[ 11ICONS ] Kwon Mihyun | Lead Vocalist, Lead Rapper | The Silent Protecter


Kwon mihyun

Kkab-Yulri • Jade • 9/10


the basics.

name » Kwon Mihyun
Other names »
 »  Artemis Elias


nickname(s) » 
Little Jade | Her Family | She's the youngest in her family so her family members all call her that.

Athena's Daughter | Her friends and fans | She got that nickname because of how smart she was.


birthday & age » 18 September 1994 & (2014) - 20 | (2015) - 21

BIRTHPLACE » Santorini, Greece

hometown » Santorini, Greece + Hong Kong

ethnicity » Korean-Greek

language » 

Cantonese | Conversational | Mihyun lived in Hong Kong for a majority of her life where she learned to pick up Cantonese.

Greek | Fluent | Mihyun was born in Greece and stayed there from the day she was born to the age of 13.

English | Fluent  | Mihyun spoke in English as well as Greek while she was still living in Greece.

Korean | Conversational | Mihyun learnt Korean when she moved back to Korea because of her father's company.


face claim » Cherry

backup face claim » Park Jihyun


appearance »
Mihyun's height is 176 cm and she weighs 59 kg. She has an ear piercing on each ear and a tattoo which is always hidden from plain sight. The tattoo is to remind herself that she is who she is today because of the obstacles she have to overcome.

style »
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15

2 | 5 | | 7 9 10 11 12 13  

2 5 | 6 7 | 8 9 | 10 11 12 13  

1 2 | 3 4 5 | 6 7 | 8 9 | 10 11 12 13  

1 2 | 3 | 4 5 | 6 7 | 8 9 | 10 11 12 13  

Special Occasions ( Eg. Dates, Birthday Parties )
1 2 | 3 4 5 | 6 7 | 8 9 10 11 12 13  

" Life is like a piano. What you get out of it depends on how you play it. "

" Life is like a piano: the white keys represent happiness, the black keys show sadness. But as you go through life’s journey, remember that the black keys make music too… "


the girl next door.

Personality traits »
(+) - Kind,Quietly Forceful, Sensitive, Caring, Fearless, Independant, Funny
( - ) - Prideful, Clumsy, Indecisive, Fussy, Short-tempered, Easily Jealous

personality »
Mihyun is kind to everyone she knows though she sometimes, speaks bluntly without meaning to because of her short-tempered. She also tends to put other people's needs before hers though she does it discreetly so that nobody will notice it. It's because of that she earned her persona, The Silent Protecter. She is also very caring though like before, she cares for someone silently. For example, if a member was sick, she'd silently come back to the dorm early and when that particular member is resting, she wordlessly helps to tend to the sick member by making porridge and soup, helping them get the medicine and water, etc. Mihyun is rather fearless and is very strong-willed. She is able to push through storms of a shattered heart, broken spirits, and tattered body, emerging twice as graceful and independant. Like everyone, she too has her own fears but she pushes herself to face her fears and to not be afraid to face them. She builds a wall behind herself just to push herself forward and to move on with life despite it's hardships.

Mihyun tends to depend on nobody but herself in everything as to her, she doesn't want to burden anyone else. However, her reliance on herself too backfires sometimes because it causes her to push herself over the limits. She prefers relying on herself because that way, she knows she can improve and become better though it can get very very tiring at times because she too was just a human, she too wanted to depend on someone for once. Mihyun is also rather funny despite not admitting it herself. She tends to say and do hilarious things without even realizing it herself which was the main reason as to why she didn't admit it. It was simply because she couldn't see herself being the funny her. She also has a rather dark sense of humor which most people would find weird and absolutely crazy.

