▐ ❀ iris — i byeol nan.

i Byeol nan

name — i byeol nan 
STAGE NAME — byeol nan

❀ ⋮byeollie. used by her lovely twin sister, i seol nan
❀ ⋮noonan. used by some of her male juniors because she's their noona and their byeol nan
❀ ⋮princess/goddess/transcendence. used by byeol nan herself because she is the goddess princess of transcendence
❀ ⋮crybaby i. used by fans because byeollie is the biggest crybaby ever
❀ ⋮aegyo that calls for a punch. used by iris members because every time she does aegyo they literally come within an inch of punching her   
❀ ⋮fanservice queen. used by fans because she's so touchy with the other members and she does so many cute things and she basically does the most fanservice ever.

birthdate — december 31st, 1992 ; 22 years old

birthplace — cape town, south africa

hometown — cape town, south africa

ethnicity — korean

language — 
❀ ⋮englush. native 
❀ ⋮korean. fluent

fresh off of a magazine

face claim — snsd's sunny

gallery — xx xo

backup face claim — laboum's haein

gallery — xx


appearance — 
❀ ⋮she's beauty, she's grace, she's miss step-on-my-face. i byeol nan is a lovely sight to behold. with her healthy and radiant skin, her long eyes, her smoochable lips, and celestial nose. byeol nan always does her makeup super cutely as well. she loves keeping her hair short, and we're talkin pixie cut short. and she loves dying it all these crazy colors like pink and purple and teal, but she can also rock blonde. byeol nan is a very petite person, short with a tiny frame. she stands at 150 cm (although she often wears insoles) and she weighs 45 kg. her collarbone game on point as well as her hip bone game. byeol nan is actually bow-legged as well, meaning her thighs will never touch anyway. 

fashion style — 
❀ ⋮step aside zooey deschanel!. byeol nan dresses very cutely and vintagely, because she's a er for anything vintage to be honest. she wears pretty much only dresses and skirts because what even are pants? she loves cardigans and leggings and flats and thats pretty much her entire wardrobe. byeol nan also has a bunch of mega cute accessories that she loves to death
❀ ⋮casual & airport.
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❀ ⋮training & dorm.
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❀ ⋮formal.
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❀ ⋮accessories.
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beauty is only skin deep

traits — nosy, open, blunt, girly, arrogant, crybaby, embarrassing

personality — 

byeol nan's naturally curious about the people and world around her and asks so many (sometimes intrusive) questions about everything. she always wants to know everyone's business. she wants to know everyone's mom, grandma, third cousin twice removed, their entire lineage, how fast the cell fertilized the egg shell to make that person. it actually can get very annoying very quickly, and byeol nan often times doesn't even know she's bothering people. asking people questions about their personal lives just comes naturally because she's so open with her personal life? like not a second passes by when the members don't hear about byeol nan's hot evil brother or her precious kitties, 2paws shacute and the notorious c.a.t. iris and fans know pretty much everything there is to know about byeol nan, even the place she washes first in the shower. they know about her unwavering love for jackson wang and they know her favorite shows and why they're her favorite shows (she has given them very detailed essays containing info on why they're her favorite shows). byeol nan doesn't believe in hiding things from others, especially if they're supposed to be like family. byeol nan is the most straightforward thing on the planet oh my god. she's so straightforward about some things that it can be embarrassing how tactless she is, especially when it comes to hot boys and what she wants those hot boys to do to her. like she will sit there with a straight face in front of anyone and go into graphic detail on how she wants jackson wang to put her in a choke hold and shove his other meaty arm up her who knows where as if it were nothing. she's unafraid to tell boys that she thinks they're cute. nor is she afraid of telling grown men she'd like to call them daddy.

