The Haunted Mansion; The Carefree Ghost; Byun Eunbi


Byun Eun Bi


December 28th



FACE CLAIM: Hyun Young



She has dark brown orbs. She also has shoulder-lenght, dark brown, curly hair. She has a mole under her right eye.



The Carefree Ghost

Friendly, joyful, talkative, blunt, impatient, bossy, temperamental, grudgy, gullible

Eunbi is the girl-next-door type of girl. She is really friendly. She can befriend with anyone and she really likes to talk. She can talk nonstop for hours without running out of topics. She is really joyful and playful. She really likes to play and is very optimistic. She is the kind of girl who will think the glass as half full. Even so, she is very impatient. She doesn't like when someone tell her to wait. She likes to get things done as fast as possible. She is quite bossy. She likes to tell people what to do and how to do it. She really dislikes when someone disobey her. She'll probably ignore the person for days since she is the kind of girl who hold grudges. Different from most people in this world, despite her being grudgy, she has a temper. She is really easy to be annoyed. She is also really easy to be fooled. She trusts people and their words easily without even doubting. But, that's is actually her charm. She is also brutally honest. She doesn't like to sugar-coat things so she just say what she is thinking at the moment. She says whatever she has on her mind and says her opinion the way it is.

She (she was 17 that time) was on her way to her school's annual outing place with her friends since they were late. They had to go on their own so they went by one of her friend's car. She didn't know how far she had gone since she was sleeping but then the car aburptly stopped, waking her up. She woke up and found herself in the middle of the road with no one around. Of course, she and her friends were confused. It turned out that the car had run out of gas and there was no gas station nearby, which was weird. Her friend who drove the car confessed that she was really tired and almost fell asleep if the car didn't stop abruptly. And, yeah, they were lost.  Unfortunately, there was also no signal there. They was forced to walk with their heavy luggage. It was late at night when a car passed by. They stopped the car and thankfully the car stopped. The bad thing was the car was full, there was no where to sit. They decided to just ask about their whereabouts and if there were any place to stay for the night. They were told that there was a mansion in the wood. They thanked the driver and went to the direction which the driver had told them.They hardly reached the mansion. Eunbi was already exhausted and because she had anemia (she couldn't be too tired), her head was throbbing but she said nothing. They was climbing the stairs to the second floor of the mansion when her head suddenly felt really light and the next thing she knew is blackness. She fell from the stairs and she broke her neck which caused death in the spot. 

1. number 7
2. the color pink
3. chocolate
4. classic music, esp Mozart's
5. seafoods
6. novels
7. angsty k-drama

1. vegetables
2. loud voices
3. coffee
4. bugs
5. people disobeying her words
6. clowns
7. bugs
8. anemia

1. reading
2. listening to classical music
3. watching drama
4. cooking, even though she can't cook

1. clearing when she's nervous
2. does aegyo when she wants to lend something
3. pulling her hair when she's frustrated
4. sticking her tongue out whe she's concentrating
5. puffing her cheeks and then turns away when she's annoyed

1. she can't cook
2. she always hopes to have a boyfriend, get married, and have 3 kids before she dies
3. she can play piano
4. she thinks cats are scary
5. she is allergic to dust and coffee
6. she always has chocolates in her bag  before she dies
7. she always wishes to have her first kiss under the snow
8. she never has a boyfriend before
9. she wants to become an MC or radio DJ when she grows up
10. she doesn't like it when her roommate sleep earlier than her. she'll wake the person up and talk to him/her until she falls asleep.
11.  she is short but doesn't like to be called short
12. she does a lot of aegyo but always denies when people for having so many aegyo




Do Kyungsoo

Byun Baekhyun

Do Kyungsoo is really quiet. But even though he is quite, he has a great sense of humor. He is a great listener who listens to everything. He is a living example of selfless guy. He is also observant. He observes everything around him and is very detailed.  Even so, he thinks low of himself. He is really pessimist. He always  thinks himself in bad way, like 'I can't do this, I can't do that' etc. He tends to give up before even trying. He also likes to keep everything to himself. He doesn't like to tell other people what he's feeling and always puts on a smile even when he's sad. He is a caring guy who prioritizes his friends before him. 

Kyungsoo was alone in his room, staring blankly at the scenery outside when he heard some whimpering and grunts. He turned around and saw a lady figure standing in front of his door. She was moving, as if she was yelling at the door, but no sound could be heard. He shook his head since he thought that it was his mind playing with him. But that he heard footsteps and another grunt, louder this time, "I just wanted someone to talk to. He doesn't have to be that rude, does he? Gosh, seriously, slamming the door in front of a lady's face. Not so polite if you ask me." Kyungsoo turned around again and gasped when he saw the clear figure of a young girl. Kyungsoo was shocked but after a few seconds, he initiated a conversation. But then, the girl disappeared. 

Two days passed since the encounter, Kyungsoo didn't think about it anymore. At least, he tried not to think about it. But then, the girl suddenly appeared in this room again. Kyungsoo was stunned but he regained his composure again and just like the last time, he initiated a conversation. This time, the girl didn't disappear. She looked amazed and then she beamed, "You want to talk to me?" Kyungsoo was, of course, shocked. But he nodded nonetheless. Then, the girl started to talk nonstop, rather than annoyed, Kyungsoo was amused. Since then, Kyungsoo spent most of his time in his room to talk, or listen, to the girl's chatters.






PASSWORD: Do Kyungsoo


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