Mihyun carries herself with pride. Most of the time, she tries not to make a fool out of herself but that's when her clumsiness comes in. She tends to trip and fall over thin air but somehow, when she's on stage, she changes into someone completely different. It was almost as if that clumsy Mihyun was just a figment of everyone's imagination which was weird in some ways. Mihyun is also very fussy and indecisive when it comes to choosing things. Usually, she'd take up to half an hour just picking out something to buy and even more time when it comes to choosing something to wear. She was especially fussy when it comes to clothes and food. She also has a short-temper which seems to spark very easily as she gets irritated very easily. Although she tries to keep her temper in check, it can get difficult sometimes which almost always ends up with her snapping at the other. Last but not least, she gets jealous easily especially when it comes to her loved one. She doesn't exactly mind it when it comes to fangirls because she knows it's fan-service but when it came to other idols, that green monster in her shows up. She'd end up sulking and it always ends with him comforting and reassuring her.

» White Calla Lilies
» Little Twin Stars
» ​Sentimental Circus
» ​Taro-flavored bubble tea
» ​Spicy Food
» ​Korean Dramas
» Fantasy Dramas esp. Chinese Fantasy Dramas
» Disney
» Rainy Days

» Heavy Metal Music
» Hot, Sunny days
» ​Piercings and Tattoos
» Naggy people
» Artificial-flavored anything esp if it's strawberry or grape.

» Cooking
» Reading fanfictions
» Composing songs with her electro-acoustic guitar

» Mihyun tend to chew a piece of gum when she gets nervous as without the gum, she'd end up biting her own lips from nervousness.
» Mihyun has to write an entry in her diary every day otherwise she won't be able to fall asleep peacefully.
» Mihyun has to bathe at least twice a day because otherwise, she'd feel very grumpy and irritated.
» Mihyun tends to wake up extremely early so that she can get ready in time no matter how tired she is.
» Mihyun tend to fall asleep inside the car whenever she headed somewhere whether alone or with the group members.

» Heights : Mihyun will freak out and cling onto something if she goes to a high place. She can't look out of the elevator
» Number 13 : Mihyun tries to avoid using that number altogether.

» Mihyun doesn't have a favorite color but if she had to choose, she'd choose the color black.
» Mihyun's favorite Korean food is Ttukbokki and Patbingsoo.
» Mihyun is good in taekwondo and is in the 3rd degree black belt.
» Mihyun has the pitch-perfect hearing ever since she was born which meant she could easily decipher notes that are being played.
» She was known as the "2nd Song Qian" back in her trainee days because of how flexible it was.
» She loves ballad songs and often sings along to them. Her current favorite is SNSD's Divine.
» Mihyun is a huge fan of Davichi and hopes to one day be able to sing like them. She is also a fan of T-ara's ex-member, Ryu Hwayoung and wishes she could one day rap as good as her.
» Mihyun is also a S9NE, F(x)'s fan and many others.
» Mihyun has a white toy poodle called "Pandora."
» Mihyun has a fast metabolism so she can eat as much as she wants without worrying about gaining weight.
» Mihyun was in the top #3 ranking throughout her entire school life.
» Mihyun has already received a diploma for her piano and music theory.

» Mihyun used to perform in a cafe by day, bar by night cafe using her electro-acoustic guitar.
» Mihyun is the famous Black Pearl, Kwon Yuri's baby cousin and is extremely close to her.



home is where your heart is.

background » 

Music. That was Mihyun's passion since forever. It was the thing she had wanted to pursue ever since she was but a little kid. She was a child prodigy in both piano and music theory. Throw in the fact that she enjoyed dancing, singing and rapping, it was a dream to her to be able to be a trainee.

Mihyun was born in Santorini, an island in Greece. Her parents had been bethrothed to each other but they were deeply in love with each other so all was good. She grew up learning music instead of pursuing fashion designing like her older sister, mother and father but because they were supportive, they supported her every step of the way from providing her with music classes to vocal classes to competition entries. In Santorini, Mihyun was a child star who was famous for her acting. However, despite the number of vocal classes she had, she was never extremely talented in singing as it wasn't her forte. Instead, it was rapping and dancing.