byeol nan is the prettiest and cutest and lovable princess in the world (her words), okay? she takes great pride in being a girl, especially after being one of the only girls surrounded by a bunch of guys her whole life. byeol nan is a little ball of friendliness and sunshine. she's very easy going and loves taking time to stop and smell the roses--and she often nags others to do the same. it's hard for byeol nan to take things seriously and she is always able to laugh at herself and others because wow is everyone embarrassing. byeol nan tries her best to be there for everyone by always having a smile on her face because hey, if someone like her can still smile then everyone else should too!! byeol nan also goes out of her way to help people in any way she can. byeol nan tries her best to be as friendly as she can, even striking up conversations with random people who seem down because pop pop truly believes that everyone needs at least one friend. she'll even befriend a guy forty centimeters taller than her with tattoos and a bald head without hesitation. byeol nan is also the biggest attention on the planet okay. she's very arrogant confident and always has good things to say about herself (and others). like she will gas everyone up so much like "wowie you're so beautiful!!" and "gODDESS" and "she's beauty, she's grace, she's miss step on my face". byeol nan speaks very highly of herself and even introduces herself to cute boys as, "my name is i byeol nan, but since you're cute you can call me: princess, goddess, leader of the free world, or transcendence". she like needs to be the center of attention and praised for just about everything she does otherwise she begins to wilt. she will make it known when she's not getting enough attention because she will be like, "hey, i'm cute. rIGHT?? DONT YOU THINK SO?? IM CUTE" and eventually they get the hint and agree with her.

god if you're with byeol nan anywhere with people around, 9/10 times you will be embarrassed by her. secondhand embarrassment will flow through you because wowie its so bad. she openly told fans that she has gotten passed the stage where she was ashamed to call a hot grown man daddy. or when she met got7 for the first time and literally got down on one knee saying, "my name is i byeol nan! my hobby is dancing to crayon pop songs! my favorite quote is 'thanks obama'! my specialty dish is burnt macaroni and cheese! please accept my heart!". byeol nan has to be the biggest crybaby in the history of crybabies. she'll cry for just about everything and some people wonder if she took lessons on how to cry on cue. it seems like byeol nan has a never-ending supply of tears because her friends stopped paying attention to her for one second? "/sniffles. yah how dare you y'all are the shadiest hoes i've ever met after all we've been through you've stopped paying attention to me??? i byeol nan??". a fan brings her a gift? "/whimper sobs. i-i'm just so happy that i have such nice fans! ah, what should i do, my makeup will run if i cry here!". god forbid the main couple of a drama finally kiss. "/wails. aigoo, what should i do what should i do? i waited so long for this moment, i'm so happy for you crazy kids!! yes /male lead's name/ kiss her and never let her go!!" there's just something about byeol nan, something that can still draw people to her despite being the biggest loser on the planet. maybe it's her all-natural hidden aegyo. maybe it's her deep devotion to crayon pop & nu'est. maybe it's her genuine love for her family. she's really thoughtful and wants everyone to be happy mentally, physically, and emotionally and kay doesn't mind doing some of the member's chores so they can have fun or relax.


background — 

before debut, byeol nan had a normal life. or as normal as the family with the surname meaning "strange" could be. byeol nan was born in cape town, south africa and since the day she could talk, she's been a true thespian. she would enjoy watching plays and musicals with her mom as a child, and then she enjoyed going to the theater with her mom as she got older! while other girls, including her sister, went to ballet byeol nan begged her mom to take her to "musical class". and since there was no such thing as musical class, and there really was no theatre class for 5 year olds, mama enrolled byeol nan in singing lessons. and dang could i byeol nan sing.

the i family moved to korea when byeol nan was 16, due to her father's job transferring to seoul. it was kinda tough leaving her home behind, and byeol nan was actually really distressed because she thought they didn't have theatre in korea. and she was really happy when she was proven wrong. the first thing byeol nan did when she got to seoul was try to sign up for an internship at a theater, only to find that high schoolers can't do those kinds of things because of "cram school" and byeol nan was literally devastated it was like her whole world came to an end its not fair why her. and to make it worse, the high schools didn't have theatre class and byeol nan literally screamed in the head of administration's face because are you uncultured swine where on earth is your damn theatre class?? this is an outrage. in an attempt to quell her daughter's distress and anger, mama encouraged byeol nan to audition for an entertainment level. she ruled out sm (because slave contracts) and yg (because too many problematics) and jyp (because that stupid "jyp" at the start of every song was too much for her) and after going through a long long list of entertainment labels, byeol nan decided on sunset entertainment.

