Bias Quiz



Put down ten biases/kpop stars you like male or female it's up to you and answer the questions at the bottom.

1. Eunhyuk

2. Donghae

3. Leo

4. Hongbin

5. Daehyun

6. Kevin

7. Key

8. Jonghyun

9. Soohyun

10. Jongup

Not in order~
(what the heck, I have two in every group I listen.. fxxk my life)


1. 9 tells you that they're bi. Your reaction?

"Cool." I mean, should I be that excited over it? It's normal after all, I don't see any point to go all "Ohmygosh I always knew that you have also that gay side in you ohmigosh" just no. 

2. Number 3 sets you up on a blind date with number 7. Your thoughts?

Leo sets me with Key? I can't even imagine what would happen but no, I don't want to go on a blind date with Key, I obviously like him but he's not my type (besides I can only imagine that Leo would put as on his favorite cafe to drink coffee - wait, that's not bad actually...)

3. How would you feel if you saw number 5 in a dinosaur costume?

Now I really want to see that...!

4. Number 6 doesn't like coffee. Does this surprise you?

No, I wouldn't be that surprised

5. Number 8 and 1 both tell you on the same day that they like you. Who do you pick and why?

Eunhyuk or Jonghyun.... Pfft this is easiest thing to do. Eunhyuk, obviously since he's le bias number uno and he's personality is wonderful. I don't think that I really need to explain this

6. 10 dyes their hair green. Reaction?

I think that it would actually suit him.....make it happen.

7. Describe a first date with number 2

....Aquarium. Definitely.

8. Is 4 shy of the opposite ?

I'm not sure actually, I think as shy as anyone normally would be?

9. Your reaction if number 3 took their shirt off in front of you?

by all means, go ahead...! (I swear I'm not ert)

10. You're feeling sick and it's up to 6 to take care of you. How do they do it?

Probably order me to stay in bed and attempt to make food and so on?

11. Would you learn how to knit with 1?

Does he himself even know how to do it? But I can learn it from him even if he doesn't~

12. 10 and 5 have to collaboration for SBS Gayo Daejun. What do they do?

Lol they are in same group either way... x'D So probably what they always do but only with two of them

13. 7 gives you a kiss on the cheek? How do you respond?

I would feel really awkward and probably end up either blushing because I'm too shy or/and glare him lethally ^w^

14. 8 gets their belly button pierced. Reaction?

I doubt he would do that to be honest, but if he would... I think I would honestly laugh.

15. Does 2 smoke?

No, unless that kid is good doing it in private

16. Does 3 like wine?


17. What would you cook for 1 if you had to? (pretend you're not like me and can actually cook LOL)

Well first of all I can't cook so it shall be basic rice and chicken. 

18. You get a phone call from 5. They sound pretty depressed. How would you cheer them up?

I'm really not sure how to "cheer someone up", I usually just listen and show them that they are not alone, so probably would do that too

19. If you baked with 6 would you burn what you made?

Yes, I think so

20. Would you say number 4 is a good dancer?

I think so yeah, he may not be the best but still.

21. How would you feel if you learned 2 and 7 had been dating since 2 debuted?

Donghae and Key... child and mother... oh my gosh I find this really funny for some reason... I can only imagine Donghae being his self and Key nagging him.... :D

22. Can 5 cook?

I don't think so but might be wrong

23. 8 decides they want to grow facial hair. Your response?

Please don't even think about it

24. 9 asks you out. Do you say yes?

If it just to hangout then sure.

25. You had feelings for 1 but learn that they only liked you as a friend. Response?

That's cool, I would be happy that he is being honest.

26. 7 gets into a fist fight with 4. You get between them to stop them but end up getting hit by 7. What happens next?

I wonder how these two even would end up fighting... but Key probably would feel extremely bad and start apologizing like crazy and so on

27. 3 wants to change companies. Where would they go?

I'm not that familiar with companies so I shall not answe this

28. What advice would you give 2 if they decided they wanted to give up singing and do acting?

If he want to then go for it, he has experience. 

29. You learn 10 is an alcoholic? Does this surprise you?

Yes it would

30. What's 5's favourite colour?

Ugh I have not stalked him that much you know

31. You've been dating 6 for a while but the feelings you once had for them are starting to fade. You tell them that you want to break up and they kiss you? What's your reaction?

I think it would be more cruesome to stay longer just because my feelings "may" come back so I would stick to my decision.

32. 1 wants you to perform with them in a special duet at a concert. What would you do with them?

I would sit there clapping while he dances. Problem solved, next!

33. 8 Wants you to move in with them?

I must decline this offer.

34. Your best friend is 9. Do you like this?

Pretty much yeah, he would be great best friend I think

35. 7 Confesses that they like you more than a friend. What do you say to this?

I can't imagine that, but I would say that I'm not interested

36. Where would you like 10 to kiss you if you had the choice?

Nowhere, too awkward

37. You discover that you're actually related to 3?

Well... considering that our personalities are almost exactly the same that wouldn't be too big of surprise

38. You catch 5 making out with a member of a group from the opposite . Reaction?

It's his life, why should I try to control it? Let the boy do what he want~

39. 4 buys a new car. What model and colour?

I know nothing about cars either so let's just say that he buys nice blue bike. 

40. You go shopping with 2 and they pick out an outfit for you to try. Would you do it?

Yeah I would

41. Ever been jealous for 6?

Many times

42. Did you ever want to date 10?

No, never (and same goes with everyone else too..)

43. How would you feel if you found out that 3 has been doing illegal drugs?

I highly doubt that this would happen, but of course I would be disappointed.

44.  9 decides they don't want to live anymore and goes to Han River to kill themself. You have the chance to save their life in 20 words or less.

This is actually hard... I could say all that cliché stuff how 'there's people who love you and would be so sad if you are gone' but sometimes you know that and still decide to kill yourself... it's not always about 'being alone' it can also be because 'not being alone' since people around us give us constantly too much pressure which is sometimes too much to handle... so I'll probably would end up saying something like "future is scary and no one knows what awaits us but I won't ever abandon nor judge you" ?

45. What would 5 do if they weren't famous?

Sing in the streets or be reporter

46. Does 7 collect anything?

I am not that sure

47. 4 discovers that one of their loved ones has cancer. How would you be there for them?

Listen to him and be there for him, but I know that it's pointless to try specifically make someone feel better then, that happens naturally in the end. Personally I would have been angry if someone would have come to me and say that it'll be okay. 

48. You have the chance to write a letter to 1. You can tell them anything you would like, what do you say?

*Brain exploded*

49. 8 gets diagnosed with vocal nodules. How do they take the news?

I think he would be really scared then

50. Last question. Put the names of all 10 people into the following spots:

  • That person you thought was cute at first glance: Hongbin
  • Ideal type: if I have to choose then Kevin (Eunhyuk might be my top bias but still, Kevin has that something.)
  • Person who cries the most: Eunhyuk
  • The one you could see as your future partner: Leo
  • Someone you would learn singing/dancing from: Donghae
  • The person that you would like as a sibling the most: Jongup
  • Someone you could see as your first love: Soohyun since I have to pick someone
  • The one that speaks English the best: Key
  • A person who could create their own company: Jonghyun?
  • The person who would have the best potential to go solo: Daehyun

(Look, I managed to put them all in that list..!)


I need life, this too was horrible to answer.



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TaiShanNiangNiang #1
<3 you referring to Hae as "that kid" xD
My bias list is so incredibly short that it would be boring for others to read ><
Eunhae are my favorite bias!!^^
I like question number 7.Aquarium,hehe^_^