At the age of 12, Mihyun's father wanted to expand his company to Asia so they moved to Hong Kong. There, Mihyun had to adapt to a whole new culture and language though she got used to it pretty quickly as it was another dream of hers, to be able to stand on Asia. There, she continued with her classes and lessons. At the age of 17, Mihyun's father expanded his company to Korea so they all had to move again. Once more, she had to re-adapt to a new culture and language but she was still part-Korean so it wasn't all that difficult. At the age of 19, Mihyun asked for permission to audition for Big Hit Entertainment. Almost instantly, her parents said yes. Even her older sister was supportive about it.

Because she was still afraid of it, Mihyun looked to her cousin, Yuri who was a member of Girls' Generations for advice and also a briefing as to what trainee and idol life would be like. Upon knowing what she would be facing, she auditioned for Big Hit Entertainment without a single hesitation. Surrprisingly, she made it in with her acting skills as that was what she had auditioned for, acting. A year into trainee life, the company switched her over to training to become an idol instead of an actress which she did for 6 months before debuting with 11ICONS as the lead rapper and lead vocalist of the group.
Mihyun's older sister was in fact adopted. Until now, nobody knows except for her parents as it was kept a secret. Her father is also planning on letting his real daughter, Mihyun inherit the company instead of Iris.


family » 

Father | Kwon Jaeseok | 54 | Chairman of Kwon Designs | Kind, Loving, Strict, Loyal, Family-Oriented | 10
Mother | Alice Angelis | 52 | Chairwoman of Kwon Designs | Kind,Loving,Lenient, Family-Oriented, Sensitive| 10

Older Sister| Iris Kwon Minah | 25 | Current CEO of Kwon Designs | Easily Jealous, Possesive, Loving, Caring |10
Cousin| Kwon Yuri| 25 | Member of SNSD | Loving, Caring, Understanding, Protective | 10


best friend(s) » 

Lee Hanbyul aka Byul | 20 | Soloist | Loving, Supportive, Sensible | They were both trainees in Big Hit Entertainment and trained together. | 10


11Icon Members | Varies | Idols | Varies | They're in a group together. | Varies



it's time for Jade to rise.

stage name » Jade
persona » The Silent Protecter
position » Vocalist, Rapper, Lead Dancer
BACKup position » Co-Leader, Vocalist, Visual

singing twin » T-ara's Jiyeon  [ T-ara's Jiyeon ]
dancing twin » Sistar's Bora [ Apink's Chorong ]
rapping twin » Rania's Jooyi [ n/a ]
talking twin » 

trainee years 
»Big Hit Ent. - 1 Year

trainee life »
Because Mihyun wasn't a pure Korean, she was often judged and criticized by other trainees who scoffed at the sight of her but she paid them no attention and instead, focused on polishing her skills in acting. Her trainers were all very understanding and kind towards her though there were still trainers who were less accepting and were very harsh and strict towards her, picking out all of her flaws. Despite all that, she never gave up. Instead, it pushed her to be more determined and strong as she had a life motto.

"Every star needs a darkness to shine brightly."

When Mihyun got switched to idol training suddenly, she was shocked but she accepted it nevertheless because she would then get to show everyone a different side to her, she got to show everyone her rapping and dancing skills.

pre-debut experience 
» Cameod in K.Will's I Need You MV
» Cameod in K.Will's Please Don't MV
» Cameod in Huh Gak's Memory of Your Scent MV
» Cameod in VIXX's Leo and Lyn's Blossom Tears MV



the one and only.

love interest » Park Chanyeol

backup love interest » Do Kyungsoo
second BACKUP LOVE INTEREST » Kim Seokjin


personality »
Chanyeol is very affectionate and would try to show his affections for her through his actions. It wasn't any actions too extravagant though. Just simple actions like a simple hug or a simple peck on the lips was already enough for Mihyun and Chanyeol. He is also very funny and would try to joke around Mihyun, creating a light atmosphere around the two all the time. He tends to crack corny jokes at random times just to cheer the latter up. He's also loyal and very loving. Chanyeol is also very hardworking as he practices far harder than the other members just to make sure his fans don't get disappointed and mostly Mihyun since she was actually an EXO-L as well.