byeol nan debuted when she was 18, and just entering college. it kinda turned her world upside down, it was definitely new. kids on campus would stop her and ask "oh, aren't you in that new girl group?". sometimes teachers would ask for autographs for their "kids" and many people would stop her to take pictures. but on the downside, she was stalked quite a few times, especially as iris gained more and more popularity. there was one incident where a crazed fan tried to kidnap her on campus in front of a bunch of other students. that student was expelled and charged with attempted kidnapping, but it still shook byeol nan a lot. but all the not weird fans who would ask her how her day is, or ask her for kind words of encouragement made the expirence very very special.

the hiatus — 
byeol nan didn't really go anywhere too special during the hiatus, she stayed in korea. although she spent more time with her family and friends during the hiatus than at the dorms when she wasn't busy with solo activities. she also chose to work on some solo activities like doing some musicals because she loves musicals and a few shows as well.

byeol nan also took the time to focus on her studies. she attends seoul insititute of the arts with a focus on theatre and acting, with a minor in playwrighting. she is currently in her 3rd year at seoul arts.

there was an incident during the hiatus however, in which some paparazzi mistook byeol nan's twin, seol nan, as her. seol nan was making out with a guy at the club, absolutely faced, and some creep took a picture and posted it on sns sites and sent it to the tabloids and then there was an uproar. byeol nan was very very upset about this and she made statuses on every single one of her sns accounts. "yah, not only should you know that i would never let my hair get that long, but you should also know better than to take pictures of strangers without their consent, as that is a form of ual harassment! whoever did this to my cute (but not cuter than me) sister, i'll never forgive you! you could have easily ruined her life!"

another incident that happened was that byeol nan went out on a date with her theatre professor. they went to go see the lion king musical (and it was super amazing btw). they were leaving the theater, arm in arm and about to get some bomb street vendor food. her professor went to go pick up their food while byeol nan waited for him, and a fan approached her and asked for a photo. he talked a lot, saying things like "byeol nan-ah, you're so much tinier in person!" and "byeol nan-ah, your hair is just as perfect in real life!" and byeol nan thought nothing of it she was like thank you!! but then her professor came back and then the fan got kinda weird like "byeol nan-ah, who is this?" "byeol nan-ah, are you on a date?" "yah, i byeol nan how could you go on a date when you know i love you???"

and naturally her professor was like "please chill. she's not yours, you don't own her" and then the fan kinda tackled him to the ground and they began fighting. the fan only stopped when a lil old lady pulled him off of her professor by the back of his shirt and held him with a firm grip until the police showed up to file the report. 


likes — 
❀ ⋮old knick knacksthere's just something about them that reminds byeol nan of cute lil grannies
❀ ⋮nicki & bey. nicki minaj and beyonce knowles hyphen carter are her momthers and byeol nan would let them punch her in the face
❀ ⋮people who give her attention. and not just that shallow attention either, but the kind of sincere attention that you don't have to ask for. those people are the real mvps.
❀ ⋮sns. its how she can keep up with everything and everyone. her favorite website currently is tumblr
❀ ⋮puns. nothing can make someone laugh harder than a pun tbh
❀ ⋮conspiracy theories. is exo part of the illuminati??? probs
❀ ⋮japanese delinquents. its her favorite character type ever she loves banchos and aneechans
❀ ⋮girls. girls are so pretty and cute and perfect and she will cut your hands off if you put them on a girl without her consent
❀ ⋮old school animelike neon genesis evangelion and creamy mami and sailor moon, they're just the best 
❀ ⋮anime. pfft she's not a weeaboo!! she only likes shoujo and magical girl anime!! ... and reverse harem anime... and free!... and meganebu    
❀ ⋮succulents. they are byeol nan's absolute favorite type of plant!! she would rather get a bunch of potted succulents than a boquet of flowers 

