "CALLLLLM DOWN, BONNIE...AHHHH" (lol). So after I'm done with my 6th knot, I give it to her and her lips shoot into a huge smile and was like "That was amazing". Compliments me about doing it without a second hand. 

So let's just say my second day was amazing...

Third Day: I walk into the store TWENTY minutes early, and already Ray is up my saying to hurry up and get to work... It was a saturday so it's understandable. But I reallyyyyy needed to use the bathroom... So for three hours I couldn't pee or drink water because I was too scared to ask Ray, and the other manager that I like ("J") was busy stuffing everyone's bear. SOOOO many people kept coming in and I was like "DEAR LOOOORD HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL." I was talking and talking, helping people do the "love me" station and the "hear me" station. I kept folding the bear 1000000000x because right when I would make the place look pretty, freaking people would run in and mess everything up again. TT__TT 

Anyway but after three hours, a korean family comes in. And being the Korean I was, I greeted them in korean and of course, we had this instant connection.... But I was already supposed to be off. J gave me this paper saying that I was doing a great job and I "wowed" her that day. I was nominated to be in the "employee of the month" raffle thing... I told her I would leave after I help the Korean family...... I should've just left. The kid who was like 2-3 years old, couldn't do ANYTHING right.. He kept going somewhere else, was sooooooooooooooo indecisive.. Normally going through the first three stations take maximum up to 10 minutes.... this kid took MORE than 10 minutes for JUST PICKING A BEAR. TT________TT 

So while I'm trying to help this family, my feet were dying from standing up for hours, throat was dry af because I was talking for hours when I was already incredibly thirsty, and I had to pee sooooooooo bad..... The minute I handed the family to the stuffer, I RAN to the backroom and peed my heart away... I quickly drove and ran back home and drank a galloon of water and passed out right after......... but all in all it was fun. 


What about you guys? Do you guys have funny or annoying experiences at work? I love hearing these kinds of stories because even though it's annoying and stressful at the moment, when you look back on it, it's actually really funny... ahah anyway have a nice day!


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