Aside from that, Chanyeol is also childish and a little clingy. If he feels mad, he'd end up sulking until Mihyun cheers him up again. He also tends to send Mihyun messages a few times every few hours just to let her know that she would always be in his mind. He is also rather over-protective as he tends to get all worked up even at Mihyun's slightest trip and fall which was almost every minute of the day due to her clumsiness.


how do you two meet »
They met during a variety show. It was love at first sight for the both of them. He had instantly asked her out because he feared that he wouldn't see her again.

interactions »
Chanyeol and Mihyun are actually dating so they were very close to one another. On top of that, they were best friends as well and knew each other like the back of their hands though there were some things they don't know about each other because what fun would it be to know about the other person so thoroughly? It would take away the element of surprise. They try to hide their affections for one another in public and around their members as they didn't want anybody to find out just yet but when they were alone, that was when the skinship monster in them came out.

conclusion » They break up because he ends up falling for Apink's Eunji. She gets together with Suho but later breaks up with him because she realizes that she was still in love with Chanyeol. Chanyeol on the other hand, realizes that the one he truly loves is Mihyun and breaks up with Eunji. They end up together. 


don't make me confused.


LOVE rival » Kim Joonmyun, Suho

BACKUP LOVE rival » Do Kyungsoo
SECOND BACKUP LOVE rival » Kim Seokjin


He is very kind and understanding as he tries his best to be there for her. Often, he would be her shoulder to lean on especially during her break up with Chanyeol. He was there for her. He was like Chanyeol except he wasn't as mischevious or hyper. He was more serious and gentle. He can also be rather awkward at times as he doesn't often know how to express his true feelings in words. Usually, he lets his actions speak for themselves. 


Mihyun met him in a cafe near her company. She had accidentally spilt cold coffee on him. Feeling guilty, she had offered to clean his shirt up for him but he rejected saying that it was okay. They ended up exchanging numbers as she wanted to make up for the accident.

It hadn't been love at first sight for Suho. Instead, he gradually fell in love with her soft, gentle side. She was his ideal girlfriend but she only treated him as a friend. When Chanyeol broke up with Mihyun, he'd been there for her and tried his very best to cheer him up. Over time, he completely fell head over heels with her and asked her out.To his luck, she accepted. They dated for a while but when she grew to realize  that she was in fact in love with Chanyeol, they broke up. He was devastated but he still let her go because he knew that way she'd be happier. After the break up, they were a little awkward around each other but they gradually became best friends with him silently watching over her like a guardian angel.

CONCLUSION » They date for a little while before breaking up. They end up as best friends.


last words.

comments/suggestions » None! Sorry T-T

scene requests 
» Yaja time for the members where Mihyun was one of the few people who helped in bullying the older members and ended up getting in trouble so she tried hiding herself under the table, ending up safe from the chaos.
» Mihyun and Chanyeol get paired up for the show "All About Kpop" where Chanyeol stands behind her when choosing partners and sent death glares to whoever wanted to stand behind her.
» The members finds out that she was dating Chanyeol when she revealed the truth to them.
» A scandal of Mihyun with Suho causing Chanyeol to grow mad especially upon seeing the number of support comments and shippers when the couple wasn't even real.
» Mihyun has high fever but still forces herself to go on stage and perform but ends up fainting due to the fever and the whole world finds out about her relationship with Chanyeol when he was the first one to rush onto the stage to pick her up, forgetting about his own status as an idol.
» Mihyun and the other members of the group gets invited to "God of the Dining Table" where Mihyun ends up winning almost every round but loses when it was her favorite food.
» The group gets invited to Weekly Idol and Mihyun gets teased by the MCs

password » ICONic(s) + #5179C3                    



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