dislikes — 
❀ ⋮loneliness. there's a difference between being alone and being lonely, and it feels just awful
❀ ⋮iggy azalea. iggy is literally the most disgusting piece of trash byeol nan has ever seen
❀ ⋮winter. she basically hates everything involving winter. she hates peppermint, she hates snow, she hates cold, she hates eggnog, she hates buying things for people
❀ ⋮cleaning her room. she can find everything and still walk through her room so um
❀ ⋮people who complain about her room being messy. is she holding a gun to your head and forcing you to look at her room? then shut the hell up     
❀ ⋮eggs. eggs are disgusting and if you eat eggs, congrats your disgusting too no exceptions 
❀ ⋮when people misuse "theatre" and "theater". "theatre" is used for the subject and content, while "theater" is for the actual venue 

hobbies — 
❀ ⋮blogging. tumblr is slowly becoming her life tbh, especially during the hiatus
❀ ⋮taking pics of the members making dumb and ugly faces. its much easier to see an idol as human this way!!
❀ ⋮sobbing over anime boys. weeps s-souske's arm!! makoto and haru's fight!! all that character development sent down the drain due to season 2 thanks kyoani sOBS
❀ ⋮theatre. watching theatre, performing theatre, going to the theater, everything    

habits — 
❀ ⋮who decided to put an 's' in "lisp". has a slight lisp and has a hard time pronouncing 's'es
❀ ⋮i hope i die from being loved by puppies too much. will immediately go to pet any animal in the near vicinity
❀ ⋮i might be an impulse buyer. whenever she goes to the store, she comes back with skincare products and makeup
❀ ⋮cuz i wouldn't have nothing if i didn't have you. she always talks to her succulents and she always says encouraging things to them!! "hello my baby, you're looking so pretty today! i love you, so continue to grow big and strong!!"
❀ ⋮pet names are totally in. she gives all her succulents pet names.    

trivias — 
❀ ⋮zayum zaddy. her ideal type is "hot dad" aka an older guy who could probably have kids who is also very hot and suave and silly 
❀ ⋮my love, my angels. her room is filled with succulents from family and friends and a few she bought herself
❀ ⋮fish are friends, not food!!. the names of her succulents are baby-bugga-boo, boo-boo keys, angel eyes, sugar plum, pumpy-umpy-umpkin, tator tot, cuppy cake, gumdrop, snoogums-boogums
❀ ⋮with a name like roman o.... byeol nan's favorite movie genre is called pinky violence, which is a subgenre of pinky films from japan in the 70s. they were also known as roman os due to the amounts of violence and gracious pron scenes.
❀ ⋮people will think i'm a !. she swears she doesn't watch pinky violence for the
❀ ⋮please punch me in the face, i don't deserve to live in the same universe as you. she really likes tough girl characters, especially in dramas where there seems to be a lack of strong female role models
❀ ⋮the cutie with a feminist agenda. is a big feminist and she one day hopes to be able to help girls and women in third world countries
❀ ⋮and now, the weather. she loves listening to fictional american conspiracry podcast, welcome to nightvale     

the nation's sweetheatrts; iris!

PERSONA — the girl who came from outer space

position — main vocalist

vocal twin — tiny g's j.min 1 2 ( back up: ladies code's sojung )
dancing twin — 2ne1's cl 1 ( back up: 2ne1's dara )
rapping twin — 

