
Why do people change? Some change is good but so far, the change on my friends has been awful. Mostly in real life but it has happened online before too. They will basically turn mean and say hurtful things. I always wonder "was I not nice enough?" It always happens to the point where I just can't get myself to talk to them. Is that wrong? I try to put on a fake smile but why in the world does this happen? I am never ever mean because of course I hate mean people. So then why do I have to suffer so much? Sometimes people just stop talking to me. Why? I try so hard to be positive.  But what the f***?! I am always supportive, encouraging, and understanding. Can't I just have one friend who doesn't turn on me?! (In real life, I know that I have a few friends on here) Honestly I don't get why people are mean! Does anyone know? Can you tell me? I am so sick of it! I feel like maybe I will just explode in anger one day and lose all of the "friends" that I have left. Most of the time, they just won't reply if I text them. I literally have 5 different places to text them because they wanted to text me through one of them. And when I say something to them, is it so hard just to reply with a siple "yes" or "no" or "lol" or something?!

Argh! (*≧m≦*)


Whatever,  I will just put on the same false smile (sometimes it's a true smile but...) that seems to fool everyone and go on in life (¬▂¬)


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Yeah..Some friends you can't stand them, but you can be alone either. You can try to stand them but I think that someday you will explode. Well at least you'll see which are true friends and which stay with you for other reasons.
sometimes, people don't really change. they just show their true colors.
well i guess humans r like that they change with out a reason but what matters is that u dont change i mean just b/c they have changed u dont have to change ur self n curse at them.instead keep up with ur positivity
Yeah.. It . I've had these same friends from back when I was eight and I can sadly say that I can trust someone I've known for a month better than them and I've known them for years... We all change and I hate that. I'm drifting further and further away from my friends and I wish that we still had that childish bond we had when we were younger. But it's inevitable. People change and so do we. I just wish it wasn't this way..
Someti mes people change without us expecting it, I have drifted from most of my friends too
Sometimes people grow apart it , but it happens =/
World won't move perfectly without those kind of people. And there are many ppl out there that are in the same situation with you (even me) so find a new friend.
it's called as fake friends, real friend never leave friends behind. Just be yourself and stay positive in the future, I hope you can find real friend soon.
That's life. We are going to find fake people. But as long as you stay strong and hang on to your true genuine friends then no hater or fake should get in your way and put you down. don't fake a smile...wear it proudly.