Sick ^~^

Hey, so it's 4:18am here in England and I've been wide awake all night...i managed to get at least an hours sleep..

I was home yesterday throwing up, I was up most of Wednesday night throwing up and when my mum agreed to allow me to stay home I fell asleep as I was so drained but when I woke up I still felt off but I felt better than I had done so I was definite I would be going to school today but I have been up most the night fighting the urge to be sick, my head is spinning, my body aches- i can't move my right shoulder as everytime I go to move it a sharp pain shoots through my whole body, my back isn't much better in fact it's worse.. My stomach is doing summersaults and I have that feeling in my throat to indicate I will throw up soon..but I don't know whether to ask for today off aswell....

Because I honestly don't think I will be able to sit in class feeling the way I am right now.....


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Oh my god are you okay?
Btw I am also in England which part are you in I'm in London
Anyway go to the doctor and check that you are okay
ha ha ha ha ha