strengths — 
❀ ⋮theatre. i byeol nan has a special knack for the theatrical much more so than she does for just plain acting, as weird as that sounds. she's better able to portray a character on a live stag with an audience more than through a television screen.
❀ ⋮power vocals. byeol nan's voice carries very little weight and is resonant and is well supported through all her vocal registers. she's capable of singing all the way down to an eb3, giving her voice a smoky texture
❀ ⋮you all have my heart!. byeol nan sincerely loves her fans and always makes them feel loved and special on an individual level. if many fans are outside waiting for iris on a cold day she will make warm tea for them. she loves fansigns with all her heart because that means she can be with the people who love her most!!
❀ ⋮raw charisma. byeol nan has a very attractive and warm personality, even when she's off stage, and that just draws a lot of people to her
❀ ⋮fanservice. I BYEOL NAN IS THE QUEEN OF FANSERVICE. she's always doing fanservice to be honest. at airports, wave and blow kisses and make hearts at the fans, on twitter and instagram, post the cutest and dumbest videos and photos and show off her cute thighs. at fansigns declares her undying love for them and asks them to marry her. i byeol nan is the queen of fanservice.
weaknesses — 
❀ ⋮vocal weaknesses. byeol nan's chest notes, although executed with great techniques, lack the resonance that the rest of her voice has.
❀ ⋮1 and 2 and 3 and 4. although byeol nan is quick to remember lines and lyrics, it takes her the longest to learn dances
❀ ⋮pay attention. byeol nan's interest needs to be held through the duration of whatever it is their doing in order for her to finish because byeol nan's attention shifts very quickly and she has a bad habit of leaving things unfinished (like practices and recording sessions).
❀ ⋮byeol nan-ah, you're too much. byeol nan sometimes talks waaaaaay too much. and the things she says are not always suitable for a live audience to hear
❀ ⋮attention . byeol nan will literally swoop in and turn the attention from another member to her, especially if she feels like she hasn't been given enough love. like she will literally think "that's nice and all, but lets talk about me"

solo activities — 
i byeol nan is a true thespian, so she auditioned for like every musical she possibly could. she was actually casted as the lead role in 'catch me if you can' as brenda strong which ran from march 28th, 2012 to june 10th of that same year. she also plaid the lead female role of kathy seldan from 'singing in the rain'. 

she has done a few skits on snl, as well as appeared as a guest couple on we got married with block b's p.o

she is currently on roommate season 2

iris family values

family — 
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— i gyeol | dad | 5 | he likes going on random family trips just for the hell of it, "byeols, seols!! let's go to daegu this weekend!". he really loves his daughter and is tried his best to raise her and be there for her, even though he was often busy with work. he holds byeol close to his heart and is very understanding. he wants her to do the best she can, but he also wants her to be happy and successful in life. gyeol lets byeol nan be the grown woman she is, but can't always supress the urge to pick up his little girl and hold her till morning comes 
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— lee seol | mom | 5 | mama seol is always there for her byeol nan, even if she can't be there in person, a mother's soothing voice is always a phone call away. call her selfish, but she's actually been enjoying the hiatus because that means more time for her to spend with her byeol nan
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— i seol nan | twin sister | 5 | the two are like night and day, yet one without the other seems like a setup for failure. they argue and call each other names and cuss each other out over who gets to use the bathroom first. seol nan irritates byeol nan to no end with her laziness and rebellious nature and her lack of ambition and how she just sits there and blogs all day. what is she even blogging about?? byeol nan doesn't know. but at the end of the day, seol nan is her twin and would fiercely protect her. they can share everything with each other from boyfriends to anxieties to the struggles of trying to sleep with your professor but being too afraid to take him out in public because of crazy fans and tabloids. they two can cry togther, hug it out. 
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— i byeol | hot brother | 5 | they argue and call each other names and cuss each other out (byeol nan has even beat the living crap outta him a few times) byeol irritates byeol nan to no end with his impulsiveness and his baseless confidence and his haughty attitude. likewise, byeol nan irritates byeol with her crybabyness and arrogance and flirtiness and her attention ... ness and how all his friends think she's cute. but at the end of the day, byeol nan is his younger sister and he's always there to protect her. 


you've got a friend in me

friends — 
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— mabel kittiphan ( fc ; bubzbeauty ) | 5 | they met in high school, they were both transfer students from other countries, so they hit it off | these two are peas in a pod, they know exactly how to make each other shine. the two are very close and exchange a lot of intimate gestures like cuddling and playing video games. they shower together and do each other's hair and sleep in the same bed. mabel would much rather stay in on a friday night, although she can't resist byeollie's aegyo and often gets talked into going out, so the two make blanket forts and order chinese food and just in general have a girls night where they do each others makeup and talk about boys. byeol nan has always been mabel's protector and rock. they make the worst jokes and laugh like horses at them, and they laugh so hard their abs hurt. the two have seen every side of each other, even the really gross sickly sides of each other 
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— kim dae ho ( fc ; lee min ki )  | 5 | they met in college through their love of theatre | dae ho is a touchy feely loser who's always looking for an excuse to grab byeol nan's . he practically worships it and mentions it every five minutes. they like to talk mad smack and sneak in junk food and laze around watching bad movies together. daeho has a habit of falling asleep with his glasses on, so byeol always takes them off of him and places them on his drawer when she can. they've actually shared many secrets and insecurities and there have been many many many times where byeol nan has cried on dae ho's shoulder, one one time where dae ho cried on byeol nan's. 
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— kim key kibum | 3 | they met on the set of singing in the rain, as they were coworkers in the play | key and byeol nan only talk occasionally but when they do its so perfect and amazing 
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— jackson wang kayee | 3.6 | they met on roommate | if byeol nan is in the room and not paying attention to him, jackson will thump and growl for attention like a lil bunny until byeol nan's eyes are on him. jackson is a very loyal guy. and he's very protective and hates it when other guys talk to his noonan 
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— nana | 2.7 | they also met on roommate | nana is the baddest chick on the block and always gives the best advice.  


we'll laugh until our ribs get tired and that will never be enough

love interest — professor ellington "elli" kwon ( fc ; daniel henney ) / theatre professor at seoul arts

backup love interest — no love interest
desired ending relationship — possibly engaged

how did the two meet —
 they met at seoul arts, with ellington as the professor of byeol nan's theatre class. and as soon as she saw him, she practically fell in love and said "i wanna wear his nutsack as an eyepatch". okay maybe she didn't say that out loud but she almost did but thank god she didn't. byeol nan developed the biggest crush on him ever because he is literally her ideal type, her dream guy. she even went as far as to say, "professor kwon, i wanna date you. but only if you're cool with it". eventually, byeol nan became his star pupil. on the opening night for catch me if you can, ellington and most of her class were there to cheer her on. and after the show, one thing led to another and the next morning she was in his bed and she had absolutely no problem with that. and then on the final run of catch me if you can, he asked her out on a date and soon after, they became an item.


personality — 
  ellington is very self-motivated, he can't motivate any of his students if he can't motivate himself. he really knows how to get himself going and take charge of what's next for him. he has much integrity and lets his students know he will fight for them, do what he says, and follow the rules. everyone knows they can rely on ellington for anything they need!! he will always be there for them. he has confidence in the decisions he makes, and everyone trusts that he knows what he's doing. as a teacher, ellington can't afford to break down under pressure. he knows how to remain calm and get things done.

he knows the industry he's in well and can work more efficiently as a result. ellington knows when tasks need to be delegated. he is able to identify who does best at what and gives them tasks they can achieve, while offering a little help now and then. he take great care in keeping track of schedules and tasks, the students, and assignments in order to stay afloat in this business. he knows how to make peace and ease frayed nerves between the students because he gets it—paying a bunch of money annually for an education and then not being able to enter the work force immediately and having to work at a fast food place to stay alive in this capitalist society . elli respects byeol nan and her obligations and makes sure they all know they're valued. ellington can be brutal as hell. if you stand in his way, he'll step on your face without a second thought. he's a feminist as well, and he won't tolerate any ist bull. and he won't hesitate to say you look like a shaved cat or say you were rocking the london look before it was even cool. there's a fine line between being sassy and being an , and ellington crosses it nearly every day. he’s sassy and sarcastic but not really that brooding? he always has a snippy comeback and can slay the hoes. he’s really smart and loves reading and is very cultured and worldly. ellington is rather introverted and prefers to have his alone time and his space. he has a more dry sense of humor. ellington is a shy one compared to byeol. he’s not as open with things as she is and he carefully thinks out the things he does. elli often over thinks things actually. he prefers to stay out of the spotlight and is rather awkward when he’s ed into situations where he is, but he feels like teaching is something much more natural than performing on a stage. elli’s rather awkward in general and a huge dork. he’s a bit of a hopeless romantic as well, deep down, and is much more sentimental than byeol nan.

ellington is not a "badass" lacking manners or respect, but he is also not a wuss, refusing to let any amount of aegyo break him. instead, he is a modern day gentleman. he takes care of his physical appearance and is dressed for success every day. he takes no day off from excellence, and this is reflected in his freshly ironed, tailored fit suits as well as his attitude. ellington is very considerate, none of that fake alpha-machismo crap: he doesn't cut in line or steal cabs from other people. to the contrary, he holds the door open for everyone, let them cut him in line if they have fewer items, and generally goes out of his way to accomodate others and pay them consideration. ellington is especially chivalrous and his approach to women is a mix of respect, adoration, and cherishing amusement. he will hold doors for her, doff his hat upon her approach, rise if she approaches while he is sitting, take her coat, offer to seat her, and push her chair in. ellington works dilligently and consistently to improve himself in all ways. despite being polite and accomodating, ellington kwon is in no way a doormat. he knows what he can and cannot do, and is not afraid to say no.


relationship — 
byeol nan is absolutely smitten with ellington. byeol nan’s always liked the sarcastic smart hot guys okay they’re her type. but ellington’s also a hardcore feminist and he fights against racism and he’s in general a really hot guy okay. his lil retorts to her silliness and like everything makes her swoon. and not only that, he can teach her about so many things and she can teach him about things too. they compliment and contrast each other in many ways. elli with his dry sense of humor that byeollie can pick up on and appreciate most of the time and byeollie’s more direct and bodily and situational humor which can lighten any mood. much to elli’s appreciation, she understands when he wants to be alone and will leave him to his own devices without much of a fight. to byeol nan’s delight and appreciation, most of the time elli’s fine with byeol nan being with him and even in close proximity with him, as long as she lets him do his own thing.

the two are very close and its almost as if they've know each other their entire lives. they bring out the best in each other, and are often each other's support. ellington and byeol nan like sneaking out to go on cute dates like stargazing after a long day of schedules, they talk about everything and nothing. they go on picnics when its warm and cuddle while watching horrible movies when its cold. they tend to stay in a lot, due to her idol status, but will sometimes venture to the aquarium to look at little fishies and shy sharkies. they go to planetariums and go to concerts. they play a bunch of board games which usually end in byeol nan saying "is it because i'm ugly?" or "you're seriously gonna make me cry!", flipping the board, or throwing a piece at ellington. they just do a bunch of little domestic things with the little time they can spend together. byeol nan's favorite thing is when she's alone with ellington and they can be gross together.

byeol nan is just so cute and nice and pretty and tiny and ellington just has a lot of feelings for her, okay?? he celebrates her little victories like "hey you stubbed your toe and only cried for 20 minutes??? coolio" and he's always bragging about her to his family and friends. even though they aren't together often, he loves sending her dumb and ugly snapchats. she's on his mind a lot, and he'll often google their latest debate on whether battlestar galatica or star trek was better. ellington really likes her and gets all sappy and emotional, and he loves iris so he's always playing their songs and dancing along and watching their love performances and he's like their number 1 fanboy.

behind the scenes

username — -hatchin
nickname / what can i call you? — ivy
activity rating — ten/ten
comments/suggestions — weeps dorry this took so long

scene requests
❀ ⋮byeollie and elli doing cute lil domestic things like shopping for household items and doing laundry together.
❀ ⋮elli meeting beyollie's family.
❀ ⋮elli, mabel, and dae ho all go to iris's comeback concert and get in an argument over who can cheer the loudest
❀ ⋮jackson getting jealous about elli calling byeol nan so much and he tells him, "yah noonan's spending time with me! you've had your time with her!!"

password — hello venus ; sticky sticky
dalshabet ; be ambitious


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hoduken #1
she is cute
he is hot
they are cute

sorry- started stalking and i saw this badboy